Last night... or early this morning my mom was working on the computer until 3AM. Of course we slept until 9AM. We went to my grandparents house, I had my breakfast and then my mom said she was going to our house to clean it. She thought I was going to stay with my grandparents while she was working but I wanted to go back hom with her. Big mistake!
As soon as we came, she took out of the closet the orange vaccum monster which scares me a lot. I don't have many places to hide myself here so, I went where I thought it was safe... but the scary monster found me! Hmmm...

Please mom... take it away...

She said no... and I went to a safe place...

Not so safe place since the monster found me.
I never thought it could come here under the bed!

When I heard my mom placing the monster again into the closet, I came out... and went up to the bed and...

Finally enjoyed a long, nice and relaxing nap!
Have a good night