Looking at this face... do you think I am happy?? Of course not!
Let me explain you. Last Monday night, my mom noticed I had made "mushy poop". She thougth I had eaten something that I should not.
Tuesday morning, we she went to work, she told my Grandma to keep an eye on "my bussiness". In the afternoon, my poop was not so liquid so my mom thought I was ok.
Wednesday my Grandma called my mom to work to tell her my poop was again mushy and that I had been like sad during the day. My mom called my Vet to make and appointment and he told her to take me there at 5 pm. There we went and... OMD! First, he checked me from nose to tail. Then, he stole my blood. Then, he went away to run the test. He came back. Everything looked normal. A light dehydration and something that indicated to him an infection. And here it came an injection.
The worst part? DIET!
First he said "Nothing tonight".... WTF??? And for the next 3 days, no kibble, no veggies, no treats! Only twice a day a special food that comes in a can and more antibiotics.

Special food and antibiotics...
When we came home I asked my mom for my dinner. No luck! Then I asked her for me treat. No luck! I was starving! I went to sleep with my tummy empty!
This morning, my mom put that "special food" in my bowl and... and... EWWWW!
I did not like the smell of it and it looked disgusting!
Fortunatelly, my Grandma had boiled rice and chicken in the fridge! My mom washed my bowl and put it there the homemade food and.... YUMMY!

Homemade food... boiled rice and chicken!
Today, my poop "looked" better and I played with with my ball again!
I hope these 3 days go away fast because I am missing my veggies and my treat!

This is what I did when my mom said "Sorry Lorenza, no treat for you tonight"!
Have a good night