Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The mean bird did it again...

Oh-noes! My pool!

A close inspection of the damage...

Looking for the bird... (on the ground??)

A new one!

Hmmm... and the water??

Now... I am happy again!


Thanks a lot for you good vibes. My Grandpa came home yesterday. He was feeling much better. Problem is... today he did not eat again. My Grandma has been doing everything in her hands to help him but he refuses to cooperate!
I hope the meds he is taking do the work and he gets better soon!
I do my part staying close to him all the time.

Have a good night


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe he needs some time to splash in your new pool!

Please tell him to eat so he khan stay strong and be ready fur Lorenza khysses and hugz!


Wyatt said...

Not even Ice Cream? Hope he gets his appetite back.

We like your new pool :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Anonymous said...

That sure was a meanie bird!

But your new pool is Fantastic!!!

I sure hope that your Grandpa feels better real soon! I will keep my paws crossed that he gets better real soon.

woos, Tessa

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! COOL POOL. LOVE the Shape. Continuing to send Golden Thoughts to your GrandPa. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

houndstooth said...

I love the new pool! Maybe you need a scarecrow to guard it.

I'm glad your grandpa is back home! Paws crossed that he eats soon!


houndstooth said...

I love the new pool! Maybe you need a scarecrow to guard it.

I'm glad your grandpa is back home! Paws crossed that he eats soon!


houndstooth said...

I love the new pool! Maybe you need a scarecrow to guard it.

I'm glad your grandpa is back home! Paws crossed that he eats soon!


How Sam Sees It said...

I like her little row of pawprints.


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grampa, Lorenza. I just know he'll be feeling and eating better real soon!

You better cover that pool when you're not using it. those mean birds are ot very nice!

Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Lorenza, your new pool is beautiful!! We pray your granddad starts to get his appetite back and is able to eat. Stay close to him please! Lot of love, Debbie & Holly

The Daily Pip said...

The new pool is great! My paws are crossed for your grandpa. Hope he gets his appetite back soon!

Your pal, Pip

Stella said...

Hey Lorenza!

Nice new pool! Is that all the water you want in it, just over your feets a little?

We have special nutrient product that come in fruit flavor in juice boxes. They have loads of calories (like 400 or so)and might be just what Grandpa needs. Check at your biggest pharmacy and see what you could find to tempt him with.


Sam said...

I read your last post about your grandpa and hope he feels better really soon.

Glad you got a new pool to cool off in - I'm sure it's hot where you are, it's been terrible here! I'm ready for snow!

Scooter said...

Hola Lorenza!
Wow, great new pool! I bet you'll have fun swimmies in there. Sending healing thoughts to your Grandpa so he feels better really soon.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

kalyxcorn said...

what mean birds! so glad u got a new pool and can keep your grandpa company. :)

booahboo said...

That's a really mean bird.. but helpful in a way. The bird did get you a new pool :)

If your grandpa can take rice... porridge... you can ask your momma to boil some rice with lots of water... just drink the water from the pot of rice.. it will give him strength. It works for us all here when we are too weak to eat. Hope it helps.

Our prayers for his speedy recovery.

Two French Bulldogs said...

That darn birdie! Cool new pool. We sure are Happee grandpaw is better
Benny & Lily

Asta said...

I'm so sowwy about youw Gwammpa being ill and I didn't see.
I will pway that he stawts eating and gets well vewy soon.
Those Biwds awe a weal nooosance..I can't believe they keep wecking youw pool. I'm so glad you got a new one (it's even mowe bootiful)
Cwossed paws fow youw Gwammpa and see you in Hono woowoo
smoochie kisses

rottrover said...

Maybe your Grandpa will eat chicken and rice. That's what mom gives us when we don't feel like eating...We really like your new pool - and your cute little paw prints!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Scooter said...

That is one snazzi pool Lorenza. That should help you cool off a bit. You keep taking care of grandpa and he will probably eat pretty soon.

Jazzi and Addy

Kess And Her Mama said...

Cool pool to cool down in summer! Enjoy...glad to hear yr grandpa is back. He'll need lots of TLC and you're just the canine to do the job.

Teddy Bear said...

Those mean birdies! We're so glad you got a new pool.:) We've got our paws for your Grandpa.

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Charlie said...

I'm glad your grandpa is home from the hospital and hope his stomach feels better soon.

Have fun in your new pool!
- Charlie

Ellen Whyte said...

Maybe if you offer him your biscuits? Or your pool?

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

That's a nice pool you got there, Lorenza!

I hope your Grandpa's appetite comes back soon! He gotta eat a little some some so he can give you hugs and kisses, right?


sharkgila said...

We hope your grandpa is eating well again.

That's an awesome new pool, have a splashing good time with it!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

Amber-Mae said...

