The orange monster inside the closet....

This is not good....

It is close to me....

It went to the other side...

It is under the bed.... I am out of here!

I hope it can not find me here....

Ufff! Finally the monster is back where it belongs!
I hope your weekend was not as scary as mine!
Have a good night
That is a terrible monster. Louie doesn't hear that so he tries to attack those..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Hi Lorenza,
You hate them things too? I was so happy when I got adopted by the Mommy that her didn't have carpets.
We are finally home and I am exhausted from my weekend trip but me and the boys & my couson Tippy had a wonderful time.
Necuase if the big storm this afternoon the Mommy said I'd have ti wait until tomorrow for a update on my weekend trip.
Love Mona & the Mommy too!!
My mom got out the steam cleaner this weekend & it and was BAD!
Our monster looks a lot like yours but ours is red not orange and I like to try and attack it.
Our monster is red and it's one my mom holds--mostly she cleans the car with it. We stand at the window and bark so it never comes in the house. It's a scary thing.
Glad yours is back in the closet.
love & wags,
My monster is a Dyson - it is grrrrreat fur sukhking up my pesky Sibe hair - I usually don't get TOOOOO bothered but sometimes I do bark at it!
Woo were soooo brave!!
PeeEssWoo: Glad woo enjoyed Eva's posts - she did another one late Sunday evening - and it inkhludes MY boyfriend SUMMI *SIGH*
I wonder if your orange monster is related to my grey monster.
Princess Eva
Hi Lorenza-I hate those monsters! I've already killed one that mom had-then she went out and got another and I'm slowly attacking and killing it too! maybe you should bite it and show it who's the boss!
I'll come help you, Lorenza -- I'm very brave about those machines. It's just thunder and other stuff that scares me.
- Charlie
I had a scary weekend too! There was a big party at my house today and I don't really like most people outside of my family. Everyone always thinks I'm a puppy cause I'm so small and cute and they're always trying to pick me up. So I had to do alot of warning growls so they'd leave me alone. Humans can be so frightening! I'm glad the party is over...
We have that monster at home too. Do you think they might be related?
Boy n Baby
Looks like almost everyone of us have a monster like that. Mine is green. I usually ignore it.
That is SUPER scary! I am glad you were able to escape that stupid thing!
hi Lorenza, we like your hiding place under the pillow. you are getting as good at hiding as Girl Girl is. hee hee.
Aqui tem um monstro desses, azul que mora no armário! As vezes ele sai e é muito assustador!
Se cuida, ok!
Run from the Orange Monster! I'd hide too, if I were you. Why do humans keep those monsters anyway? Maybe they just like scaring us.
Thank goodness I don't see that monster around my house although there's a smaller one that I really loathe. Hair dryer. Imagine standing still and letting all the air blow at you for 15 minutes.
Oooh, we have three of those monsters in MY house. They only come alive in the afternoon. I hate them!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Our monster's name is Hoover and he's blue and we don't like him any better than you like your orange monster, Lorenza! We bite at him all the time but he just won't go away!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Lorenza -
I (Hershey) don't like that monster at all. I usually run upstairs to Mama and Papa's room. It doesn't seem to bother Kaci at all.
Mama told me that Bosco would drop the ball by the monster to get her to play. Mama would push the ball with the monster and Bosco found another way to play ball.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I'm sorry the monster got out, Lorenza, but happy to see you're not hurt!
That monster looks scary. Stay far far away from it
~ Girl girl
Stay away! I repeat, stay away! Orange= bad!
Hi, Lorenza...
We have a green monster in our house...
Pretty scary stuff...
Abby xxxooo
wow, that was scary!
Hey Lorenza,
I know! There is a blue monster in my house! hugs hugs
Lorenza, come stay with me when the M is out!
Lucky me, my dad had replaced the carpet for the wooden floor! Monster was long gone before I came!
I know how you feel Lorenza, i frightened of my sucking monster as well. Only thing is i have two here, one is handheld though, and the other well i'm really scared of that. Good job it's away in the closet.
lots of licks
