Monday, August 20, 2007


OK! I don't know how many more wrong things can happen to my mom. Now, is the computer! Since yesterday our computer has been doing strange things. Even we could not see some of your blogs. She even was thinking about a new computer! But the guy who is in charge of the systems at her office told her that the problem was the Internet Explorer. He told her to uninstall and install it again. She tried and the computer (?) refused to uninstall it!! She did something else (she doesn't remember what) and it worked. Then when she tried to access my blog to post something she couldn't access it! Then she tried using Mozilla and it worked but she didn't like it! Then she looked for help and found something (she doesn't remember what) that made it work! I hope you can see this entry because if you can't she is going to cry again!!!
My human cousins went to Italy to spend their summer vacations. They came back yesterday and brought me this hat. I have to say that if I had had the chance to chose something... this hat wouldn't be my choice!! But, a gift is a gift and I had to wear it to please them!! But as you can see I am not so happy. I really hope that the next time they find a pet store and bring me something really useful, like a squeakie toy or a delicious treat!!
Have a good night


Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Lorenza...yep, I can see your post!!! Oh and even tho you don't like your hat, you sure do look cute in it!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Luckie Girl said...

Hey girl,
Erm...that hat would love great with your dresses. But it doesn't seem very comfortable at all.
Blogger is always so unstable.... :( I hope your compooter gets well soon.

Mike and Mati said...

Oh nice hat! We can appreciate nice attire! I agree, a nice chew toy, or maybe a Duckie like mine will do!

Internet Explorer is tricky. It's also part of the operating system (don't ask me how I know this) and thus, uninstall and reinstall can do some strange things. Good luck with that. I have enough trouble not having thumbs and all...

Love Rocky and Mati

Randi said...

Oh, Lorenza! You look que bella! how very cute on you! At least they could have brought back a little spagetti for you....or a squeekie toy...oh time...& sleep all you want...long car rides are tiring!
Love & Licks,

Kevin said...

Computers can be irritating sometimes...I hope it gets back to its old healthy self soon cos I really do enjoy reading your posts!


ycling said...

But you look so cute in that hat!

Spencer said...

Hi Lorenza, you look very cute in that hat, you look like you should be lounging in a gondola! Hope your mom gets her computer problems solved. Wags!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Lorenza, that hat looks cute on you. Hee maybe it'll match your sailor suit?

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'd have eaten that hat by now.

Simba x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Lorenza, yes, we can see your post ok here in Scotland!

I love the hat!

love and licks, Marvin xxxx

ps my Jeannie is always doing something odd with the computer, we tell her just to leave it alone but she will fiddle!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh and Jeannie said she finds Internet Explorer very odd, and has stopped using it.

In her opinion, Mozzilla (or "Mozzerella" Firefox as she calls it!) is much much better once you get used to it,

love and helpful licks, Marv xxxxx

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Lorenza,

Hope you are safe from that big scary hurricane !

We are thinking of you - and praying that you and your family are safe.


Scruffy said...

Hi Lorenza

You look great in the hat. But I have to agree with you, there are better things than a hat. Guess you will have to humour the hoomans and wear it.

BTW we can see you post real good. Your Mummy sounds like Mummy when she has computer problems. These silly hoomans.

The Mighty Scruff

Anonymous said...

Oh your poor mum!!!

That hat looks kinda funny but still cute on you!!


umekotyan said...

The hat is suited.
Mexico that exists in my image is a hat. :)

from loved ume tyan

Unknown said...

ay lorenza. que bonito regalo ein..

Hammer said...

Hi Lorenza
You look very pretty in your new hat. If you don't like it, eat it. This is what I do with any hat that I can get my paws on. Computers drive us crazy.
Love from Hammer

Balboa said...

oh no tell mommy not to cry, we can see your post. We love the hat.

We hope that stupid internet will work.

Frenchie Snorts

Boo Casanova said...

hehehe. lorenza, i think the hat is cute! but too bad, we dogs don't like anything on us, clothes, hats, collars etc.

wet wet licks


Amber-Mae said...

Hahaha! You look funny in that hat Lorenza. Oh Lorenza's mom, my mommy was like that too. She didn't like using Mozilla at first coz it 3was totally different from Internet Explorer & she was just not used to it. But she also had those dumb probs with Internet Explorer & that's why she decided to just bear with Mozilla Firefox & she deleted Internet Explorer. Mozilla is much much better to use. Hope your mom can get used to it. It's not that hard to use...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Frasier said...

That hat is perfect but yes....I agree with you an Italian sausage would have been better...or pepperoni

Khady Lynn said...

Maybe you could shred it to show your distaste! That's what I would do.


Duke said...

Your hat is so cute Lorenza! Our computer was sick again too for a whole day! Is this a contagious disease??!!

Love ya lots,

Clover said...

Hi Lorenza,

It's true, the hat does look really cute on you... though I can tell that you don't like it. Nice of you to wear it to please your cousins!

Love Clover xo

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I think the hat is cute, but I think treats would have been a better gift! J x

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

You look very cute in your little hat. You look a little unhappy though. Awe, poor thing. Sorry to hear your mama having computer issues.

xoxoPugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae

Juno said...

Since last night I have tried to leave comments on other doggies blogs... and I was able to do only a few!!! Hope your computer doesn't give you much trouble...just this moody Blogger.

Momo xoxo

pee ess: I love your hat! :) What a pawfect size!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


You do look silly with that hat & not clothes on....Maybe with a pretty little yellow sundress you'd look sexy enought to KISS...not that i'd need a reason to kiss my girl---this is Toby speaking.

Jacks & Evander said they would eat it for you if you want.

Mommy says stay safe & she & Mona say hello.

the many Bs said...

Hi Lorenza, We can see your blog just fine. And the hat does look cute on you. But if you want to make it be more useful, you could always chew it up.

The Brat Pack said...

You look a-doooor-a-bull.

We saw on Luckies blog you said some folks there call you sausage. We don't think you look like a sausage, but if you did you'd be the best one ever.


JustMeCopper said...

I love the hat. I bet you have a dress that it will go with.

Ricky Pepper said...

Hi Lorenza!

Tell your mommy not to feel bad. My mommy just realized she lost the diamond bracelet daddy gave her for their anniversary in June! Uh-oh...


Koobuss said...

What a cool hat, Lorenza! But I can see why you were disappointed. A toy would have been better.

Too bad your mom is having puter problems. Maybe she should try a Mac, too, like Asta's parents are going to do. It's what my mom uses.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Your friend Koobie

Urban Smoothie Read said...

d hat suit u juz nice...

n hope ur computer will recover soon

Joe Stains said...

computers are so mean sometimes! I love your hat, but you sure do not seem to!

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We are so glad that the computer is working again! You really look good in the hat Lorenza, it makes us smile.

Take care!

Ozzie & Rocky

L said...

At least you got some kind of present! Our mean girl never brings us anything when she travels. Come to think of it, she never brings home anything for herself either.

I think you look pretty in your hat. It will look lovely with your pretty dresses.

Stanley said...


Tell your mama not to cry. We can see you!

Sorry about the hat. You wear it well, but it's not the same as some good Italian treatables!

Your goober bud,

wally said...

I can see your post and I can see you looking lovely in your hat! Next time they go to Italy maybe they can bring you back a meatball!


ps. We were having blogger problems, too.

Girasol said...

ese sombrerito esta muy bonito!!!