Friday, August 3, 2007

First video

Viva! Bravo! Hurra! This is my first video. We want to thank Jeannie, Marvin's Mom because she gave my mom instructions to upload the videos to my blog.
She was very nice making it very simple for my mom, so simple that she could understand it pretty well. This video is just a test. Its just a silly video of me playing with my chicken leg. I hope it works as well as it looked when my mom uploaded it!

Have a good night




Khady Lynn said...

You did a good job Lorenza!! Cute video! My human has a hard time getting her videos to load sometimes too. It can be difficult!


Kien said...

Hi Lorenza mommy!.. great job on uploading the video.. oh yes, thanks to Marvin's mom..

And Lorenza.. seeing u in the video.. u look so cute n really suit the same great dachie..the super sonic speeedy girl!. hahaha..

Golden Rossi

Boo Casanova said...

lorenza, you did a good job uploading the video.

well, you are teasing your mom with the squeaky - wanna let her have it, don't want to let her have it. LOl

wet wet licks


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Yay, Lorenza and your mom. We loves the video.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and little Daisy

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow...what a cute video of you and your chicken leg. Were you playing "MINE" with your Mommy. you sure tricked her when you went & got another one when finally got old chickie away from you.

Congratulations on your 1st video,
it is a winner.

Love from Mona, Jacks, Toby and our new foster brother Evander too!!

Ben & Darling said...

Hey Lorenza, you really love your chicken leg huh!!!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey girl,
I love your video!! Well we'll be getting more videos of you soon right?? :)

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh that was such a good video of you Lorenza with your chicken leg! And congratulations to you and your Mama for uploading it!

love and happy licks, Marvin xxxxxx

ps You are even "sweeter" in motion!!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Lorenza, you looks sooo cute playing with that chicken leg! Congrats on your 1st successful video! Hope to watch more vids of you soon...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Katherine and Pippa said...

You are so fast!

And even more beautiful in than on the photos.

What a cutie!

Kate and Pippa

Simba and Jazzi said...

Great video, humans always enjoying teasing us don't they.

Simba xx

Duke said...

Good thing you have all of those chicken legs! hehehehehe

Love ya lots,

Peanut said...

Hey cool that Jeannie helped. You are so cute playing with your chicken leg. I wish my mom could figure out how to put up a video but she can't even figure out how to get the computer to know there is a video camera attached

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Lorenza, you are a speeding bullet when you run! No one can catch you ... except maybe another dachsie! We love you squeaky chicken leg. If your mom wants it so bad, why does she throw it away? We have that same problem with our mom. Go figure.

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Lorenza,
You look so cute in action! The sound made by the chicken legs is really funny! hahaha


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Hola Lorenza,

Your toy sounds just like me!

xxx Asta down under

Balboa said...

Excellent job Lorenza's mommy, we loved the video, now we want to see more!!!!!!

Frenchie Snorts

Ruby Bleu said...

Yay Lorenza! Yay Lorenza Mommy!!! Woot!!! You are even more cute running around with your chicken leg and playing than in your pictures!!! Can't wait to see more!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Girasol said...

Squeaky toys ummm i love it!

Moco said...

That video makes me wish I had a chicken leg. I think your Grandma is a very talented lady. She looks like she could make about anything.
Peanut and Flash's Grammie

Lizzy said...

Aww the video won't work for me. Maybe it'll work later!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lorenza, what a great start to videoing. I'm looking forward to seeing many more! J x

wally said...

That was a lovely video of you! It's fun to watch you in motion. That's how I play, too, chasing squeakies! I especially love the parts of the video where you chase the chicken and you vanish and then you hear the squeaking, and it gets louder, and's LORENZA! Brilliant cinematography!


The Airechicks said...


You're a movie star now !!

Thank's Marvin Mom....very nice of her to help !!

More video's please...

Unknown said...

Hey there Lorenza~!

Wow, that's a pretty cool toy you got there! I simple love chicken. :]].

And how could you love baths?! Hehe. That's okay, I guess you like smelling good. :]].

L said...

Your mom did a great job of posting your video. I loved it. Comet ran around the house looking for the squeek. heheeheh. I played it over and over again to keep him confused.

Anonymous said...

I loved the video Lorenza - I play with my human mum just like that too!!


Stanley said...


Yea!!!! You are now a movie star, and your chicken leg looks so much more life-like on video!!

Marvin's mom was so sweet to help!

Goober love,

Chilli the Dog said...

Hiya Lorenza!

That's pretty cool video of you with the chicken leg. I love the sound of the squeekie! I love to play fetch with mummy too. And of course like all good dogs I love to tease my mum too just like you!

Looking forward to more videos of you soon.

Wet licks


Ferndoggle said...

Your Mom did a great job! And you are too cute playing with your chicken leg. I like watching you run!!
