Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nice morning

Still sleeping...

Finally I woke up

A nice stretch....

Ear scratching....

Ear rubbing....

OK! Feeling better

An early walkie


More sniffing....

Coming home....

Ready for breakfast....

Waiting for breakfast....

Today morning I was good with my mom and let her sleep until 8 am! She woke up earlier than me. This was a rare event so she had to take pictures of that! Then we went to my grandparents house to have breakfast but my grandma told my mom that she needed some milk so we went to the store to buy it. It was a nice walkie because it was not too hot yet. Early pee mails were very interesting! We came back, had breakfast and the clean house thing started. Then my mom went to our house and I started to hear big noises there. I wanted to know what she was doing but she did not take me there with her. She told me she is doing something in the bathroom but I don't know what it is. I will tell you when she finishes!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Have a good night


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That was nice of you to let your mom sleep!

Since you saw what my mom did to me today, do you think I should let her sleep in tomorrow??

Ha rooooo!

Glad woo enjoyed a nice early morning walk and time with your grandparents!


The Zoo Crew said...

Sounds like you had a great day!! My mom wishes I would sleep in later! But I hear my skin-sisters awake and I'm ready to go!!!

Lucy Lu

Chef said...

Lorenza, did you get your goody package yet? Please let me know when you do, Ok sweet girl? Thanks

Looks like you had a nice, peaceful day.


Andra said...

That was nice your mom got to sleep in. Are mom is always sad during the week when we get back in bed while she is getting ready for work.
-Luke and Liesel

River said...

Very nice of you to sleep in! What's your mom doing in the bathroom...?

love & wags,

Charlie Daniels said...

You are so kind and I am sure Mum really loved being able to sleep in. Maybe she is building you a very special dog spa in the bathroom!



Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


It's always fun to let the humans think that we are letting them sleep in. Sometime I wake my human up really early and sometimes I let her sleep...depends on my mood I suppose...

I wonder what's going on in your bathroom...hopefully it's not anything too smelly...

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Snowball said...

Thats such a good way to start a day. Did you have a long day yesterday and that is why you woke later than your mummy this morning?

I woke up later than mu jie jie everyday.


Pippa said...

I let master sleep in today too. We are such nice dogs aren't we? Fortunately he didn't take any pictures of me though.


BrandytheGreat said...

Hmm, maybe i need to get my hooman to wake up earlier like yours! I like your early morning routine, usually, i stretch out like a tiger ready to attack!

Mack said...

Nice of you to let your mom sleep in - we never do that here!

What happened in your bathroom? Is there some remodeling going on??

Duke said...

How do you choose which dress to wear everyday, Lorenza? Is it a color thing? You have so many pretty ones!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

That's nice you were able to get a walk before it got too hot. I (Hershey) don't get many walks in the morning because Mama leaves early to go to work.

Is your Mom finished doing what she did in the bathroom? We can't wait to find out.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

umekotyan said...

Good evening lorenza.
Time calm on the bed is happy.
It might have had what dream.
About the breakfast, the daily work in the morning is a good custom.
A wonderful tapping is understood and the sound of the breakfast is
understood. :)

from loved ume tyan


Hi Lorenza
Sounds like a nice morning! Dixie rarely lets mum sleep in! You are so kind.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza! Nice to meet you. I am having a nice weekend relaxing with my Mom and Dad. Today I'm going to visit my grandparents. You look like you're having a wonderful weekend too! It's nice to sleep in :)

Have a Happy Sunday!

XOXO Peanut

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That was so sweet of you to let mom sleep late. I got mom up at 5:45 but we went out did our business and she went back to bed. Of course around 6:45 Louie started bugging her so we all got up.. Have a great day..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Patience-please said...

In that phto of you stretching on you back, your legs look l-o-o-o-n-g!!! Like ours!

wags from the whippets

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Lorenza,

Just stopping by to say hello. Me and Jody are having so much fun so I haven't been able visit much but aftere Jody goes home we will catch up.

Love ya Mona, the Mommy & Jody too!!

Isis said...

What a lovely dress you've got there friend! i just love it!

Have you gotten much use out of your pool lately? its been very hot here!

Pedro said...

My mom is doing that cleaning thing too! First she vacuumed the pool, then she vacuumed the house, then she shampooed all the rugs. Now she's taking a break before she starts cleaning everything else. I'm taking a nap cause she's wearing me out with all this activity!

Harry said...

We never let ma and pa have a lie in! You look very lovely in green by the way!

Toodle pip
Harry x

The WriggleButts said...

Hi Lorenza! That looks like a good morning. Hope the rest of the day was good too! I've gone for walkies and relaxed a lot. Mom made meat balls with chipotle sauce and her boyfriend came by for dinner. I don't like them making hot food, because I'm not allowed to taste ANY! Sigh.. But it's still been a pretty good weekend, though.


Ian said...

I'm very excited to hear about the big house secret!

Joe Stains said...

sleeping in is the BEST!!! I am glad you had a great day!

Kodak the Eskie said...

I wonder what your mommy is doing? I love surprises! You were so nice to let your mommy sleep in. I let my mommy sleep in today until 7:00 and then she took me for a run around the lake again. It is so fun to sniff around at all the great smells. Looks like you had a great walkie.

Hugs, Kodak

The Airechicks said...

What a nice start to the SUNDAY -

That was very nice of your Mom to let you sleep in .....

