Thursday, December 11, 2008

Special technique

Want to know a good technique to make your mom get mad when she is ready (and late) to go to work?

Step # 1

Go under the bed....

Step # 2

Come out under the bed

Step # 3
Go under the bed again....

Step # 4

Come out under the bed....

Step # 5

Shake your ears...

Step # 6

Then, tell her you are ready to go!

It takes only a few minutes but I guarantee it works every time!

Have a good night




Suzuki said...

Hehe. I like to hide in the walk in wardrobe. Mum is too busy trying to get my brother and sister out of the room and then I sneak behind her and head for the closet :) She is starting to catch on to me know though and checks the closet before she shuts the door :( All I want is a little bit of peace and quiet away from my brother and sister...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Good JOB!

Before Mom stopped khrating me when she left, I used to dash around so she had to chase me to khatch me!

She finally got smart and just kept me on my leash when I khame in from my last time out -

Then she got smarter and stopped making me go in the box!

PeeEssWoo: ALMOST the weekend and extra time with our moms!!!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Haha! I'll try that tomorrow!
Thanks for sharing the tips.

Islay said...

That is an impressive technique Lorenza! I used to engage in all kinds of mischief, but now I can't be bothered to leave my bed even when my human comes home, unless she's bringing ham or something....mmmmm

licks & puppy love,

Alli and Frankie said...

Where do you go when your mommy goes to work? Do you go with her? Do you stay home alone? I hate to be home alone!
:) Frankie

Thor and Jack said...

Ótima técnica, Lorenza!
Eu deixo minha mãe louca antes de sair (atrasada) para trabalhar me escondendo embaixo da cama dela. Ela é obrigada a me tirar de lá e eu torno isso difícil para ela hehe
Uau! Você recebeu muitos cartões! Gostei da maneira como você mostrou eles para nós.
Bons sonhos!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza! I like that special technique! You're so smart! I'd try it, but I don't fit under the bed any more. That is an AMAZING picture of you shaking your ears!!!

Your friend,

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

We like the way your ears shake. I (Hershey) sometimes annoy Mama when she is getting ready to go to work. When she puts her clothes that she wants to wear to work sometimes I lay on them.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Huskee and Hershey said...

Great technique Lorenza!
Mom and Hershey still go through the 'catch me if you can' game evey morning. Hershey needs to be in 'jail' when the parents are at work because she's proven that she can't be trusted!

Randi said...

Awww Lorenza!! I bet your mom loves to play that game with you! Especially when she's late for work! Makes the mornings so much more fun & stress free!

Love your jammies!

love & licks,

The Musketeers said...

Great technique Lorenza !
You're so funny !

Scottie the 'Cutie' said... look so cute shaking your ears and distracting your Mom! These days Mom gets more distracted by the pups than me...LOL! Hope you have a great day!


Raising Addie said...


Good Job Lorenza!

I can still fit under the bed so I will give it a try!


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
That's a good one. I'd do anything to spend a couple more minutes with mom.
I love the picture of you shaking your ears. Your adorable.
Love Ruby

Asta said...

What gweat advice..only pwoblem is I don't have magnificent eaws like you
smoochie kisses

L said...

heheheh....we like your trick. Our girl told us not to get any naughty ideas from you - that if we pulled that trick she would lock us under the bed until she came home from work! Glad your mom is nicer than that!
Comet and BLU

Franny said...

Lorenza, you're so silly! I think that is the best way to make my mom mad - especially when she's running late! I couldn't stop laughing at the picture of you shaking your ears!


the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, sometimes you can be a little bit naughty! hee hee! we like it. we have methods to drive our mom crazy too. humans need this.


Bee Bee said...

Dear Lorenza

That's irritably cute hehe! I shall try it with my sister soon ;)

Bee Bee

Aki and Poopie said...

that looks fun Lorenza, I dont think i can do that though on account of my humongous size.. haha..

but it sure is worth a try.. BOL...

drooly kisses,


Duke said...

We agree, Lorenza! We dillydally about doing our business too when the hoomans are getting ready to go out!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bobby said...

You are a sneeky girl, we dont hide we are frightend we miss out on a treat. Have you got a speacial dress for Christmas day?

Yogui said...

