Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Good news

Today I found another priceless toy. A piece of the packing of my mom's camera. I can play with a toy like this for a long time.... until she takes it away from me!!

Do you remember the problem that my mom had with her credit card? Well, its OVER!! Today a person from her bank called to let her know that the "investigation" had been finished and she doesn't have to pay that amount. She payed the interests but they said they will credit them to her account. My mom is relieved now. And also she received her new credit card today! Can you believe that she had to wait almost 2 months for this?? Now she is happy and can start using it. I have some ideas to begin with but I am not so sure she will agree with me!!

I hope you all had a great day

Have a good night




Sharon said...

Wow, good luck to your mum. It is a terrible thing when your credit and identity are stolen. It happened to use, too. Within an hour of the theft, the card had been used three times for large purchases. How can people some people sleep at night? A dog would never do such a thing!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Lorenza,
I am glad the credit card problem has been resolved. Phew.....I hope those nasty bad hoomans have gotten their punishment for doing those bad stuffs to your poor Mom.

Unknown said...

did they catch the culprit? That is just wonderful news for your mom, and a great big relief I'm sure!! I share in your Joy... whaaaat are your plans for the new credit card?


L said...

That plastic looks like a lot of fun. I bet it makes loud noises when you chew it.

We're glad your mom's credit card is straightened out. Now she can buy you more toys. heheheh

Juno said...

Lorenza! Give your mom a long 'wish' list, ok? ;)

Momo xoxo

Deefor said...

That looks like a great toy. Glad your mom got her card fixed.

Take care.


The Brat Pack said...

Yay, we're glad that's fixed. Now you have to memorize the new number!

Joe Stains said...

lorenza, I dunno what problems your Mom had with that card but I am glad they are resolved.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are going to have fun with your mum and the new card.

I'm glad it has all been worked out now :)


Simba and Jazzi said...

You get the best toys. Mummy takes stuff like that away from me in case I hurt myself, she is so over protective. Glad your Mummy got the bank stuff sorted.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Lorenza, glad that the credit card issue is over and your mom no need to worry about it anymore. Cool new toy, have your mom taken it away from you yet?

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

I'm so glad this worry for your mom is over! Now you can celebrate with that new credit card!

Love ya lots,

Girasol said...

don't go crazy with card

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We can see you like to chew on plastic but don't chew on your mom's new credit card. She can buy you all kinds of toys and treats with it. We know that is why she needed to fix the credit card problem. She has to take good care of our sweet friend, Lorenza!

And, if you ever find those bad people who made the credit card problem, you should bite them.

Peanut said...

That packaging looks fun to play with. We are all so happy for you mom that everything is good with the credit card now.

Ferndoggle said...

Cool toy!

Thank goodness your Mom got the credit card thing taken care of. What a load off her mind.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lorenza, glad to hear that the credit card thing is sorted. Must be such a relief to your mum. J x

Kien said...

Oh am glad the credit card problem has solved now.. guess your mom will head straight to pet store to buy u some treats and toys!!.. hahaha

Golden Rossi

Amber-Mae said...

Oh yum yum! That plastic looks good to chew...Oh & that's very good news! I hope that guy will be jailed & fined too for doing that to your mommy's credit card. Hhmmppff!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Boo Casanova said...

thank goodness lorenza for your mom's credit card issue been settled. i wouldn't want to pay something that i didn't use too.

wet wet licks


Ling Ling said...

Grr meanie humans! How dare they steal your Mommy's card! :[. I'm just glad it's all resolved, and now your Mom can use her new credit card to buy YOU things :D!

Ling Ling!

ToFFee said...

hi lorenza!

wow.. that credit card incident sure is a big problem ei? my pawrents are also trying hard not to lose or have their cards stolen.. it becomes a problem here since they don't look into the signatures...


Ruby Bleu said...

Yay for your Mom Lorenza...thank doggieness! Yay!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Marie said...

Hi Lorenza! I can play with all kinds of toys my mom and roommate leave around too! They are the best! I am so glad your mom's credit card problem is fixed! My grandma and grandpa had that happen to them not too long too...the bank hellped them fix the problem too, so they didn't have to pay the money either. Yay!

Hope you have a great day!!!!


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Yay, we glads your mama got that nasty problem taken care of.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy

PreciOus said...

Dear Lorenza, I'm glad your mom got a new credit card. Does that means more new toys and treats for you soon? Hee.


Ricky Pepper said...

I am glad the credit card is fixed! Thanks for voting for me!


Frasier said...

Wow ! Glad its over !
You look very busy with your toy

Tadpole said...

Oh what a WODNERFUL new toy, Lorenza!!!

That's great news for your mom! Maybe she'll be so happy that she'll want to celebrate by buying you lots of treats and ice cream and steaks and MORE toys, you think?!

wally said...

Yay! That's so good to hear that your mom's plastic is fixed. More presents for Lorenza!


The Airechicks said...

Lorenza -

Where do you find all these great toys ???

Happy everything settled with the CC

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I received an email from Jennifer at Dogs n Us Community inviting me to join their community. They had already added my blog, without asking, without my approval. I see that your blog is also listed on this site. I am sking you to email them at jennifer@dogsnus.com and tell them to remove your blog from their site. This is a blatant rip off of our Dogs With Blogs Community and I for one do not appreciate it.

Bussie Kissies

Jessica said...

Wow, we hope that credit nightmare is over for your Mom.

Have fun playing with that priceless toy, those are the best ones.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Stanley said...


I think it's time you took that new credit card out for a spin, girl!

Goober love,

Balboa said...

WOOOOHOOOOO! ABout time, I am so happy for your mommy.

Does this mean she is going to buy lots and lots of toys and treats

Frenchie Snorts

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

Yeah!!!! We were wondering what was happening with that darned credit card. There is still hope for humanity!Yeah!!!!


Hana said...

That is great news that your mom's credit issue worked out and that she doesn't have to pay. Whew! It's funny that you mention it because I was gonna ask you in an earlier post about whether it was straightened out. Now your Mom can use that credit card to buy some presents for you, don't you think?