Grammie made breakfast - did she make you blueberry hot cakes ???

Our Mom got your box mailed yesterday can't wait for it to get to you.......She said something about one pressie still missing but she wanted you not to have to wait any longer....sorry she is so slow.....

Have a wonderful lazy summer Sunday .....

The Army of Four said...

We're having a great weekend. I let Mom sleep until 0500 this morning; she seemed to appreciate it!
Play bows,

MaggieandBandit said...

Hi Lorenza!
Thanks for checking out our blog! We love yours. Your staffers seem to take more pictures of you, and that's good.
We'll encourage ours to do more of that since it's always good to see more dachshund!
And we think it's just fine to make lots of noise yourself while your mom is in another room.


Kathryn and Ari said...

Hello, beautiful Lorenza!
What a lovely day. And how fabulous to let your mom sleep in: any day Ari lets us sleep in until 8:00 a.m. is a very exciting one, indeed!

Ralph said...

Nice butt!


Southbaygirl said...

Lorenza, It's so nice of you to let your mom sleep in!!! And you got to see your grandparents-those days are so fun!!!

Doesn't the heat suck? I'm not too happy with the extreme heat right now! My mom and I kinda hide during the day!


Niamh said...

Glad you all got to sleep in this morning. You look great in your green dress. Green is my favorite color.

Your friend,

Agatha and Archie said...

Nothing like a sleep in.We NEVER let them sleep in!! HA HA!!! Love A+A

Aggie said...

Hi Lorenza,

It's nice to meet you! Thanks for leaving a comment. I let my Mommy sleep in today too. She seemed to be in a better mood when I let her sleep.

Loads of Licks


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Thanks Lorenza for visiting my blog.
Come join us for the pool party, all of us love to have you there.
You like to swim, don't you?
You're a role model for us doggies: early morning walk, run errands and blogging at night. Your bed is clean and neat, nice girl, Lorenza!

Poppy said...

It sounds like you had a very nice day, Lorenza. In that green dress you can really tell how much you have slimmed down. Way to go!


Princess Eva and Brice said...

You got to go to store with your Mom? You're so lucky. I'm only allowed in pet stores.

Princess Eva

Rambo said...

Sounds like the perfect day. Eating is the best part, right?

Thor and Jack said...

Aquela foi uma boa maneira de começar o dia!


L said...

Sounds like you had a lovely morning. So.... what did you mom do in the bathroom?

Asta said...

When it's a hot day , the eawly mowning is the nicest..and what a nice tweat to go to youw Gwama's fow bweakfast..hope youw Gwampa is totally well
smoochie kisses

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, you are pretty cute when you are sleeping in. we thought we might see you in pajamas! hee hee.

we can't wait to hear about what your mom is doing in the bathroom to make all of that noise. it sounds like she is working on a project.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Looks like you had a busy day Lorenza

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Interesting.....maybe she's planning a surprise for you in there Lorenza. Hope it's not a dreaded bath though. Aren't weekends lovely - you get to sleep in, go for walks and just hang out with your mom. We love it too.
Abby & Rosie

Toffee said...

I hope that you had a beautiful weekend my dear!

Frasier said...

Hi Lorenza
Those early morning walkies are sooo good.Do you have to go early for the same reason I do,because its so hot later on !

Clover said...

Hi Lorenza!
Looks like you had a really nice morning! Good for you, sleeping longer than your mom! We need our beauty sleep! :)
Love Clover xo

Deefor said...

My mom has to wake me up. Nice stretching and scratching. You look super cute in that dress.

Big noises usually make a mess. A fun mess.


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Miss Model Lorenza! we missed you so much! Just trotted over to say hi and we'll be back to catch up on all your adventures. Golly your bed looks sooo comfy wish we could sleep in the human bed...

Love Licks, waggin TX tails still barking loud! xo

Fred said...

Ooh, I'm curious!

Dexter said...

Wonder what your mom is up to in the bathroom? I wish my mom would let me sleep in once in a while. She wakes me up at 5:00 in the morning! Give a guy a break!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

we dogs are alwiz early... i woke up at 6am every morning...

but ms owner only wake during noon...around 12pm...n by that time, i'm having a good noon nap in my cage...

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Hi Lorenza its been ages since i've not been able to read your blog because we have moved and the internet was not connected. It's great to catch up love the green dress. hopefully I can get blogging again and keep on top of reading everyones blog.
Ludo the cool dude

Petra said...

Whatever your mom was doing in the bathroom must have been serious business!

It was fun seeing what you do in the mornings, Lorenza --- and I love your green dress.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Dad changed our food to some high protein stuff for our herding that is why I am gaining weight. She said that I will probably loose it with all the herding and the lake trips so not to worry.

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Sarah K. said...

Lorenza, we love your green dress! Very summery!

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

I love your new dress...

I can't wait to find out what they are doing in your bathroom...

Abby xxxooo

Peanut said...

What lovely pictures of you waking up.

Girasol said...

waking up with a good energy on the mornings!

B said...

Sometimes its great to sleep in the mornings and wake up to a good walkie and breakfast. You look very snazzy in that dress by the way.

Myeo said...

Morning walk are always fun.. then you can have breakie and go back to sleep..hehe

boy n Baby

Rowdy and Bette said...

That's our kind of day!!

Your doxie pals,
Joey and Maggie