Arf, arf, arf... qué buena técnica par desespero de nuestros bipes... a mi me gusta correr al pilla pilla con ellos alrededor de la mesa del salón y nunca me atrapan ;-D
¡Menuda sacudida de orejitas!
Un muy fuerte Patiabrazo

Noah the Airedale said...

Awww you look cute shaking your head Lorenza.
We're glad your mean mailman is behaving better this year. You've got lots of cards there already. We can see ours...woo hoo.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Daisy said...

You know some real good games, Lorenza!

Dexter said...

Hee hee. I do the same thing except I go in and out the back door. Your ears are HUGE! Wow!


Melito said...

Guauuuuuuu Lorenza me has dejado sin ladridos, que gran atleta estas hecha ;)!
Tu técnica seguro que es fruto de muchos años de entrenamiento (se nota eh?), chapeau!!
Un lameton bien grande guapa!

Stella said...

Its just your way of keeping Mom at home, isn't it, Lorenza? No one could blame you for that!

I like the temperature things we put up and mostly I like your numbers better than mine. It was very cold last night when we went to bed, 11 below zero F.!


kishiko said...

Hi Lorenza!
Good job!
I really like your happy ears!
wags wags

Casper and pals said...

You are silly!

Lady Kaos said...

hehe My sister does that when Grandma is running late! You silly dacshunds!!

River said...

You can't leave yet--you're still in your pj's!

Thank you for your kind words about Sasha. It helps so much hearing from our friends.

love & wags,

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrr Lorenza
that looks like to much fun Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Joe Stains said...

You aren't even dressed yet Lorenza! LOL I sure don't like going under the bed, but anything to annoy the people!! :)

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh nottie lorenza... what a cute act.

i might try that out

☮momoKo said...

Hi Lorenza!You are so busy tonight.

Petra said...

Haha! Lorenza, you know how to have fun while you're helping your mom learn patience! You are funny, funny, funny!

The Army of Four said...

I like that! I don't think I'd fit under there, though. Woo.

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Hehe! I used to do that when I first came to live with Mom. But that didn't last long, once I realized that she always comes back. Now, when she starts getting my bowls ready, I go straight to my crate without mom even asking me!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is great.. We are sure Mom still loves you just the same. She gets to spend a bit more time with you..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lenny said...

A good strategy Lorenza! I will try it!

Your friend, Lenny

Kelli said...

Hi Lorenza!
That is a great technique! Owner Girl always takes me out before she goes to work so when I know she is running late I like to take an extra long time finding the perfect potty spot!

Mack said...

Another they hate is when they are just about to step out the door and you poop on the carpet!

Doctor Dre said...

hi Lorenza! you sure have some cool tricks there. you know what i do? i don't even wake up when mom goes to work. take care! D

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

You are just too cute Miss Lorenza!

Sarah K. said...

We aren't allowed in the bedroom so we can't do that, but sometimes we hide under the table when we think we are in trouble.

Kathryn and Ari said...

Great technique, Lorenza! And I must say, it is much classier than Ari's, which usually involves knocking over a plant or vomiting on the kitchen floor!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Oh, dear. I bet your mommy wasn't too happy with that but we doggies gotta do what we doggies gotta do sometimes.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Anonymous said...

Hi again, Lorenza! I have an award for you - it's on my blog. I'm glad I came by again to see those cute pictures.


BrandytheGreat said...

Whoa, new technique! Must try! Thanks for the tip, Lorenza!

Sharon said...

Good visuals with the lesson! What a cute model!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are just so cute!

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO Lorenza

What a great idea to spend more time with our Mom! We will try it tomorrow when she tries to leave for work!
Thor and Marco Polo

Hana said...

I like your 6 step technique! So smart!

Sami & Baylee said...

Lorenza your too funny!

xoxox Sami

Koobuss said...

That is brilliant, Lorenza! I don't think that I could do that though because I can't shake my ears. Also, my mom doesn't have to go to work any more, so I really don't need to do anything like that. But I really like it. You are so clever.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Snowball said...

You sure is good at irritating your mum but I dun think she will be angry with you.


Lindsay said...

Ha! Good job, Lorenza! I don't know why these people insist on going out to work all the time. Oh, The Girl is saying something about how expensive dog food and treats are. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything... She always babbles about stuff that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about!

Brown dog kisses,