I am still mad...

Can you see my nails?? Or... what is left of them??
Everything started tuesday night. My mom gave me my dinner around 11:30 pm. More than 4 hours than usual. I went to sleep. Next morning... yesterday... she went to work without giving me my breakfast... and told my grandparents to not give me anything...and I thought WTF??... It was supposed she was going to come back around 10 am. She did not. I had to wait until 11:30 am. She came and took me to see my Vet. No food and a visit to the Vet? Something was wrong. As soon as we were there, my Vet took me to a room. I got a shot... and minutes later I was sleeping and she had the nerve to leave me there! While I was sleeping, he cut my nails to a minimum, cauterized them and applied a wax on them. Then, he cleaned my toofies and to finish the torture, he cleaned my ears too because I had an infection!
My mom came 3 hours later and I was not completelly awake so he told her to come back in one more hour. She went to buy some things and came back again at 4:30... and I was not ready yet! She waited one more hour. Then my Vet told her that I was in the shivering process but that I could go home but she needed to be very careful until I was fully recovered.
My first revenge came when she tried to grab me... I tried to bite her! My Vet told her it was a natural reaction.... haaa!
Then back at home, I had to wait until I was very alert to get my dinner! And I was starving!
My second revenge...

Two big oily stains in her new comforter!
I needed to rub my ears... that BTW were full of a nasty ointment... and that was a perfect place to do it!
She applied serveral products to clean it... without luck.
I guess she is going to have that remainder... forever!

Here I am planning my next revenge!
Have a good night