Many of you have been showing us your tongues and I want to show mine. My mom had to look in all her files because there are not many pictures of me showing it. These are the ones we have!
Bentley and Niko tagged me to share 7 weird things about me. This is hard because I DON'T DO WEIRD THINGS! (Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)
1.- I like to sleep on a pillow and with another pillow over me.
2.- When my grandma gives me my veggies at noon, I eat them with my right front leg lifted. I don't do this with my breakfast or dinner.
3.- I love my clothes. During the summer because that means walking time and during the winter because they keep me warm and I am always freezing.
4.- I don't have a problem getting my nails clipped by my vet, but if he tries to polish them I act like if he is trying to kill me!
5.- I always want my mom to carry me in her arms. As soon as I see her I ask for this. My mom says that I am a little bit heavy to go around carrying me.
6.- I love my mean mailman. I always pee pee when he comes to my house. (BTW he brought me 17 cards today!)
7.- I am not good with commands but I understand many words. If my grandma says "three" I run to the kitchen because that means "cheese" and she always gives me 3 little pieces. If my mom says "lets go" I run to my closet to choose the dress I want to wear for my walkie. If my mom says "to sleep" I run to the door ready to go to my bed.
Have a good night