My grandma made me another dress. It is blue and I like it a lot. Of course I had to wear it for my walkie today. Hot day. Short walkie. Whe we came back, my doggie door was closed. I wanted to go to the patio. My mom opened the door... and I went directly to my pool... still wearing my new dress! My mom was laughing and then we heard a big scream.... Lorenzaaaaaaaa!!! It was my grandma.... she was not happy... I came out of the pool leaving a path of wet paw prints. I guess I need to convince my grandma to join me in the pool so she will learn how to have fun!
Have a good night
You 'shorely' looked khute in your dress AND your pool!
Stay khool little furiend!!
Doesn't your grandma know that your dress gets in water to be washed. She makes the cutest dresses and you always look stylish. That orange monster in the closet always causes Dawson stress. Clara isn't fond of it either. We have not forgotten your chicken treats either.
Did you get your new dress wet?! Sometimes you just have to let caution fly to the wind and go for it! Get wet and have fun. Sometimes Grandmas just don't understand. :)
Hugs, Kodak
P.S. The key to getting on the table is the chair ... but I don't necessarily have to use it. I have springs in my legs and can jump on high counters too! Maybe I have super powers?!!
Your new dress is gorgeous! That has got to be the best dress I've seen you wear yet...
I'm sure a dip in the pool felt really good after a walk in the hot day! And I think the paw prints on the floor is a real work of art.
Happy Canada Day!
Oh my looked fab in that new Blue dress...I think it looks wonderful with your coloring!!!
And on a hot day...a little sundress gettin' a tad damp in the'll dry quickly, won't it!!!
Mumsie bought me a swimsuit that is bright red and sez LIFEGUARD on it so Babystan doesn't question my abilities!!!!!!!!!
What can I say? I was a tad bottom heavy that day!
Barkies, Sweet Lorenza!
what's wrong with your grandma. You leave cute little footprints :)
That is funny, I hope you didn't ruin your new dress because it is very pretty! It is so hot here too :(
Lorenza, you look so beautiful in your new dress. But you must remember how hard grandmothers work on such sewing projects: always changing into your bathing suit BEFORE getting into the pool.
Your grandma makes wonderful dresses. (My mom loves the earrings and necklace you sent her.) I wish I had a pool.
Hehehe.. maybe the next outfit your grandma will make for you will be a bathing suit? Your tiny paw prints are so cute..
That's a very pretty new blue dress you have. Maybe your grandma can make you a swim dress so you can wear it in your pool. Or maybe even a bikini to show off your skinny body!
G'day Lorenza
You did ask you grandma if she wanted to go for a swim with you didn't you? ;-)
do you like going into water? if it's very hot outside, having such a pool is a great idea!
w00f's Lorenza...ur grandma did it again, dat dress looks pawtastic on u...heehee just tell her u thot u wood wash ur dress fur her so she wont haff too...then grin big fur her...
b safe,
Hi Lorenza...
Maybe your Grandma should make you a bathing suit!!! I love the blue look bootiful as always!
Lots of Licks, ruby
oh.. you look so cute in your new dress.. does your grandmama sew to sell??
You look really cool in blue! You are so lucky to have such a talented grandma! Hehehe...look at all the wet pawprints.
Tell your grandma that you need a bathing suit!
It's been way hot in AZ too! My tongue hangs out most of the time!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
You look so cute in your dress. I hope you didn't get it wet in the pool.
Simba x
Your blue dress look really cute. That's so nice to cool off. I think your grandma needs to join you at the pool to have fun too
~ Girl girl
Hi Lorenza
Thanks for coming and visiting us at our blog.
We are having some very hot days here in the UK, but I don't think they are hot as yours. We are expecting thunger storms soon, grrrrrrrr.
Molly and Taffy
What a pretty blue dress, Lorenza! It's okay that it got wet! It's washable, right? At least you got cooled off!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your grandma is very talented in sewing! It looks lovely. On a hot day, a cool dip is the way to go. Surely, grandma can understand that...
Hi, Lorenza...
Your new dress is too pretty to swim in...
Your Grandma needs to make you a bathing suit...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, Lorenza -
You are so funny! Mama had a really good laugh when you wore your dress in the pool. Did you get it wet?
Your dress is pretty - just like all of your other dresses. And it is blue - just in time for the weekend (4th of July).
We love your path of wet paw prints. I (Hershey) love to make muddy paw prints.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. We are having the BBQ all week. We are saving the well done bone for you.
Ohhh Lorenza,
your granma are so sweet and loves you. She will make your new dress!
hug hug
LOrenza! She probably didn't want the dress to get wet!
