Today we had another nice day to go for a walkie. And I did something I'd never done before. I pee pee on the street!! I always do my bussiness at home but this time I felt like I wanted to pee and I did it!! My mom was very embarrassed! I asked her why? I think this is a natural thing and you need to do what you need to do!! She had a bottle of water on her hand so she used it to spread it!! I told her that nobody cares about it but she said that SHE DO CARE!! Now she is thinking on use one of those tool bags to carry the things I may need outside: A little towel because I drool a lot with the hot weather and she doesn't want people think I have the rabies, her bottle of water and a poo bag in case I start having ideas about doing that too! I don't know if I will do it again tomorrow but.... who knows???
Have a good night
Ahahaha....pee mail.
I like that.
I went on my walk the other day and I had big dogs barking at me. I gathered up my courage and walked right up to them.
Nah, don't worry, there's a gate separating us. hehehe
Hola Lorenza!
I sometimes pee on the concrete sidewalks & it drives my mom bonkers! But I think its a good thing..cuz sometimes there just isn't grass around....I LOVE YOUR DRESS! Can I get one in super duper grande large enormous?
Love & Licks,
Hey Lorenza.. i think is ok to pee outside.. but when u are wearing such a nice dress.. isn't it smell pee now?.. hehehe.. but u still a lady with good manners so no worries..
Golden Rossi
Pee-mail is a good way to stay in touch with our pals that don't have blogs, don't you think?
I think your mama just totallly diluted your message.
Make sure you check all your pee mails everyday.
Simba x
Mum is a super responsible doggy owner! Sounds like she'll need a big bag for all your stuff though!
Katy x
We don't always pee in the grass all the time - sometimes it's in the middle of the road or on gravel. It saves the grass from brown spots, right! You look so pretty in your dress Lorenza!
Love ya lots,
Hello Lorenza,
Your pink dress is really pretty. I pee on the grass when I go walkies. Is a natural doggy thing. There aren't many pee-mails over here :)
Oh, last time I pooed on the road outside someone's house. That's even more embarrassing! But luckily my mommy brought plastic bags to pick it up. She said it's very smelly! Who's poo in not smelly? Like duhhhh...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Lorenza..
we could pee anywhere we want to.. it's the call of nature..
that sounds like a good walkie.. yeah.. my pawrents bring a big bag too when they take me out.. it has water bottle for me, kibbles, treats, newspapers (because I poop and pee on newspapers) and plastic (for the soiled newspapers)
Are you wearing that for Huskee's Bond pawty?
Hi Lorenza,
I poo at the park for the first time too. Mum was embaressed cause i was pooing infront of a cafe... oh come on... what is so embarassing!
Your mom should be happy you pee on the concrete, its better than staining the grass!
you are just so fashionable. You shoudl start a dog fashion show!!!!!
Frenchie Snorts
ai ese vestidito rojo te queda muy lindo...
Oh well when you have to go you have to go. My mom doesn't worry about pee just poop so your mom might want to carry a bag in case you do decide to do that.
Oh Lorenza ... guess what? While I was on vacation I pooped right in the middle of a boardwalk. Then I pooped on a rock.... I didn't know I wasn't supposed to?! Mom and dad were glad they were carrying my travel bag full of toys and poop bags and paper towel. :)
Love Clover xo
Oh... Isn't it normal to pee outside on the street? I used to pee in home toilet but when we go walkies, I pee wherever I like!!!
Aha ha ha!!! Sometimes I make pee-pee right in the middle of the sidewalk - just to embarrass my girl! It's so funny!
That little Diego sure looks like fun! Do you ever play together?
Our mom get embarrassed about such things too. We say no need for that it just a little pee.
Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae
It's OK Lorenza, when a girls got to go, she's got to go.....
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Your dress is soooo cute. Your mom just has to get over it. Sometimes we just have to leave that pee message. I do the walk and pee, mom gets so embarrased.
Oh, my mom got in this catalog, your mom has to check out this site and see item
FA3419A, the daushaund salt and pepper shakers. They are so cute.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Why would your mom spread it with a water bottle? Nobody cares. I pee all the time on the streets and sidewalk. =) Hehe.
