Thursday, August 23, 2007

Favourite food

Goofy tagged me and my mom to talk about our favourite food. The following are the things that we always have in our kitchen.


1.- Tortillas (what is a mexican home without them!)

2.- Beans (she can have them with almost everything)

3.- Chicken (mostly breast)

4.- Hot sauce (homemade of course!)

5.- Pop corn (her favourite snack)


1.- Kibbles (since its my main meal, this is a must)

2.- Cheese (3 little pieces after lunch)

3.- Frosties (for these hot days)

4.- Fruits (wallymelon the first, of course!)

5.- Chicken soup (with veggies and rice)

Now I want to know the favourite food of Randi, Rocky, Ricky-Pepper and River and their mom's or dad's. I didn't want to have conflicts so I chose the ones whose names start with "R". I hope you all want to play this game!

Have a good night




Luckie Girl said...

Hey Lorenza,
Wow, Dad kept raving about how yummy burritos were...but I have no idea how they were made! Maybe your Mom can teach us..and I can get MOm to make some....

Agatha and Archie said...

Hi Lorenza!! We are DROOLING over both of your lists! We are noticing that wallymelon and peanut butter ( one or the other) seem to be on everyone's list!! We all have the same good taste! Love A+A

Lizzy said...

The popcorn and cheese are the best foods. :)


Boo Casanova said...

lorenza, first off wanna know how the Dean situation?? from your post, i know you are not affected.

back to your post, cheese? you have cheese with kibbles?

wet wet licks


Goofy said...

cheese.... mom hasn't let me have any yet..and you got it everyday!!! wow.. I should beg mom to buy me some...

Joe Stains said...

what do you put in your hotsauce? Dad LOOVES hot sauce.

Mike and Mati said...

Wow! what a great food list. Now I'm hungry! Dad says I'm always hungry! We will have to let you know about our favorite foods too. Dad needs to buy me a new camera too. I can't stand taking these pictures with his phone. Poooh-Poooh on Dad for not getting me a new camera yet. You let us know if you need help with all that fooooooood! Love Rocky and Mati

Sophie Brador said...

What a menu! I need to talk to the chef in my house. I'm not getting enough food.

Deefor said...

You are so lucky. You get to live like a dog and eat like a human! And dress like one too!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh Lorenza, both you and your mom eat very yummy food..

~ Girl girl

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Lorenza,
I'd like to have a taste of your chicken soup and rice.. it had me salivating.. slurrrp...

Simba and Jazzi said...

yummy looking food there.

Simba xx

Stanley said...

Tasty photos, Lorenza.

I have to ask, are the tortillas homemade or bought at the store? (I hear that homemade tortillas are stinkin' tasty).

I too need to talk to my cook. She needs to step up her game.

Goober love,

Balboa said...

My mommy said she's coming over for dinner, cuz your mommy's food looks really really good!

Frenchie Snorts

Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow!!! My mommy loves chicken breasts too. Good list of food there Lorenza! I must try that wallymelon again someday...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Buenos Dias Lorenza,

Mum got hungry looking at all of that Mexican food. There aren't many good Mexican restaraunts in Oz.

Hasta, Asta

Ruby Bleu said...

That chicken soup sure does look yummy!!! Homemade I suspect!

Lots of Licks, ruby

The Husky in the Window said...

Oh you both have such good tastes in foods. Everything looks yummy.

Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

wally said...

Oh you love some great foodables! Especially the WALLYMELON! And I love popcornables and burritoables, too! Oh your house must be full of tasty tasty food.


Murphey said...

I got hungry looking at all that food, yummy. And wallymelon, one of my favorites.


Clover said...

Hi Lorenza,
Great food choices! Wallymelon is one of my favorites too! I just got to have my first piece this week. :)
Love Clover xo

Amber said...

Yummiest!! I love the food you eat. I eat kibbles most of the time :( Your mommy food selection is So yUMMY too!! My mommy love tortillas too! But is already a long time..

Have A Great Weekend!!

Jessica said...

YUMOOOOO!!! Look at all those goodies. All the stuff that we like too.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Jeannie loves the Manchego cheese (sorry may have mis spelt that word!) she ate it a lot when she went to Spain on her holidays.

She says its yummy. I can't eat cheese, it makes me sick unfortunately1

love and licks, Marvin and Have a Happy Weekend. xxxxx

Gwyn Valentine said...

I think my mum will love the hot sauce, shes a fiesty woman :p


Ricky Pepper said...

Yummy yums! My Mommy will certainly play this game!


Ferndoggle said...

Lorenza, add cheese to your Mom's list & it's exactly the same as our Moms!!!

We just like meat.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

the many Bs said...

You and your mommy eat pretty good. We think she should share her popcorn with you though!

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

What great lists, both of them look yummy.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae

Emily and Ike said...

It's close to dinner time and I am STARVING! Thanks for the pics to make me drool!

Hana said...

I forget. Have you already told us what the frosties are made of? That looks like yogurt!

Randi said...

Hi Lorenza! Thank you for tagging me! This is my first tag! Now my mom has to stop being so busy & actually post a new blog this week..she has been very sloppy about keeping up with her part time job as my secretary...very inconsiderate of her if you ask me! Can't wait to tell you my favorite foods!
Love & Licks,

Ben & Darling said...

Oh I always love post talk bout FOOD !! Yum Yum !!

Anonymous said...

Your pics look so tasty I tried to eat the laptop!!!

Thanks for tagging me - will get onto it soon!


Unknown said...

tortitas yo quiero tortitassssssssssssssssss porfi porfi...

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Mmmmmmm, great lists! J x

Juno said...

Lorenza! We just finished a huge meal but your post makes us hungry!!! Home made hot sauce sounds great!!

Momo xoxo

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Ha ha, Lorenza! I can't take my eyes of the watermelon picture, and my mum is drooling at the beans.

Come and cook for us, please!


L said...

MMMMMM.... your foods looked very yummy. We get kibble every day and sometimes the girl gives us people food. It would be great to get cheese every day.

Girasol said...

looks yummmmmy!!