Friday, December 5, 2008


No churros for me..... hmmmm

Potato chips for me?..... No! Just licking the crumbs....

Have a great weekend!

My grandma had to go out to run some errands so, my grandpa, my mom and me, went out for a nice walkie this afternoon. It was a little cold but I enjoyed it. When we came back, my grandma had come too. She brought churros! My mom loves them. She ate 3 in a row... and she did not give me! Then, she wanted something salty. She ate potato chips.... and she did not give me! She just gave me the bag to lick the crumbs. Hmmmm....! Then, I told her to go home because if not she would go on eating and eating!

The weekend is almost here! I hope you all enjoy yours!

Have a good night


Homer said...

Hi Lorenza,

I've just finished reading your blog... Wow! I think you are a cute puppy and I think you put on a little bit of weight on your belly as you grow and I think it's cute. My daschund friend Lilly is too skinny. Missus always try to feed Lilly when she gets to see her.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading your blog. It's very interesting and goofy at times. Please don't stop blogging, OK?

PS: HAve you received my Christmas Card?

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO Lorenza

We are very very sad that your Mommy didn't share the Churros with you! But we love your new sweater coat! It's very cold here we think we need sweaters like yours!
Thor and Marco Polo

Niamh said...

You look like you kept toasty warm in that nice sweater Lorenza. I like potato chips too and I never get them either - just the crumbs in the bag. It must be a conspiracy! Have a great weekend.

Your friend,

Brownie said...

No te diero churros? Como es eso?????

Espero que tengas un buen fin de semana!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza! I wanted to tell you thank you for your nice comment on my blog when I was sick. I'm feeling much better now, and I've been enjoying reading your blog and looking at all the pictures. You have so many clothes! I especially like the picture of you in your pretty blue dress with the pink flowers. But the picture I like best is the picture of those churros! They look delicious! I hope you get one next time. I'll keep my paws crossed for you!


Lacy said...

w0-0f's Lorenza, me likes chips too, mama says me is a junk eating doggie...

b safe,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Today's sweater looked fantastikh on woo!

That was soooo mean of your mom - not even a little bite?



i said...

Hi Lorenza! Just some crumbs? Gee...Those churros look really yummy! What are they? They sure look like one of the croissants we have here.

Thank you for your lovely card!

Have a great weekend!

Toby said...

Those Churros look SO good! Maybe you can send me one?? Maybe even a crumb or two?


River said...

That looked like a nice warm sweater! My mom has just discovered churros!! She says she can eat may ONE a month they are so rich. She gets the caramel filling (there is also strawberry, at the Esperanza Bakery). At least you got the bag to lick--that was something. Stay warm!

Thank you for the Christmas card. My mom is just getting her sent out.

love & wags,

Noah the Airedale said...

Never mind Lorenza. It does look very yummy though. Maybe your mum will give you a nice doggy treat over the weekend.


Princess Eva and Brice said...

Is that a new sweater? You're always such a fashion statement.

Princess Eva

Suzuki said...

Hi Lorenza
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's very nice to meet you. I hope you drop by again soon.
Big licks to you

The WriggleButts said...

Have a great weekend, Lorenza! Mom don't ever let me have any potato chips either. Apparently us dogs can swallow one whole and get cut in the throat because they need to be chewed..


Duke said...

Your chips look so yummy, Lorenza! We think your mom should have shared with you - just a smidge!
Your sweater is beautiful!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bobby said...

John is cruel to me but only crumbs that is bad. I have just realised there is a picture of you naked.

kishiko said...

Hi Lorenza!
Ohhh, churros look very yummy! That is too bad that you couldnt get any. But your mom is right it looks salty for us.
I love your Christmas tree! It is big and very beautiful! My tree is very small...

Deefor said...

Hi Lorenza
You have really nice sweaters you were modeling this week. I guess we have to be happy with crumbs (sigh)


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

What a beautiful sweater - did your Mom make that one too?

Have a great weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Faya said...

Churros ? You said Churros ??? I love Churros !!!!
Hummm your pullover looks so warm ... I should have one like this this morning in the snow...
Kisses, Faya

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh looked amazin' in ur sweater and those Churros looked like wonderful...are they like donuts? Deep fried with cinnamon?? Yummers...I can't believe they didn't share some with ya, but at least you got some of the chip crumbs!!

Your tree looks pawfect...did you get the lights working again???

Love you lots!


Stella said...