A doggie has to do what a doggie has to do to stay cool!!
wags from the whippets
Good evening lorenza.
Hot time is spent.
It has become hot also in Japan.
And, water becomes cool.
Summer of Japan that waters a garden.
A beautiful dress is sacrificed about the pool.
It is too good for a moment. :)
from loved ume tyan
So your Grandma makes all your dresses?! They are soooo beautiful she could sell them. You could be her spokesdawg and business manager and model!
Lorenza, your new dress rocks! I don't blame you for just jumping right in the pool after your walk. I get overheated when its 75degrees outside!
You look lovely with your new dress, Lorenza. I bet that you enjoy the pool.
The blue is very pretty on you. A sundress for walkies, then a swimdress for staying cool. Having fun all the time is what we doggies are good at. Humans need help sometimes.
love & wags,
I love the blue coat! :)
Maybe your grandma should make you a bathing suite if she don't like you bathing while wearing your dress? I took a refreshing wade into the river today! It's gotta be really hot for me to wanna do that!!
Hey, that blue dress really looks GOOD on ya Lorenza! Now, this IS the color for you! Oooh, I bet it was cooling to play in your pool. I;m surprised it's still intact...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Your dress is so cute! Maybe your grandma didn't want it to get wet. Tell her to make you a swim dress for the summer that you can wear in your pool.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Very cute dress! Your grandma is very talented. I think she should definately join you in your pool!
Hi Lorenza,
you look so cute in the pool :)
Pochi poronchi
Hi Lorenza!!
Your new dress is beautiful and it looks so good on you! (As usual!)
It's so funny that you jumped right into your pool with your dress on - you know how to cool down!
Love Clover xo
Hahaha! What a funny story. I want to see pictures of you and your grandma in the pool.
Has your grandma made you a bikini yet?
Beautiful dress grandma. You are so talented..
We promise not to break Callie anymore..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We love your pool! We don't know how you stay so cool, it gets to 80 here and we're sweatin'!
Another beautiful dress!
Do you like to splash around in the pool? I'm not so sure about our pool. But maybe it's because my sister, Willow, hogs the pool!
Lucy Lu
I think this is your prettiest dress yet Lorenza!
We love your new dress!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Lorenza.. you are adorable in your little blue dress. They should write a song about you. I hope it's wash 'n wear!
By the way, did you get your package from the Airechicks yet? Please let me know because I'm trying to finish up the Goody Exchange.
xxox Besos
Lorenza, I like your blue dress. Your grandma is really good in making you dresses. Mayb you can ask her to get you a swim suit too, so she would scream at you again. Haha
slurpy licks,
Hee Hee,
You are so funny with your pawprints.
Boy n Baby
Hey Lorenza!!
WOW that dress is Adorable, you have the best clothes out of any dog i know!!
lots of love
What a pretty new dress!!! I think your pool needs more water though. You should be able to totally soak yourself in nice cool water!
Has your Grandma started working on a bathing suit for you? You gotta stay cool and fashionable!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Love your new dress blue really suits you,hope you didnt get it wet.May be your grandma could make you a swimming costume then she won't mind you going in the pool.
Your looking good.
Ludo the cool dude
You look darling in that blue dress.
Love your kiddie pool too.
I'm not allowed to go near the pool without my parent's supervision. They even put a fence around that.
tee hee!!
...maybe your grandma didn't realize that she made you a "bathing suit dress??"...
hi Lorenza, you look absolutely adorable in your new dress. maybe it's time for your grandma to make you a swimming suit! hee hee.
great polka dot dress. You look great in it. I thing Grandma needs to make you a bathing suit next, right?
Have a fun day.
Love the new dress, I need to get my grandma to make me a new dress.
Lots of licks
Hi!The dress of blue polka dots is wonderful.
tu vestido nuevo es lindo!!!!
Well of course you wore your pretty dress into the pool. Does she think you should go skinny dipping?
Nice blue dress! Tell Grandma you need a matching swimming cossie to wear underneath it - you can't go swimming nekked....
Wags, Eric x
Ooo, what a lovely dress, Lorenza. Your grandma is so clever! Jx
You look so darn cute in your pool and dress!!!
That pool is a great idea! Maybe you need a bikini to wear?
thats a really nice dress and i just LOVE your pool!
Blue is your color! It's a really gorgeous dress! Funny how you went into the pool with your dress on. I guess your grandma knows now that she needs to sew you a bikini.
Hi Lorenza!!
Your new dress is so pretty!! From the looks of romona, you turned LOTS of heads on your walkie with that dress!!
Winnie :-)
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