Wednesday, October 3, 2012

(Inter)National Taco Day....

Happy Taco Day to all of you!


Aaaaand then again....
I have to take a bloggy break
My mom has to take some mandatory training courses. She comes home much later than usual.
My grandma will go to Mexico City to see my Auntie Rosa who is battling the evil "C".
My mom has to take care of my grandpa and me.
My internet is not working very fast.
There are not enough hours in a day...

Take care
I hope to return soon


Two French Bulldogs said...

We have a feeling you have the best tacos in Blogville
Benny & Lily

Cole said...

Happy Taco Day, Lorenza! I hope everything goes ok and you're back real soon.

Millie and Walter said...

Those tacos look delish. We will miss you on your break but completely understand.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! It means No Walkie for you. Will miss you. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Teddy Bear said...

Those tacos are making us drool. We'll miss you while your gone. Love Teddy Bear and Sierra

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Take a break, we'll be waiting.

houndstooth said...

Your tacos look so tasty!

I hope that your aunt beats her cancer and your family is back together soon!


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Lorenza, those tacos sure do look good. Maybe when your mom gets back, she'll make lots more to share. yum. yum.

Scooter said...

Lorenza, looks like you showed that Taco who is boss!! BOL
We hope to see you again soon.

jazzi and Addi

Hannalei said...

TACOS!! I love, adore, NOMZ on tacos. Yours look delish! :)

I hope your Mom does wonderful on her courses and your Grandma has safe travels to Mexico City to see your Auntie. Prayers for your Auntie to over come the evil "C"

Sarah & le Weens

Sankissjuice said...

Wowie, your tacos look so yummy, perfect for a doggie, with all that meat!!!! I am your new follower. Came over from Jazzi.


ShellePenn said...

Those look AMAZING!!! :) We are super jealous... and now very hungry...

We will miss you while you are gone... but are so happy your mom is such a great person and loves her family so much.

xx kisses until we see you again xx

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you, Lorenza! Enjoy your tacos!!

Duke said...

We are so happy to see that you're celebrating taco day too, Lorenza!

We'll miss you!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

ThePainterPack said...

Ummmm good! Those tacos look soooo scrumptious! Tell your mommy to take care of herself and try to relax a bit! We will miss you but understand! Take care beautiful Lorenza!!

Finn said...

Speedy recovery for your auntie!! And hope we see you again real soon. Enjoy the taco!

Lovable Lily said...

Love your tacos Lorenza! They sure looked really yummy.

We will see you when you get back to Blogville.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Have a terrific Taco Thursday Lorenza.
Best wishes Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Pleeeeeze hurry back! Your tacos look delish!

Paws crossed fur Auntie Rosa!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Lorenza you are really woofing down the taco.
Sweet William The Scot

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Lorenza Ernie and I have our paws crossed fur your Auntie.

I just KNEW you would have WONDERFUL Tacos fur the big day. Thank you fur SHARING with US..

I will miss you while you are helping your mom with her training and taking good care of your beloved grandpa.
Please PLEASE hurry back though.

Fred said...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Those are some very tasty looking tacos, Lorenza. Enjoy.

Poor Mom and poor Grandma. We hope the courses are done soon and go well for your Mom. Paws crossed for your aunt. We will miss you, but we do undersatnd.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and LIghtning

How Sam Sees It said...

Take care, Lorenza - we will keep your aunt in our prayers.


Jo's World said...

Just some good wishes to all of your family and hoping you will all get along just fine. You and Grandpa be good to each other, Lorenza!


Sketching with Dogs said...

Ooooh, we are loving the pictures of all the tacos today!
You look as though you are enjoying that very much Lorenza.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Ruby said...

Oh, Your tacos looks amazin' Lorenza! Sure looks like you enjoyed em'!
I'm so sorry to hear abouts your Auntie Rosa...I'll be keepin' my paws crossed for her to kick the evil 'C''s #ss!!!



The Army of Four said...

Well, the day isn't over yet, but there have been NO tacos for me and Zim yet. This is NOT FAIR!
Take good care of your mom!

Asta said...

Sweet Lowenza
I'm sowwy you have to take a bweak again..huwwy back to us. guess what, I had a taco fiwst one evew, and boy was it hawd to find the ingwedientses hewe in Hungawy, but sooo wowf it
smoochie besos

Poppy said...

Happy taco day! I'm glad you got to enjoy some yummy tacos.


Ellen Whyte said...

We LOVE tacos! We'll miss you. Look after yourself, ok?

Dachshund Nola said...

Yummy! I hope everything goes good with your family

PoochesForPeace said...

Yumm!! We hope you and your family stay happy and safe and not too busy during this break. We'll be here when you get back :)

C said...

taco day? no one told us.... we missed it! guess we will have to celebrate late...but we do have a rule: no beans for dogs.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Those tacos look super yummy. I will miss you Lorenza, I hope everything goes ok and you can come back soon.

Loveys Sasha

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Oh nooooooo! It was international taco day and we missed it?!?

You and your family are in our thoughts. We hope that everything turns out fine.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. We just got caught up on your blog posts.

Mary Lou said...

Oh my!! Something tells me that I should have had more than just bread for lunch!! With all of these National Taco Day posts in Blogville, I am getting hungry!! hee, hee, hee.... ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Bocci said...

Sorry we're late on wishing you a Happy Taco Day, Lorenza and family! Sounds like your Mom has a lot of work ahead of her, and we wish her good luck.

We'll anxiously await your return!

Wyatt said...

Well, that looked yummy! See you when you get back, Lorenza.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Oorvi said...

