Do you remember I told you about those big noises my mom was making in the bathroom? Well, this is what she did. She changed the tiles of the shower! She took pictures of the whole process but something happened to them. We only have these ones. The floor of the shower was not well leveled and it caused that the water was always there after a bath. My mom got tired of this and she decided to do something about it. She had never done something like this before and she thought it could not be so difficult (silly mom). After a battle to take out the old tiles, cut the new ones, the cement and the level... she finished! The work is far from perfect but much better than it was. Now the water runs perfectly to the strainer.
Hi Lorenza,
Your mom did a terrific job! What hard work, too. Glad you got some wallymelon at least! The tuna biskits look really yummy.
love & wags,
I hope blogger works this time. Had trouble commenting before.
Your mum is so clever to do that tiling work. My pinky D would never be able to do that.
Noah xx
Your mom is quite the gal to do that all by herself. Wallymelon is the best of course.
Wow! You have a very handy dandy mom for sure. My G-Mom would never even try that. Hope you enjoyed your wallymelon. It sure looks delish.
w00f's lorenza, me hopes this works this time, me had trouble leaving a comment too...ur mom is pawsome doing dat shower..it looks bute ti ful...mama and daddy to to fix ours, the tub got a crack in it, and dat water has to go sumwhere...
b safe,
Wow you Mum is very talented .. did she make that yummy looking food too?
those chunks of watermelon looks so dood!
Your mum is a super duper handy woman! Well done, Lorenza's mum! Such juicy watermelon. Yummm...
Lorenza!! Your mom changed all these tiles by herself?? Your mom and grandma... your family members are all skilled!
We'd love to try Tlacoyos! It looks good!!
Momo & Pinot
Goodness! I love watermelon, its a real treat. Your mom must have worked really hard on the bathroom - my mom wants to do a similar thing but she's afraid to screw it up. I think your mom gave her courage. We'll see.
Oh wallymelon!! I want I want!!
Wow, your mom did it all herself? The new tiles are nice & white! Woooahhh, those Tuna biscuits made me & my mom drooooooooooooool!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
MMM! Everyone's eating WALLY MELON! Can I have some?!?!?
omdog, lorenza, your mom knows how to change the tiles? i wish my mom and dad know that so they wouldn't need to pay someone to do it. they can use that money to buy more treats for me.
wet wet licks
You've got one smart mom, Lorenza! She's a fix-it mom and a great cook! Isn't wallymelon the BEST?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Tuna Biscuits - YUM!
You're mom is very talented and handy - ours...not so much....
I had Wallymelon this weekend for the very first time! Yum-O! We are very impressed that your Mom tackled such a big project. She is super talented!
Sua mãe fez um excelente trabalho no fim de semana! Ela é muito talentosa! Tuna biscuits parece delicioso! Posso experimentar?? Eu adoro melancia(wallymelon)também!
I think your mum did a good job with the tiles. Woman nowadays are very smart and independent.
Those food looks yummy!
Hi, Lorenza -
Your mom did a great job on the shower fixing it up. Papa could take lessons from her.
The tuna biscuits look yummy. Mama loves watermelon but we haven't had any yet.
Love -
Hi, Lorenza -
Can I have some of that watermelon, too?
Love -
Oh yummy! I love watermelon! It's nice to be back!
Lots of love,
The shower looks great! No wonder there was so much noise. That watermelon looks so delicious! I must have some soon or I will burst!
Hugs, Kodak
Yummmy food!!! And aren't moms the best at doing home repair projects? Mine is always trying to do something around here.....
Peace + Paws,
Lucy Lu
Hi,Lorenza!I ate watermelon too.And I ate the seed of it.
I am proud of your mum, that is a wonderful tile job. My mum and dad did the kitchen counters in tile and they had never tiled before either. That food looks delicious. Oh, and a sloppy joe is loose hamburger mixed with this sauce served on a hamburger bun...it was really good
Your mom is very clever fixing the shower! And that food looks yummy.. You should get some! I love watermelon.. my favourite fruit. Mom will leave me some red on the inside (she'll eat out of a wedge with a spoon) to gnaw. I actually had some a couple of minutes ago! :D
Okay...that whole putting tile in the bathroom sounds and looks very difficult!!! Kudos to your mom!!! Seriously. No wonder she made such delicious food - she deserved it!
My mom's mouth fell open when she saw what your mom did. Where does she get this talent?
And Motch would love that tuna recipe; that looks as good to her as the wallymellen looks to me!
You mom is very handy! Good job Mama-Lorenza! Enjoy your shower.
Youw Mom is sooo vewy clevew and talented..it seems thewe is nothing she can't do...that showew looks gweat!!!
and that meal makes us dwool all ovew..it looks so delicious
smoochie kisses
Good job mom you do wonderful work.. Mom always lets Dad do that kind of stuff at our house.. He seems to know how to do most everything. She thinks she will keep him for another 28 years.. They had their 28th anniversary on the 14th.. She says it is to late to break in a new model.. We love our dad...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
The shower looks great! Dad did some tiling in our house and he didn't like the leveling, cutting and all that either.
Woo! I love watermelon! It's my FAVORITE thing. Except for chicken cooked with green chilis.
Hi, Lorenza...
Your Mom did a great job...My Mom wants her to come here & do ours, too...
That wallymelon looks delish...I bet it cools you off...
Abby xxxooo
Your new tiles look really really nice. Your mom has a lot of talent. Hope they don't put you in there for a bath.
Nice dinner.
You have a very talented mom! The Tlacoyos look fabulous. Do you think she'd let you post the recipe on your blog?
PS- Ari loves wallymelon, too!
Hello Lorenza i am soo glad to be back and looking up all of my firends blogs again. Your mum is amazing i think to do such a difficult job like tiling, i think she did a superb job. That watermelon is making my mouth water, i love them.
lots of licks
Your mom is a great do-it-yourself person. Nice job.
Did she make all those delicious brunch foods too? I have recently tried watermellon and just can't get into it but glad you enjoyed your snack.
Your friend,
Your mom did a great job on the Bathroom. My Mommy and Daddy are also doing something like that in the bathroom. I hope they are done soon, I hate getting a bath in the kitchen sink.
Paw to you later
Your mommy is very talented and resourceful! What a wonderful job she did.
That food looks very very yummy. Can we come for dinner?
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Hi Lorenza
Nice new bathroom.
Can you pee in there? hehe
We love watermelons too but they are not quite yet in season here...
Fei and her human, E
Your bathroom looks pawsome now. I like juicy sweet wallymelons too.
**Happy Birthday to your mom Lorenza**
~ Girl girl
I soooo wanted some of the tuna biskhuits last night but Blogger was being stoooopid!
I'm sure woooo would love Wubba my little furiend!!
Tell your mom that she did a nice job. Tile can be very frustrating.
Wallymelon!!!I love Wallymelon.
Princess Eva
Your mom is very brave to take that job on. It looked very nice when she was done. Your food looks yummy.
Oh boy that would make a tons of noises! But I want some of those Tuna Cookies please emails me some!
Your mom did a great job! It looks fine! Ooh those are some really yummy food! Too bad you didn't have any.
Lorenza, Mom and i are very impressed with your moms work!!!! She did a great job but I'm sure you helped her a bit!
I hope you got to eat some of the yummy food! It made mom hungry to look at!
Quite fancy the food.
Hi from www.wuffstuff.com, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site.
Hope you have time to have a look at us.
Hi Lorenza!
Thanks for the nice note! I think that WATERMELLON looks so tasty!
Putter ...:)
Good evening lorenza.
The bath is constructed, and it is serious.
It goes to a public bath when under construction when it is Japan.
In the United States, is there a public bath?
And, it is instigating of the tuna of the cookie delicious dish.
And, a wonderful dessert is the highest. :)
from loved ume tyan
Lorenza, tell your mom that she did a great job on the shower. Our mom thought SHE was the only one silly enough to take on such a big project. The wallymelon looks yummy and really cool.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Good job, your mom! It looks great! You can also enjoy taking a shower there.
Hugs hugs...
Wow we think it looks perfuect!! You have inspired PL2(oh no) to try it now! SHe was too chicken to try!! We hope this typing comes out ok becaseu there is ALOT of drooling going on around here( from all three of us) Love A+A
Hi!My mom cannot do the repair of the shower room.
Wow, your Mom does good work! She deserves a treat and a scratch behind her ear!
Hi Lorenza!!!! I love Wallymelon, and i can see that you too!!! Now for summer, it´s a food fresh... i love it!!!
Your mom is so brave to take on those tiles. She did a great job! Those tuna biscuts look pretty good.
Lorenza -
My friend Dark only speaks Spanish on his bloggy! He write me in English, but I am never sure what he is up to. Maybe you could make friends with him too.
P.S. Sometimes I use online translator to see what he is up to. But it gets confused. Maybe his Spanish is not so good.
Hi Lorenza! I love watermelon too. I don't get it very often but it is yummy!!
Wow! your mom is the cleverest, and WOW you have a LOT of comments!!!! Everybody loves sweet Lorenza!
wags from the whippets
What a great job Mom did! She should get an extra cookie for that.
Hi Lorenza,
Isn't Watermelon the best? I love it too! Yummy
Your mom is so skillful. Our mom thinks that is too tough to do.
Boy n Baby
Hi Lorenza!
I think your mom did a great job, especially given that she never did anything like that before! It looks good! It's great that you mom is so handy! And she puts out a great spread, too! The "Wallymelon" would be my favorite!!!!
Winnie :)
Your Mom did great with the tiles on the bathroom floor. My Mama could never do that. She is a makeup artist and can make girlies very pretty, but never do a good job at house repair. Your Mom is talented!
I think I ate Wallymelon on this day too. It was super hot that day and my Mama took pictures of me eating Wallymelons too!
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