Sunday, June 1, 2008

Santos is the Champion!

After 14 tournaments Santos is the Champion again! Everyone here in Torreon is outside celebrating. You can see all the cars with Santos flags. People is singing and you can hear the claxons. I am thinking nobody will sleep tonight. This title means 6 months of happiness for everyone here.
My lucky dress is going to rest for at least 2 months!
Have a good night


Lacy said...

w00f's Lorenza, yeaaa, congrats to u and them..they coodnt of done it wiffout u..

b safe,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


You guys do know how to celebrate a championship. Hurray Santos. Me and the Moomy hope the Astros win something this year.

Love Mona

Sami & Baylee said...

Congratulations...yippe Santos..Lorenza your dress must be lucky so take good care of it till Santos plays again.


Niamh said...

It was certainly your dress that did it Lorenza. I hope Santos realizes what a loyal fan you are. Congratulations!

Your friend,

Poppy said...

Your lucky dress did it again, Lorenza! Gooooooooool!!!


L said...

We think your lucky dress won the championship for Santos again! Good job.

Charlie Daniels said...

Congratulations Santos .. I'm sure they couldn't have done it with you and your lucky dress Lorenza!



Kess And Her Mama said...

You're a true sports fan, Lorenza!

Thor and Jack said...

Parabéns! Seu vestido certamente trouxe muita sorte ao time!
Boa noite, Lorenza!


Patience-please said...

Santos is lucky that you wear the winning dress!!! YOU made them win - go Lorenza!!!!!!!!!

wags from your fans the whippets

Deefor said...

They should make you the mascot. All the luck you brought them in that cute dress.


Ben & Darling said...

Congratulation & celebration~~~I guess this is what that sing huh.

slurpy licks,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh congrates to Santos for winning. You look really cute in your outfit

~ Girl girl

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

Congrats to Santos...

I'm sure it was your cheering that led them to victory...

Have fun celebrating...

Abby xxxooo

Mack said...

I just know your pretty dress brought them luck!!

The Army of Four said...

How exciting! They should make you their mascot! Ha rooo!
Play bows,

River said...

Hooray for Santos!! Everyone looks so happy. And green is my favorite color.

love & wags,

Myeo said...

Its your lucky dress!!!

Boy n Baby

Dexter said...

Lorenza! Sure, Santos won and that is very good, but you won too!!! You are awesome blog of the month. Good for you. You are so sweet.


Petra said...

YEA! SANTOS won! What a great celebration you all must be having!

Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, we're so happy that Santos won! It was the dress! Santos should be thanking you personally, Lorenza!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Southbaygirl said...

Lorenza, I bet you and your mommy are very happy! I hope you got to celebrate too!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I see how hapopy everyone is. It was good you had your lucky dress on!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Whoo hoo, Lorenza! You must be so excited!

Happy pug snorts from,
Pearl & Daisy

Deetz said...

Hi Lorenzo
I am finally back from vacation.....

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is just wonderful. You look so beautiful in your dress. Your a great cheerleader!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

☮momoKo said...

Hi,Please sleep well tomorrow night.

JustMeCopper said...

I wonder if that team has seen you in the dress?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are certainly a good lukhk dachshie!



Rambo said...

Hooray Santos,
Me and the Midget are clapping our paws. Too bad you have to put the dress away. You look pretty darn cute!
Rambo & MM

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Congratulations Lorenza! We can tell from the smile on your face that you are very happy about your team's success!
Ozzie & Rocky

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Congratulations Lorenza! We can tell from the smile on your face that you are very happy about your team's success!
Ozzie & Rocky

Noah the Airedale said...

Congrats to Santos but a bigger congrats to you Lorenza...Awesome blog waaa hooooo...well done.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Dino and Family said...

Whoa!!! Love your dress! You must be a huge fan of Santos! He looks very handsome and of course you are very pretty too!
Love, Dino

Toffee said...

Congrats to Santos!
I am happy if you are happy!
No doubt it was your beauty in that bootiful dress that led them to victory!

Khady Lynn said...

Congratulations for their victory!!!! I think you dress must have had something to do with it!!


Sharon said...

Hi Lorenza! How cool that Santos won. I can tell you are very excited! i got your email, thanks! I can't wait!

Your little package is on it's way.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Congrats Lorenza! Your lucky dress must be working it's magic...

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm back from kennels and looking forward to catching up with everyones blogs.

Simba x

Girasol said...

Congrats to Santos!!!!!

Snowball said...

Congratulations Santos! Its sure worth celebrating.


Amber said...

Hee,congrats Lorenza, are you and your family celebrating :) ?
all thanks to your dress!!

take care

Pedro said...

Woo hoo Santos! You look so happy you're smiling in your picture!


WinstonBerry said...

YAY!!! Whooo-Hoooo!!!!!! Congratulations on Santos winning, Lorenza!! I hope the team realizes how very lucky they are to have you and your lucky dress!

Winnie :-)

Harry said...

Very well done to Santos. Is everyone still celebrating?!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Asta said...

I hope evewyone is gwatefulto you fow oooooooouw lucky dwess!!! Congwatulations to Santos..and congwatulations to you fow youw bloggie!!!
smoochie kisses

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

Congratulations to Santos for being the champion! You and your dress must be a good luck charm for Santos.

Have a good evening.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulation to santos!! cheers!