Hi Lorenza:

Thank you for visiting my don't know but we have been visiting you for quite a while. We want to know what new duds your Grandma made you, and outfits like sweaters and coats. You are very beautiful and deserving of such lovely things.

See you again, Lorenza,



Amber-Mae said...

The Churros look really yummy! Oh guess what? My Mommy has gone back to her eating like a piggy habit again. How to make her stop????

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Yogui said...

¡Jolín! ¿con lo buenos que están los churros y no te han dejado probar ni una mijita?, y para colmo de males solo te dejan los restitos de la bolsa de patatitas.... Mmmm esto hay que arreglarlo de alguna forma, pensaremos en ello, de momento unos grandes y fuertes "pawhugs" para consolarte.

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, that's too bad that your mom wouldn't share with you. she's probably trying to keep you on your diet, but that is no fun at all. well, potato chip crumbs are better than nothing. at least you got a taste.


Myeo said...

We love chips too but mom says its not good for us cos it is way too salty...hmmph.

Boy n Baby

Raising Addie said...

Lorenza that last pictures of you is wonderful!

I swear you are talking to us!


Isis said...

yes the crumbs are better than nothing!

Mack said...

Now my mouth is watering!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
I love your sweater.
You have the best smile. You are always so happy.
See you soon.
Love Ruby

Juno said...

Lorenza!! Wow, your tree and christmas stockings are so pretty!!!!!

Our mom said she used to love Churros!! She still loves it but doesn't know where to get in Toronto. We wonder if we can make it at home.

Momo & Pinot

Copito said...

mmm churrosss, mmm papas... son la clase de cosas que mami dice NO y papi me da a escondidas!!!


T-man Angel said...

You look very smart in that white sweater coat!!

Those churros look good. Thanks for the translation too...I've never heard of them! At least you got some crumbs, so got a bit of taste of the goodies. I know you're too much of a lady to beg for those snacks!

T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel

Baily said...

hi lorenza,

sorry you didnt get to have any churros, but those crumbs look pretty yummy too.

hope you are having a grrreat weekend

nose licks

Myeo said...


We have drop you an email :)

Boy n Baby

Thor and Jack said...

Olá Lorenza!
Você ficou tão linda com a sua nova sweater!
Que pena você não ter experimentado aqueles churros! Eles parecem deliciosos!
Aqui todos adoram churros, mas a mamãe nunca trouxe para mim :(
Nem um pedacinho...
Espero que seu final de semana seja excelente!
Thor, xoxo

The Zoo Crew said...

Our mama loves churros too!

Aki and Poopie said...

hmmm. the churros looks nice. is it delish? we hope you get to eat it next time.

love the dress, as usual

drooly kisses,


L said...

Our girl loves churros too, and never shares them. Your tree looks lovely.

We just got your card yesterday. What a cute idea for a card! Thank you so much!
Comet and BLU

Rambo said...

that is such a beautiful sweater...once again. You are such the fashionista.
I bet those potatoe chip crumbs were good. Better than nothing!
have a great weekend

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a beautiful dress you have on!
To bad you didn't get any of those churros. At least you got a few potato chip crumbs.. We got popcorn last night. Mmm way yummy..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Joe Stains said...

We love Churros too, we can get them here in AZ at lots of places. We like chips more tho :)

Asta said...

That is a bootiful churros fow you???that's unfaiw..they look delicious!
stay wawm
smoochie kisses

the Corgi Girls said...

We love your cable knit sweater!!!!

M & I

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those churros sure look good! And you look very fashionable in your outfit today!

well this sucks said...

Lorenza your sweater is so pretty!
We got a new sweater from the animal shelter and we thought of you!!

Dexter said...

Lorenza -
That sweater looks nice and warm. I'm sure you enjoyed your walkie.


Chef said...

It's inevidible, Lorenza - the better the treat, the less they share it with us! You've been wearing the nicest sweaters lately. My mom especially loves this one! You are always so pretty.


Katie and Gizmo said...

Hi Lorenza,

What are churros? They look kinda strange but tasty!
I like potato chips too.


Sharon said...

It looks like you had a good day, Lorenza! I loooove churros, too- it's too bad you didn't get any. Your sweater is really cute though!

Sharon and Dobbs

Pedro said...


Oh churros! Leah loves them!!! I'd like to try one but my mom says they're too sweet for me. Not fair!


Lindsay said...

Yum, churros! And potato chips! The Girl wouldn't have shared any with me, either. Maybe a crumb.

Brown dog kisses,

The Army of Four said...

Those look SO GOOD! YUM!