Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Today my mom came later than normal to our house. She had to go to say Happy Birthday to a friend of hers. So, I had to wait for her. When she finally came it was almost 8 o'clock!! And then she went to the kitchen with my grandma and they were talking, and talking and talking! And I was thinking.... at what time they will finish that and will give me my dinner?? So I sit beside my dish, then I went close to the stove, back to my dish, back to the stove until they noticed that and started laughing! I didn't see the funny part of that, I was starving!!! Finally I got my food and ate it in less than a minute! When I finished I left them there and went with my grandpa to play with my ball until it was time to go to sleep!!
I really hope my mom doesn't forget that my dinner time is at 6:45 pm and I want it at that time!!
Have a good night


Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh poor lorenza...ur must b starving....

but i'm even worst..my dinner was usually at 10pm!!

The Husky in the Window said...

Oh you let us know and we will send you dinner on time. How could they laugh. And you waited so patiently.

I like your middle name. You are too cute.

Husky Hugs and have a good night.

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Lorenza, Are you sure you didn't move in down the street from me? I could have sworn I saw you today.

Khady Lynn said...

Animal abuse!! I hate it when I don't get my dinner on time too! The humans have no idea how important food is to us!


Scruffy said...

You poor thing. Those humans can be so unfeeling sometimes.

The Mighty Scruff

Goofy said...

meanie meanie mom... oh.. don't they know that meal should be on time? that is for real a health issue!!!

José Tan said...

Oh poor thing.. i understand that feeling. My hoomans once fed me at midnight. Grrr... insensitive to our needs.

Kien said...

Oh Lorenza.. u should bark and bark and bark.. so that ur mom knows that u are hungry.. u are just too gentle and patient..

Golden Rossi

Juno said...

poor thing Lorenza!! You were so patient and it was not a laughing matter!! I am on your side!

You know my hooomans dine after 10:30pm almost every night... means that's my dinner time. We doggies need to change hooomans' rules & schedule! :)

Momo xoxo

L said...

Poor Lorenza. Our girl sometimes forgets to feed us on time too. I keep running in and out of the food room, but she doesn't figure out what I want. BLU starts banging the food dishes together, and then the girl remembers. I hope your mom feeds you on time (and with an extra treat) today.

Amber-Mae said...

Man, how can she forget something soooo simple like giving you your din dins at 6.45pm sharp!? Sheesh! Sometimes my mommy gets too carried away using the computer & forgets to feed the three starving dogs including me. I like mine 5pm sharp! Not one second early or one second late! 6pm SHARP!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

I can't believe they kept you waiting. Its not your fault they were late.

Simba xx

PreciOus said...

Poor Lorenza, how could your hoomans starve you? Thank doG they realised it before your poor tummy suffered any further.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no Lorenza, you must be so hungry waiting for your dinner

~ Girl girl

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh My Lorenza...that sounds like neglect! Do I need to call someone for you about that? A girl needs her dinner!!! Speaking of eating...I think it's breakfast time now!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Ferndoggle said...

That's just plain cruel! Us lovely ladies need to be kept on a strict feeding schedule.

Next time, poop on the floor. That'll get their attention.


Boo Casanova said...

omDOG lorenza, u get your din din at 6.45pm everyday? my bad mom don't give me on a fixed time. used to be 7.30pm now sometime 8 sometime 9pm. :(

wet wet licks


umekotyan said...

Meal must be forgotten.
It is loneliness, and fear.
Neatly, give meal. :0

from loved ume tyan

Ume said...

poor u, Lorenza! i think u need to poop at their feet the next time it happens again!

Clover said...

Aw, Lorenza! How could they have forgotten your dinner time? Seriously....but it was really good of you just to wait patiently!
Love Clover xo

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh my Lorenza this is serious!!And then to laugh!!! Maybe you should figure out how to open the frig!! (let us know, we can teach you how to jump up and down 120000 times until you get it) Love A+A

wally said...

Poor Lorenza! Wasting away... I get angry if I don't get my dinner on time. Sometimes if I'm really mad I'll get things from the bathroom and spread them around the living room--like shampoo or hairbrushes. Grrrrrrrr.


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Poor Lorenza! We hate when that happens. Like last night was "cooking night", so we had to actually wait until everything was cooked and cooled. Don't they know we get hungry??? Better luck tonight!

Ozzie & Rocky

Chilli the Dog said...

Hiya Lorenza....how can they forget the time. GRRRR!!!

I get feed at 8am and 8pm. If mommy forgets the time to feed me...first I'll whine a little. And if that doesnt work...I'll push my bowl around and make some more noise! That normally gets their attention :)

I hope this will be the last time your mommy forgets to feed you on time :)

Wet licks


Murphey said...

I hate when they feed us late, that happens every Monday night at our house. Personally my lady's life should revolve around my eating.


Luckie Girl said...

Hey Lorenza,
I can't believe it took them that long to notice your actions! Didn't you try barking? hehe

My dinner can be around 10pm at times...

Frasier said...

Oh thats horrible Lorenza!I wish we could get our own dinner,I would eat 3 times a day

Isis said...

I make them feed me by barking and growling while hovering over my food bowl. Hey, its necessary. I need to eats. But right now because of my toof surgery, i'm only on canned food! its great stuff!

Girasol said...

te trajo algun pedazo de cake?

Ricky Pepper said...

Hi Lorenza,
Usually I think that if they don't feed me on time, we get a free pass to steal food off of the coffee table!
I learned how to flip the dishes over and then push them across the floor with my nose when I am hungry - usually that gets their attentions!

Balboa said...

I agree with Holly, It's abuse, you should call the authories. To make you wait for your food! HMPH!

Thankfully she fed you,

Frenchie Snorts

Randi said...

HOW RUDE! What kind of restaurant is your mother running? I hope you didn't leave a tip!
Love & Licks,

the many Bs said...

poor Lorenza. dinner should never never never be served late!

Joe Stains said...

Lorenza I posted on my blog the secret of getting sommething other than just dry kibble!

Sir Isaac Newton IV said...

Lorenza, you looked so sad. I look like that, too, when Mommy forgets to feed me. I get as close to the floor as I can, crawl to my food bowl and stare at it. That usually helps. :)


Stanley said...


Your mama is usually so well-trained. Maybe a refresher course is needed.

I always wait by the front window for my girl to get home. As she drives up to the house I stand up on the couch in front of the window, like a huge doggie-shaped ghost, and watch until it's time to go wait for her by the door. If she's late, then I get worried.

I understand your pain,
Your goober bud,

Myeo said...

You should have barked at them. Then they would understand.

Boy n Baby

Unknown said...

ai lorenza de mi corazon...
cuando te vemos en esas poses nos da ganas de ir contigo a esperar..

Hana said...

Your mom needs to be disciplined for not feeding you your dinner at the scheduled time!! She needs more training.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Lorenza! The abuse! The neglect! Your mom should feel ashamed to forget to feed you. We have that problem here sometimes and our mom will laugh at us too. We just don't understand what could make them forget to cater to our every need. Isn't that why we are here? To keep them occupied and out of trouble?