Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another cheap toy

As you know I have many toys. I have to be thankfull for that. But sometimes I like to play with cheap toys like this plastic bottle. I can play with this one for hours... until something else gets my attention!

Today the hot weather gave us a break and we could go out for a walkie. I get very excited when we are able to go out and have fun chasing birds and smelling everything. I saw two cats but they didn't want to play with me, they just ran away! Later, when we almost got back to our house, there was a puddle and I just lied down! I don't want to tell you how wet and dirty my dress was!! Of course my mom was not happy! But it felt reeeeally good! As soon as we got home I had a bath! I enjoyed that too!

Have a good night




Luckie Girl said...

Hey Lorenza,
You did that on purpose didn't ya? Playing a puddle of water? hehe...

Frasier said...

Hi Lorenza,
I think you did that deliberately!
I bet you will miss your aunty Claudia !

Asta said...

I wemember that you love to get your tummy cooled off, the puddle and bath must have felt gweat..sometimes the bestest toys awe wight under your nosie.I love watching you play
Smoochie kisses

Khady Lynn said...

AAhhhh, a nice cool puddle sounds great! I don't like bath's, but I do like lakes.


L said...

Chewing on bottles is fun. It makes a lot of noise. We also like to play with the plastic plates that frozen dinners come in.

BLU likes to soak her feet in puddles (or the water dish) after a walk, but we don't lay down in water, because we hate it. Glad it helped cool your tummy.

Mike and Mati said...

Get that bottle!!!! Get it!! That looks like fun! Now I know what to do with them. Dad never did teach me that one.

Hey, when you have to cool off, you have to cool off. It's important!


José Tan said...

Hey, that was fun chewing the bottle. Pa used to stuff treats in tghe bottle and i'll spend the whole afternoon playing with it. Cool!

Joe Stains said...

Good job on the puddle, gotta keep the humans on their toes!! Tanner loves plastic bottles!

Anonymous said...

I loved your video - those plastic bottles are so much fun to play with - I love em so much I take them off the coffee table if they are left on there!!! And then you got to play in a puddle - what a perfect, perfect day!


ToFFee said...

now why would the cats run away?

I like to play with other cheap toys too but my pawrents take it away from me.. =(

I hope I can find a puddle here to soak..


Spencer said...

Hi Lorenza, Glad you got a bit of relief from the heat, I bet that was pretty funny with the puddle even if mom didn't think so!

Unknown said...

Lorenza! Look at you tail wagging go go go!

I think you just found a new to trick mama into giving you baths!!! *wink*


Urban Smoothie Read said...

i oso love cheap toys...for example, stone, leave, bottles n newspaper...

damaging them without getting scolded is most fun...

Mojo, Digger and family said...

hi Lorenza, great to meet you! thanks for dropping by. I think you are better behaved than me because I would have taken all those lovely things off the coffee table by now :)
Meet you at the next puddle

Simba and Jazzi said...

empty milk cartons are even better.

Simba xx

Balboa said...

CHEAP TOYS ARE THE BEST! Puddles of water, cool!

Frenchie Snorts

Anonymous said...

lorenza, i love love love to play with empty toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls. but mom hates cleaning up the mess i make! i turn into a paper shredder!!

Sid said...

I like to chew on the cheap toys too! My favorites are the plastic cups Mommy and Daddy buy...except they don't have anymore...Daddy got these real hard plastic ones...yuck.

Hope you're having fun Lorenza!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I used to looooooooove to play with empty bottles coz they make funny crackling noises & the bottle cap if fun to chew. But nowadays I don't play with bottles anymore but my sista Chloe loves them. She loves to chew the bottle cap off & then swallow it. LOL!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I used to love plastic bottles when I was a puppy, but I am not allowed them now, 'cos I break them up with my teeth.....and it could be dangerous if I swallow some of it.

Sounds like you had a good time in the puddle, isn't it great when you lie down in a cool puddle on a hot day?

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Kien said...

Hi Lorenza...
sound fun for me... anything goes with water.. is fun!

Golden Rossi

Peanut said...

Bottles are some of my favorite toys also. Did your mom get your dress clean?

Bella said...

Cool - I like playing with empty plastic bottles too.

Jessica said...

cheap toys are the best!! You have having a lot of fun with that bottle. Enjoy!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Randi said...

Ah, Lorenza - Sometimes a girl just needs to get dirty! I loved watching you play! So very cute!
Love & Licks,

fee said...

o, lying down in that puddle must feel so so good! what a perfect ending to a nice walk! but you actually enjoyed that bath too???

Charlie said...

You're so smart, Lorenza, holding that bottle with your paw while you bite it!
- Charlie

Tadpole said...

I love seeing you "in action" Lorenza! :-) Fig usually takes the caps off the bottles and then I play with the cap! We're a good team!

Hey, good way to get a bath! It worked better than the getting-up-at-3-am-thing, huh?

survivingbella said...

Lorenza, hi. It's me Bella (I pushed Survivor off the puter)thanks for the welcome. I love to play in the water too. Sometimes mom will spray me with the hose and boy do I loooooooooooooove that.

Later, Bella, aka Belly or Boops

The Airechicks said...


WOW was your tail waggin' when you were playing...

You WHAT - in the PUDDLE ...
OMDog ...HE HEE - we bet Mom wasn't happy just think what folks were saying.....

Duke and Gidget said...

We love that video Lorenza. The cheap toys are always the best!

~Pug Hugs~
Duke & Gidget

Unknown said...

jjjjj otra que le gusta jugar con botellas einnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Mom says she wants to visit you because you are so cute and perfectly dachsie-like.

We don't believe the story about the mud puddle because there are no pictures. But it does sound cooler than the hot sun!