We had a scary weekend too! Our big monster came out of the closet and made lots and lots of noise. You are smart hiding under the pillow.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
I hate those monsters. Ours was running around this weekend too. Can't they go on vacation? I'm going to try getting under a pillow.
I hate that kind of monsters...and they are loud. You choose the best place to hide, Lorenza.
uis pequeña... eso si que es un mounstrou..
aqui es blanca..
abracitos amiga
w00f's Lorenza, mine iz red, but its a little one...it comes out a lot more now me iz here wiff my furs flying everwhere...they wanna use it on me, butttt me runs and hides tooo...
b safe,
Good job staying away from that orange monster, Lorenza! Is it really loud?
I stay far, far away from one at our house. It's not orange but it's just as mean.
All your questions are answered stop on by...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ohhhh, I hate our blue monster! I run and hide as fast as I can!!
Lucy Lu
We have one of those monsters at home except it is blue. Very scary. You were very smart to hide under the pillows Lorenza.
Your friend,
That is so funny, Lorenza. I was just coming to your blog when your comment arrived!
Our roaring monster is blue and it has a long black tail. I used to be afraid it would suck me up but now I bark at it and jump at it and try to hase it out of my house. But it's no use. My Mama loves it.
Just stay on the bed. It can't climb.
Ours is green in colour. These monsters come in different colours shape and sizes. I hate mine too.
I'm so sowwy that monstew scawed you..and that it was owange...no monstews should be allowed to be owange...I hope you got ovew youwscawe..Thank you fow liking my dwess...it's the onliest one I have..not like you, I don't have a clevew coootooowiawe Gwama like you
smoochie kisses
We have one of those monsters in our house, too. I usually attack it, but I always lose.
That sure is a scary looking orange monster! You are very cute hiding under those covers, you are very safe there!
Hi,Lorenza!A monster in our house is colored by blue and white.
Scary scary moster!!!
Hope he doesn't hurt u..
Horrible noisey things, they should be banned.
Simba x
Hi Lorenza,
Thank you for the kind words that you left on my bloggy.
I am terrified of that monster too!! It appears out from the closet at least once a week!
bad orange monster!!! I have a creamy color monster at home too.
I would freaked and run like crazy if the monster comes so near me. Great hiding place! :) Hope it won't come out anytime soon..
We have a blue monster just like that! I hate that stupid thing...
I hate that monster too. Ours is green.
I hate vacuum cleaners too.But mommy got a Roomba and I love it!Not as noisy
bark! bark! bark!
I will attack that monster for you Lorenza!
Did you watch the UEFA cup this weekend?
I haven't seen our vacuum omnster in a long time. When Mom and Dad wripped the carpet out of the house, we didn't need it anymore so they put it in storage. We all miss having carpet, but I don't miss the vacuum monster. Mom said when we go live at Grandma's, we have to get used to the vacuum monster again because Grandma vacuums a lot!!
My mom has a big red monster, and I run away from that thing! You're smart to hide under the bed!
Oh my! I have a red monster like that too. Luckily for me it doesn't come out too often! Hehehe! J x
Poor Lorenza to be chased by that monster. I am glad you survived.
OMD! We have a monster that looks similar that lives in our house too! It comes out when there's dust bunnies roaming around, and then he eats them. We stay out of the way.
Have a great day and we hope the monster doesn't come out in a long time!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
We don't like those monsters either Lorenza! They make too much noise and sometimes they even try to pick up our toys!
Ozzie & Rocky
Lorenza that orange monster looks like a real big meanie, mean monster you leave my friend Lorenza alone, hear me and stay in the closet! There Lorenza now that big meanie orange monster will not bother you again or I will show it Sami power! Ha ha ha!
I am so sorry I was not there to protect you from the orange monster...The food and snackies you got looks really really good...and please tell your mummy Happy Belated Birthday for me. Your mum is really pretty.
Kissy paw hugs
we have a monster that lives in our closet too. It's not orange but black. I don't like it at all because it has a very big mouth.
terrified wags from the whippets
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