Isn't PEE-MAil the GREATEST...
Tell Mom you were just leaving a small message for the next doggie...
Love your dress...
Sometimes can't make it to the grass.... no worry- nobody really cares...PEE happens...
Hi Lorenza! That is a greatest dress! :)
Your Friend,
Putter ...:) have to stop with all the great outfits. I'm Ssssooooo jealous 'cause all of the pretty ones are too big for me!
I'm a Diva & should have great fashions, right???
No Fair!!
You look great though!
hi lorenza,
u actually wore a bootiful dress juz 4 ur walkie..!! u also seems to look impressive..
I never done pee pee or poop poop out of the house before....I feel very inspired after seeing you do so. :)
Hiya Lorenza,
I like to pee on concrete sidewalks too and my mom says some not so nice things under her breath.. not too sure what they mean though.
Oh and you really have the most amazing clothes!!
LoL!! Pee-Mail, I love it! And people think we can't LOL!
Dad says that I read PMail fast while Mati takes her a long time. She's a slow reader I guess. Then we come home and he reads GMail. (google mail).
One bit of advice. Don't send PeeMail in the street. A car might come down the block while you are still sending :-O
Hi Lorenza,
I always peepee outside by the cuwb, and #2 too, Mommi always has baggies with her...I thought that's what we're supposed to do..and now you say all my cwate twaining was fow nothing????why would you want to peepee in your house?
maybe it's diffewent in Mexico??do all doggies go inside? this is confoosing
smoochie kisses
pee ess. that's another bootiful dwess on you
peeing when you go for a walk is what you are supposed to do!! I hope your mom understands that its only natural!!
OMG peeing on the street is soooo much fun! But mom doesn't like it when I do it either. WHATEVER!
Ooo! Lorenza! I love your walkie! Do you like it? You look so pretty! Where did your mom get it? I want to ask my mom to get me one!
We pee on things all the time on our walks. Dad only cares if we poo, and then he uses the bags.
Lorenza Girl!
Public peeing is one of the best things about being a dog! Welcome to the big leagues, sister!
Goober love,
Pee Ess
I love your dress!!
Hey Lorenza,
Your red and white dress is very beautiful. I love red and white.
I guess what you did on the street wasn't very ladylike. Luckily for me, my mom doesn't care about those things--just so I don't go in the house, especially on the blue rug in the parlor. Hehehehe!!
Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Your friend Koobie
The happiness of the stroll is limited to urination.
This is dog's alive externals. :)
from loved ume tyan
Hee Lorenza, I dont think there's anything embarrassing about peeing in public. When you gotta go, you gotta go. But your mom is right about the poo bag too. Just in case...
~ Girl girl
When you gotta go, you gotta go! Just be careful not to pee on your dress, it's too pretty for that!
Hi lorenza,
I don't used to pee outside too, till I started smelling all the pee mails around me, then I learn to leave mine too. *Grinz*
Lorenza, you always have the cutest clothes! I think it is good to have a friend who is so stylish and so international, too! My grandpa used to work in Mexico, but I have never been there.
Pee Mail! Sweet. How do you send pee-mail if you go at home? Does your mom carry it around and sprinkle it?
Lovely dress.
Hi Lorenza
I laughed when you said your mum was worried about pee pee's and drool. Hobson piddles on everything when we go for walkies and Hobson and I have foot long drools all the time, and then we shake our heads, and the drool sprays everywhere, even when we're not on walkies. Rose is a girl and she's more refined than us. Have a great weekend.
Love from Hammer
I love the dress. I want clothes. Boy clothes. I pee all over Denver. Tell your mom it's ok.
Good night
Hi Lorenza! You are very cute! Thanks for stopping by our page to say hi! We appreciate it!
Pee mail? I hope it didn't get on your dress! Your dress is really pretty. Those colors are very flattering on you.
Your poor mum is going to be just overloaded with stuff she has to carry for you!
Good work on the outdoor peeing!
love and licks, Marv xxxx
You were just leaving your own peemail. If you didn't, how will all of the other doggies know you are in town?
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