Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A saw a kitty!
Have a good night
Monday, October 27, 2008
It is cold!
My mom is afraid the next couple of days are going to be stressing. The big bosses are coming for the annual visit to supervise the plant. I hope she does not come home tomorrow in a bad mood! Paws crossed!
Have a good night
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My prize!

The last month Mona had a kitty cat contest. "Who belongs to who?" and I won! Today the mean mailman came to deliver my prize!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008

Lady Kaos and River tagged me for the 7 x 7 game.
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
1. Going to a dog park
2. Going to a place where I can run free
3. Eat all the food I want
4. Going to a pet store
5. Taking my mom on a long trip
6. Poo outside my house (ha!)
7. To go to a beach
7 Things I Do Now
1. Pee and poo inside my house
2. I take lots of naps during the day
3. Squeak my toy ball in the middle of the night
4. Lay on the newspaper when my mom is reading it
5. Sleep under covers even if it is too hot
6. Cry for help if I can’t reach my ball under the couch
7. Choose the dress I want to wear every day
7 Things I Can't Do
1. Going to work with my mom
2. Eat all the food I want
3. Tricks
4. Going out off leash
5. Countersurfing (for obvious reasons)
6. Have as many baths as I want
7. Get all the treats I want
7 Things That Atract Me to The Opposite Sex
1. Eyes
2. Long legs
3. Butt
4. Sense of humor
5. Happy tail
6. White teeth
7. Furry fur
7 Things I say Most Often
1. I am hungry
2. I want that thing you are eating
3. I want a bath
4. Time to go out
5. Can we play??
6. I am going to take a nap
7. Give me a minute… (and run to go potty)
7 Celebrities That I Admire
1. All the ones
2. who have
3. dogs, cats, hammies or birds
4. and give them
5. all the love
6. and attention
7. they deserve
7 Who Get to do this now
1. Anyone
2. who
3. didn't
4. yet
5. and
6. would
7. like to