Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Today has been a pretty normal and boring day for me. It's been raining and I couldn't go out for my walkie so nothing interesting happened. Thats why I want to tell you about something in my city.

People say that if you come to Torreon and don't visit El Cristo de las Noas, its like you hadn't been here.

We don't have many turistic places here, but this is a very important one:

The must visit "Cristo de las Noas" is the 2nd biggest Christ Sanctuary in Latin America, is the image of Jesus with extended arms, symbolising protection for the inhabitants of Torreon, it is situated on the top of a hill. In this hill named "Las Noas" (means cactus plant) there is a Catholic church over the top and where you can see the entire city in eagle view.

This is a view of Torreon from the hill. As you can see we don't have many green areas (its a desertic zone) and don't have tall buildings.

Have a nice day!



♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Lorenza,

It rained here the whole Memorial Day weekend so we didn't get to go to the country the way we planned....we aren't real happy with Mother Nature right about now.

My Aunt Annie and Aunt Leona went on a tour of Mexico years ago with a group of people from our church, St Anne's Catholic church, and it was a sightseeing trip to see all the old churchs in Mexico. They had a wonderful time...I'll ask her she saw the one in Torreon.

Keep dry.........Mona, Jacks, Toby and Bradley too!!

Khady Lynn said...

That's a very pretty statue of Jesus. I think your city seems very nice without all the tall buildings. My human works in the 2nd tallest building here in Omaha, and she doesn't like it! So, be glad you have nice short buildings!


Boo Casanova said...

hmm... how come i can't view the statue??

wet wet licks


Scruffy said...

I wish I could visit Mexico. Mummy says its really far far away from where we live.

The Mighty Scruff

Simba and Jazzi said...

Its been raining non stop here too. That is a very big statue.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, that's quite a view!

Oscar x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Lorenza - it is raining here too and quite cold as well, we had a hot and sunny April, so this is very disappointing May weather for us in Scotland.

We love your pictures, they are amazing!

We love blogging 'cos we find out and see all about lots of other doggies lives and their hooooooomans, and where they live etc!

love and happy licks, your friend, Marvin xxxxx

Duke said...

Those are very pretty pictures Lorenza! You have a beautiful country!

Love ya lots,

Katherine and Pippa said...

Que fotos tan buenos!

Mis humanos quieren ir a Mexico, pero, no pueden.

Yo soy más importante en sus vidas que un viaje. hehe!

Besos y abrazos


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh.. there sure looks like a good place to visit if I ever go there

~ girl girl

Ben & Darling said...

What?? no grass at your place?? where to pee then??

Haha, Mom like Mexico...she love mexico show too..hopefully she can viait you Lorenza next time.

Ben & Darling said...

What?? no grass at your place?? where to pee then??

Haha, Mom like Mexico...she love mexico show too..hopefully she can viait you Lorenza next time.

Hammer said...

Hi Lorenza

The statue is very beautiful.

We are lucky where we live because we have 5 acres to run around and lots of birds to chase, and mice too !!

Love from your friend, Hammer

L said...

We have a picture of my girl in front of a statue like that, but she says it was taken in Rio and not Mexico.

Our city is brown too, because we also live in a desert.

Unknown said...

EI LOrenza
ese cristo se parece al del corcovado en rio brasil :)
patita amiga

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow that's a great view Lorenza. Oh and what a big statue...something that big is scarey!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Lorenza,

That looks like a grand statue. Mummy & Daddy always leave me at home on Sunday mornings to attend mass at the church.
Here in Singapore, it is very different fro your city. Everywhere u turn, u see tall buildings.


Murphey said...

Rain here too, crazy! or should I say it makes ME crazy.

Thanks for sharing the cool pictures.


Asta said...

Hi Lorenza
What a bootiful statue...it looks like he is taking care of all of you, in your lovely city.
I hope you get some nice indoor play, during the rain, and it's also great weather for taking a booty rest.
In my picture with the two doggies, we were gossiping, what else, hehehehehe

Headgirl said...

WOW! Thats an impressive sight!
I'd really like to see it first hand... maybe one day1
I live in hope that when, LB my misc. partner retires on 29th July, we might do stuff like that together.... but I don't like to hold my breath!

Pats to you

Liza said...

Lorenza -

What a nice city - you are a lucky dog.

May be we you to our Blog List??

Have a happy day - Dory

Emily and Ike said...

I had to wear my raincoat for my walkie just now and it sucked!

Hana said...

Wowie Zowie, is that your city? There sure are a lot of houses... kind of like California!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Lorenza - Mexico sounds really exotic....Singapore doesn't have much green areas too...it's all tall buildings and it's definately not as dog friendly as other countries.

PreciOus said...

OH OH I saw the big big Jesus statue on some documntary show on our TV! And sista was going "WOW" so I had to take a peek! I don't usually watch TV thou.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What a beautiful statue! J x