Hi Lorenza, yikes that one looks like it'll sting for awhile. Hopefully it doesn't leave a mark but if it does, that's okay. I like a girl with some ouchie marks :)
Oh poor sweet Lorenza. That looks painful. Hope you are all better soon. Hugs and slobbers to make you feel better. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
OHHHHH NOOOOOO, Wots happened to yoo Lorenza ? Wots a rotten way to starts 2012. Wee sendin yoo healin vibes by da lorry load n hopes dat yor big ol Boo Boo goes aways real soon
Sarge and the Road Dogs and I are having a our PEEPS ARE FLAKES thingy going on. I REALLY REALLY wish you would tell the funny story about your mom and the Red Socks she used as SEAT WARMERS. I LOVE that story!!! BOL BOL I miss you sooooooo much. We have NOT seen any new dresses in like 87 years. OH how I miss you my dear furend.
Hola Lorenza! Wow, I'm so glad to see you, but I'm sorry you have an ouchie! A good nap will always make you feel better. Love your pretty dress! Grr and Woof, Sarge, COP
Lorenza, I'm sorry we missed your birthday! Happy Birthday! We hope the ouchie on your back is gone really, really soon! 2012 will get better! I promise! We hope you and your family are all doing well!
Hola lorenza, a pesar de tu nana les deseo un feliz año a ti y a tu familia. Se extrañan tus anecdotas diarias... Te envio un beso y te deseo una pronta recuperación. Cuídense,hasta pronto.
OHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOO Sweety!! What's happened??? Hope your Boo boo will healing soon!!! We'll keep you in our prayers and thoughts!!! Happy New Year sweety!!! We love youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Ay Ay Ay Lorenza! Que occuriste? Espero que a ti no te molesta tu espalda mucha! Lo siento si mi espanol no es perfecta pero me gusta hablar la idioma!
Oh no Lorenza, We been waiting and waiting for you to come back nd niw your hurting. Mommy wants to hold ya and kiss that nasty boo boo. Feel beter soon my deasrest lille friend.
Amiguia excuse of being a bit absent ma my mami has been a little sick of the coasts so visits to friends has been a few, I hope that already are good and that the new year 2012 sejas om for us all Turrinhas of Kika
Hi there Lorenza. Gosh we are so sorry we haven't been to visit you. Our Mom is so slack and we have had a lot of sickness here so she has been very busy too. Sorry about your ouchie. Love the picture of you all snuggled under the blanket. Hope you are doing all right other than your ouchie.
Oh dearest Lorenza. We have been away for so long, but are trying to return to blogging for 2012! Poor you! We agree - NO way to start the new year - we are crossing paws for a quick recovery and send you a ton of xoxoxoxo (kisses) and Love xoxoxo Sammie and Avalon
Poor Lorenza. I hope you feel better soon!!
Happy New Year, Lorenza. We hope your boo boo is healing well.
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Feel better soon!
Stop on by for a visit
Feel better soon!
Dachshund Nola
Poor baby...hope you feel better soon!!!
Oh Lorenza!! sorry bout that owie but I do hope you will feel better soon!!
Lorenza! We miss you and think of you everyday! Hope that owie doesn't hurt too much.
Sam and Pippen
Oh no... That is no way to start the new year. Ouchie! Take care lorenza!
Oh, you poor baby. Feel better, pretty girl!
Ouch! I hope you're feeling better soon!
Sending healing prayers!
love & wags,
I hope your ouchie feels better soon, Lorenza!
- Charlie
Hi Lorenza, yikes that one looks like it'll sting for awhile. Hopefully it doesn't leave a mark but if it does, that's okay. I like a girl with some ouchie marks :)
Oh poor sweet Lorenza. That looks painful. Hope you are all better soon. Hugs and slobbers to make you feel better. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Poor Lorenza!
We hope your back is feeling much better soon.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Waaaah! What happened Lorenza! We are happy to see you but we would have been happier if you did not have the ouchie.
Hope that the ouchie heals really soon. We miss you, Lorenza!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
Happy New Year, Lorenza! We hope you feel better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy New Year Lorenza! Hope you are felling 100% real soon!
Miss Lorenza! What is that icky boo boo? I am glad you have outfits that cover it up. You rest up and get better, OK?
OHHHHH NOOOOOO, Wots happened to yoo Lorenza ? Wots a rotten way to starts 2012. Wee sendin yoo healin vibes by da lorry load n hopes dat yor big ol Boo Boo goes aways real soon
Izzy, Uji & Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx
Oh dear Lorenza, I hope you're feeling much better!
Get well soon!
Oh no, Lorenza. We sure hope that ouchie isn't anything serious. Our paws are crossed that you are OK.
Please do have a good New Year.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Poor Lorenza! Hope you are all better soon, and 2012 improves for you!
I sure am glad that you have those warm blankets to cuddle up with! Hope you are all better soon.
Pauley James
Oh no! What happened?!? Are you OK?!?!
Oh no, Lorenza - hope your owie doesn't hurt too much :(
Feel better soon! Here's to a Happy & Healthy New Year!
Lorenza...what happened to you? You gots me all upset now! Hope you be all back to normal real soon!
Oh.....HAP-PEE NEW YEAR! Wish it was a little happier!
Sarge and the Road Dogs and I are having a our PEEPS ARE FLAKES thingy going on. I REALLY REALLY wish you would tell the funny story about your mom and the Red Socks she used as SEAT WARMERS. I LOVE that story!!! BOL BOL
I miss you sooooooo much. We have NOT seen any new dresses in like 87 years. OH how I miss you my dear furend.
What happened? We are wishing for a speedy recovery!
Oh, Lorenza, we're sorry for your ouchie. Did you hurt yourself or have surgery? We hope it heals quickly.
Happy 2012.
Hi Lorenza, so sorry to see your stitches. I hope you get better quick!
Baxter and his Mom and Dad
Hola Lorenza!
Wow, I'm so glad to see you, but I'm sorry you have an ouchie! A good nap will always make you feel better. Love your pretty dress!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
OMD...wishing you A Very Happy & Healthy New Year!
Hope you are soon feeling better.
Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx
Lorenza, I'm sorry we missed your birthday! Happy Birthday! We hope the ouchie on your back is gone really, really soon! 2012 will get better! I promise! We hope you and your family are all doing well!
Happy New Year Lorenza. Hope you are better very soon.
We hope you get better real soon and send you Best wishes of Joy, health and happiness for the new year with lots of love from Bella and Ollie
Oh Sweet Lorenza I sure is sorry that you have an boo boo. Sure looks like it hurts too. I hopes that you gets better real quick.
Have a Happy New Year!
woos, Tessa
Hola lorenza, a pesar de tu nana les deseo un feliz año a ti y a tu familia. Se extrañan tus anecdotas diarias...
Te envio un beso y te deseo una pronta recuperación. Cuídense,hasta pronto.
Oh dears, Lorenza! Sorry you have an ouchie.............butt it is wonderful to see you!!!!!
Wishing you and your family a safe and wonderful New Year, my furrend.
Love and Hugs,
Ouch, that looks like it hurts! I am so sorry! Thanks for your good wishes. I am starting to feel much better.
Your pal, PIp
Ruh roh! What happened, Miss Lorenza? Get better soon, and keep taking care of your family!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Poor dear...Get better soon!
What happened there? I hope it heals up quickly! Good to hear from you again!
Oh no! Take care, my friend....
Poor Lorenza. Well it's good to get these things over with early in the year. Now it will be smooth sailing and all fun for the rest of the year!
oh that looks like a really big ouchie! hope you feel better soon sweetheart!
dachshund kisses
Happy New Year Lorenza...we have missed your so much!!
Oh I'm so sorry you have a boo-boo.
I hope it doesn't hurt too much
Hugs From your BFFF,
Poor Lorenza! We hope that you recover soon and that it's not too serious!
Happy New Year to you and your family - we sincerely hope 2012 is a good year for you all.
- Clive and family
What's happened???
Hope your Boo boo will healing soon!!!
We'll keep you in our prayers and thoughts!!!
Happy New Year sweety!!!
We love youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Oh Lorenza!
That looks sore. Sure hope you feel better soon and 2012 improves for you.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Poor Lorenza, that doesn't look like a fun ouchie! Hope it heals up soon because that's not a good way to start out the new year.
Hope your holidays were merry!
OoH Sweet Lorenza,
I sure hopes you is all better from your owie!
Happy New Year!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Ay Ay Ay Lorenza! Que occuriste? Espero que a ti no te molesta tu espalda mucha! Lo siento si mi espanol no es perfecta pero me gusta hablar la idioma!
Owey...that is so not fair Lorenza...We hope you heal up nice and quick!!!
Happy Weekend Smileys!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
Poor Lorenza. Get better soon! Also, Happy New Year.
oh really, do you like eating a banana? that's great!
i just like playing with a banana.
dachshund hugs & kisses
Oh no Lorenza, We been waiting and waiting for you to come back nd niw your hurting. Mommy wants to hold ya and kiss that nasty boo boo. Feel beter soon my deasrest lille friend.
Amiguia excuse of being a bit absent ma my mami has been a little sick of the coasts so visits to friends has been a few, I hope that already are good and that the new year 2012 sejas om for us all
Turrinhas of
OOooooh ouch! That does not look pleasant at all! I hope you get better soon!
~Treasure the Dachshund
oh no, poor thing!! hoping you have a fast and smooth recovery - it also looks like you are being taken care of quite well, what a good mom!!
Lorenza, what did you do to yourself? Good thing you're not licking those stitches; otherwise you'd have to wear The Dreaded Cone!
I'm soooooo furry thrilled to see woo again!
Of khourse, I don't like the ouchie stuff on woo!
Hi there Lorenza. Gosh we are so sorry we haven't been to visit you. Our Mom is so slack and we have had a lot of sickness here so she has been very busy too.
Sorry about your ouchie. Love the picture of you all snuggled under the blanket. Hope you are doing all right other than your ouchie.
Lorenza hope youa re feeling much better.
Have a great weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Speedy recovery to you Lorenza! ^^;
Lorenza, I hope you are feeling better. I am so glad you remeber me and I can't wait to start sharing stories again.
Love and healing kisses Sasha
Oh, no Lorenza! What happened? Not your back, we hope!! Do post and tell us how you are feeling!
(((Hugs)) and kisses
your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
Poor you! We hope you feel better soon.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Oh dearest Lorenza. We have been away for so long, but are trying to return to blogging for 2012! Poor you! We agree - NO way to start the new year - we are crossing paws for a quick recovery and send you a ton of
xoxoxoxo (kisses) and Love xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
Hope your ouchie is all gone Lorenza... happy New YEar to all of you there. May it bring with it a lot of good and happy smiles for everyone.
woofs n licks,
Dommy + Piper
Ouchie! What happened? I sure hope you feel better soon.
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