What a small pool that is! And I just read your post about your gramps. I am sorry that he isn't feeling too good. I hope he starts eating soon. Atleast some plain soup or porridge?

Duke said...

We're glad your grandpa is home but he needs to start eating, Lorenza. There must be something he's hungry for - pizza, ice cream, cookies?
Your new pool will keep you cool!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Finn said...

Looks at that pool! So pretty!!! We'll keep sending good vibes to your grandpa!

Pia said...

oh no! our toughts are with you and your grandpa. hope he will eat soon!

i like your new pool very much. think it looks much better than the old one. and did you notice that your tail fits in there much better? hee hee

dachshund kiss

Elaine Pritchard said...

You are very good Lorenza. You are doing all you can.

Love and licks, Winnie

My Mind's Eye said...

Lorenza what a nice pool...I love the shape.

We'll keep G-Pa and G-Ma in our prayers and hope she finds something tasty to fix that he will eat.
Hugs Madi

Marg said...

Sure glad to hear that Grandpa is feeling a little better. But he needs to eat, that is for sure. Hope you can get him eating.
We love your new pool Lorenza. That is a perfect shape. Have a great wet day.

Niamh said...

Glad to hear your grandpa is home. We are sure that he appreciates all your attention.

Hope the mean bird doesn't get your new pool!

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Mack said...

We so hope Grandpa gets his appetite back FAST and starts to enjoy all of those delicious dishes your mom and grandma make!
Mom so wishes I liked my pool. It is a great way to cool down on a hot summer day!

Fred said...

Hooray for your new pool and for Grandpa coming home! I hope he is all better soon!

Charlotte said...

Lovin' your new pool!! So happy to hear your Grandpa is home....maybe if you share your kibble with him, he will eat?

(((hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

Remington said...

Awesome pool! I hope your Grandpa gets better soon!

Thor and Jack said...

We love your new pool, Lorenza.

Hope your Grandpa gets well very soon!

Thor and Jack

Anonymous said...

what a relief to have your pool back in good working order with the heat! And glad to hear grandpa is home and we hope he does start feeling better soon.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Lorenza, that's a very nice pool that you have. I think that the bird needs to go somewhere else. Maybe your grandpa could play a bit more with you, get hungry and then have a drink and something to eat.

Kari in Alaska said...

those mean birds need to leave your pool alone!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your Grandpa is just like Phantom, hope Grandma can work some magic today and get him to eat.

Bad birds - but glad Mom found you a new pool - splish splash = have lots of fun staying cool. We are headed to 100 today.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

Oh I love your new pool, so cute!!!

I do hope your grandpa gets to feeling better :(

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Glad you got a new pool Lorenza. A girl needs to keep cool in the heat of the summer!

Happy to hear your grandpa is home. Now tell him that he must eat to get his energy back.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and HOotie

Pippen said...

Tell your Grandpa he needs to eat because Sam and Pippen said so!

We love the new pool... maybe we need to get one too!

Sam and Pippen

Jans Funny Farm said...

What does that mean bird do to your pool? Peck holes in it? Hope the new one lasts.

We're glad your grandpa is home and hope he starts eating soon.

Homer said...

Hi Lorenza,

I'm so sorry I have not been to check your blog for a while as I have been very busy with all the moving from one place to another. I just read that your grandpa is not doing well. I hope he's doing ok and I hope he is co-operating with Grandma to eat his food! (Bad Grandpa!) Maybe your grandma should threaten your grandpa just to get him to listen to her? The Missus uses this method on Dad and it WORKS LIKE MAGIC!

Have lots of fun with your little pool and send my love to your grandparents.


Sagira said...

You sure do go through a lot of pools. But swimming is so much fun.

Glad to hear that your Grandpa is back home. Hope he starts to eat and take his meds.

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO Lorenza

What a great new Pool! We hope it keeps your cool! Hope you Grandpa gets better and eats his food too!

Hugs from Iowa, Thor and Marco Polo

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Does that mean bird keep poking holes in your pool? Shall we come down there and catch him? We are gld you have another pool to cool your paws off in!

We will keep purring for your Grandpaw!

Chicco said...


i hope that your grandpa is good.
i enjoy reading your adventure with your swimming pool.
Have a good weekend.
Woof, woof,


Daisy said...

Mean old birds!

I'm glad your grandpa is back home. I agree with Wyatt, I'll bet he would like ice creams!

Sherry said...

Sending best wishes for your grandpa's recovery. You are doing a good job of looking after him.
We hope the pool stays safe this time!
Sherry, Alanis & Miro

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Lorenza......the birds did that? I can tell ya if our pool was like that we would put holes in it with our nails.....

Sorry ta hear yer Gramps is under the's hopin' he's on the mend and is eatin' yer Gram's good cookin' now....

Stay cool !
Dewey Dewster here....