Hi Lorenza,

Those tacos made me drool. If I come over, will your mom make some for me?

I am back into the blogosphere once again and hope to stay (you know who says, we could - so I'm trusting her, at least at the moment!)

Last I visited you were recuperating from your operation. I am so happy that you are back to normal:)

See you around...

Licks n wags,

Oorvi said...

Hi Lorenza,

Those tacos made me drool. If I come over, will your mom make some for me?

I am back into the blogosphere once again and hope to stay (you know who says, we could - so I'm trusting her, at least at the moment!)

Last I visited you were recuperating from your operation. I am so happy that you are back to normal:)

See you around...

Licks n wags,

Pia said...

happy taco day!

0h my parents love tacos and this stuff. mmmh yammy! looks delicious.

we are looking forward to hearing from you and your family soon!

kisses meanwhile

kishiko said...

Hi Lorenza!
What a nice taco day!
Say good luck and take care to your mom!

Clive said...

The tacos look great, Lorenza!

We hope you're back soon. Best of luck to your Mom and family.

take care
Clive & Murray

sonia a. mascaro said...

Looks the tacos are delicious! Love your photos, dear Lorenza.

I hope you are back soon. All the best to your family.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Ah! I forgot to send you and your Mom hugs and kisses!

Kippy Marrie said...

Lorenza amiga querida.
Depois de alguns problemas, tive que infelizmente ficar afastada.
Mas com a GRAÇA DE DEUS, a força de minha FAMÍLIA QUERIDA e de AMIGOS MUITO ESPECIAIS, como voce por exemplo, hoje posso estar aqui e aos poucos vou retornando o que tanto gosto de fazer e me alegra... O BLOG DA KIPPY.

AMIGA QUERIDA... Obrigada por suas orações, preocupações, pensamentos positivos e tudo de melhor direcionado a mim e a Kippy.

Aproveito para desejar um FELIZ DIA DAS CRIANÇAS e EXCELENTE final de semana com direito a feriado.
Conte sempre comigo.

Fiquem com o Papai do Céu.
Aus 1000 e Beijos 1000 das amigas do Brasil com amor e gratidão a voce....


Chicco said...

Tacos.... mmmm i have to eat them!!!
I hope everything goes ok with your family, Lorenza.
have a nice weekend.
Woof, woof,



YUM! We love Tacos!
Take care of you and your family.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello lorenza its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy belayted taco day!!! mmm tacos!!! hope to see yoo agin soon!!! ok bye

Islay said...

Hi Lorenza - that has to be the best holiday ever, yum! Have a good trip and a great week!


Juno said...

Taco Day is so pawfect!!

Hope all is well with your family!

Momo & Pinot xo

Amber-Mae said...

Lorenza! Remember me? MMMMM dayummmm those tacos look amazingly delicious!

Solid Gold Dancer

Cappy the Eskie said...

Querida Lorenza, ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!
Deseándote buena salud, felicidad y muchos vestidos más hermosos.

Besos y abrazos,
Cappy Y Ollie

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

Thank you for the birthday wishes! We realized that you had a birthday the other day. Happy Belated Birthday. November is a really good month, isn't it?

Love -


sonia a. mascaro said...

Dear Lorenza,
Just stopping by to say hello!
I hope all is fine with you and your family.

Bobby said...

My Dear Friend, Hope all is well with you and your family, thank you for asking after me I am feeling much better, I have to go back to the Vet tomorrow for a check. take care. Love Bobby

Oskar said...

We miss you Lorenza!

Nubbin wiggles,

sonia a. mascaro said...

Just stopping by to say that I miss you so much dear Lorenza!
How are you? I hope all is well with you and your family.
Many hugs and kisses.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

We are stopping by to say hello and that we were thinking of you and your family.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Mary Lou said...

Where in the world is Lorenza? I miss you, Friend. ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Lorenza those tacos look DELISH!

I hope you and yours are doing well, I was thinking bout you and

I wanted to wish you and your family a




woos, Tessa

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Hi sweet Lorenza!

We hope youare all well and that you have happy holidays. Thank you for stopping by and leaving kind words for our brofur Junior.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Hi dear Lorenza,
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
Kisses and hugs,

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hugs Alessandra

Chicco said...

Merry Christmas dear Lorenza
and a 2013 full of happiness and joy!!!
A big hug to all of you.
Woof, woof,

Chicco & family

sprinkles said...

Merry Christmas, Lorenza! Hope all is well with you and your family.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Holidays everyone.
Wishing you all the joy of this beautiful season.

Cappy the Eskie said...

Feliz Navidad a Lorenza y su familia.

Abrazos y besos,
Cappy y Ollie

Cappy the Eskie said...

Feliz Navidad a Lorenza y su familia.

Abrazos y besos,
Cappy y Ollie

Unknown said...

Hi Lorenza,

Just wanted to wish you a belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Haven't heard from you in ages...hope everythign is OK!

Honey the Great Dane

Lovable Lily said...

Hi Lorenza,
Where did you go? We sure do miss you!

Lily Belle & Muffin

roughseasinthemed said...

Tacos sound good to me.

que tiempo (por mi parte) espero que todo vaya bien con vosotros



The Black and Tans. said...

We wish you a very happy and healthy New Year.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Missing you, sweet Lorenza. Happy New Year's! Thank you for your friendship and all the fun we have had.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie

World of Animals, Inc said...

Yummy, what a wonderful day to celebrate Taco Day. It looks like you were enjoying the deliciousness of the tacos. Thanks for sharing the photos. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals