When my mom came home, my grandma told her about it. My mom talked to me. She said there are things we can not understand. Things that are not fair, but we have to be possitive. Being sad does not help them. She told me to pray for the ones who are having health problems and to keep the good memories of the ones who are no longer with us. I guess she is right.
Then, she invited me to play bitey hands with her..... and I had fun hearing her "ooouchies"
It is always so sad to hear that a friend went to the bridge. But we know that Tasha will be there wagging her tail waiting for us.
Hi Lorenza,
Your mommy is right about all she said.. we have to think positive in everything life throws at us, otherwise we cannot enjoy life to its fullest potential.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. Sorry you couldn't see the video, does it work now?
w00f's Lorenza, ur smilin face can brighten any sad day up...heehee, me plays bitey face wiff mama, but its my claws dat she goooooooes ouchie about...
b safe,
It's been a sad week for sure. :(
Your happy face makes us feel better though!
I know we are all sending our good energy out to all our friends. It's been a very tough week so far ... I hope it eases up a lot now.
We believe in being positive and to plan on seeing everyone one day. We pray that those who are not well do not suffer and they will feel better soon. Lorenza, you have such an expressive face! Bitey hands==I need to try that game, too!
love & wags,
Thank you fow those pictoowes of you..they wawmed ouw sad heawts
smoochie kisses
Looks like you had fun with your Mummy. Enjoy your nap.
Simba x
Hi Lorenza, your mommy is right. LS said your picture put a smile on her face. So sweet.
Have a good weekend!
Princesa Lorenza... veo que tienes muy buen corazón, eso me gusta. Pero lo que más me gusta es que a mi también me gusta jugar a morder el dedito de mi papi, sólo que tu colmillo es mucho mas grande que el mío arf, arf, arf...
Un lametón en vuestra pata de su seguro servidor, el humilde mestizo Yogui ;-).
Hi Lorenza,
I know exactly how you feel... there's been too many bad news lately. I just hope this'll come to an end.. we need more GOOD news! *sigh*
Hi, Lorenza -
Your Mom is right. We need to have positive thoughts so our friends will get healthy.
Mama has so many good memories of my older sister - especially when she played ball.
Those pictures of you playing bitey hands with your Mom are great.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Looks like you & your Mommy had a great time time playing bitie face!! Me & the Mommy have been very sad about all our friends that have left for the bridge and eveybody that is sick but she says we have to be brave & keep saying lots of paryaers for everbody.
Love ya...Mona & the Mommy
Mom has been giving us extra hugs lately with all the sad news.
That is very wise of your Mom, Lorenza..we need to be positive for our friends who are not feeling well, and also be positive for friends who are no longer with us. My thoughts are with them all too.
Good evening lorenza.
The story of the rainbow bridge and the reproduction is Japan.
And, the time that is called this time and the Bon festival corresponds.
There is an event of the Bon Festival Dance at the Bon festival.
Please spend a wonderful weekend. :)
from loved ume tyan
Hi, Lorenza...
It has been a sad week...But your Mom is right...
Playing Bitey Hands with Mom always makes me feel better, too...
Abby xxxooo
Hi again Lorenza!
We're sorry once again that you couldn't see the video... we don't know what's wrong. We can see it just fine, but then the url to it says there is no video, like you said. We've never liked uploading videos, it's too much of a hassle, so we think we'll try to avoid using them...
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Oh Lorenza,
I wanna give you a big hug now. Play a lot and Make a lot of good memories! I will!
hugs hugs
hi Lorenza, you are a sweet dog and we think those sad thoughts too for our friends who are ill and our friends who have departed. your mom is wise though to tell you to think positive thoughts. that's the best thing that any of us can do. and play bitey face/hands/tail - hee hee.
thanks for being our friend!
You have a very wise mom, Lorenza. Good things happen and sad things happen to us as we live each day. Thinking positive thoughts helps us have the right perspective.
Bitey face is the best, isn't it?!
lorenza .. chamaquita mia..
como me gusta llamarte asi..
no te pongas trizte,, asi es la vida.. algunos se van, otros se enferman. pero saber que tenemos amigos como tu que se acuerda de todos es fenomenal..
y tu vives con una familia que te adora y ese amor se trasmite a todos los demas
te queremos amiga.. las fotos son hermosas...te robaremos alguna para nuestro photo blog..
That bitey-hand looks fun! Mom and I do something similar sometimes. But did she make you bitey your ear??
And yes.. friends in trouble and friends who cross the rainbowbridge are noe fun, but we just have to make the best of it.
Kisses and hugs,
Hmm my mom won't let me pay bitey hand with her. I wonder why? Seeing your happy face makes us feel better.
We cannot stop what is meant to be. We must always remember our friends with fondness.
Yes, moms are khorrekht but it still hurts -
Glad woo had some bitey game time with your mom -
I like to play that too!
Your mom gave you (and me) good advice. I think she is right. But it is sad. You look cute playing bitey hand.
You are so right about remember our friends and the good memories. You are so, so cute playing bitie finger. I like to play bitie too. I play bitie hands, bitie feet, bitie arms. My mommy doesn't like it though. She tries to stuff a stupid stuffed animal in my mouth instead. Not as fun as human flesh!!!
Hugs, Kodak
It is very sad when our friends are sick - we just have to keep hoping for the best.
I'm glad that your mom was able to cheer you up by playing that fun game with you.
Your friend,
This has been a very sad week for all of us!
Your mom is very smart, Lorenza!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WOO WOO Lorenza
You Mom is so smart and bright. And you are so so adorable playing with your Mom. Rest well
Thor and Marco Polo
Your mommy looks so fun to play with. Your such a sweet doggie!
yeah, a lot of bad news. i hate it.
well lorenza, when you play bitey hands with mommy did she try putting your legs for a chew? lol
wet wet licks
We are right there with you praying for all our friends..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi!My Mom Likes music compact disk titled "All things must pass"George Harrison's
You are just too cute playing bitey finger. Not fair that your mom put your ear in your mouth.
There are lots of sad things going on right now for sure. We are glad you have a way to relax and feel better, that is very important!
Great post, Lorenza!
You look SO adorable in the pix of you playing - especially the first one. It made all of us smile. :) Thank roo!
Tail wags,
What a sweet post, Lorenza! I think your mom is exactly right.
What a lovely post.
Thank you for your kind words on my blog. It really means a lot to me and the Js. J x
You are a very sweet doggie. I like seeing you play bitey!
Que semana triste! Eu também estou orando e mandando boas vibrações para todos os meus amigos.
Your mum is right Lorenza. It's important to stay positive for our sick friends. We're going to try our best to do that.
We love your photos btw.
tail wags
Noah xx
We're all with you on that one, Lorenza --thinking of our friends and trying to stay positive. Aren't those ouchie sounds so nice? I interpret them as "bite me again, big boy." Have fun.
Lorenza that was lovely, your Mom is so wise.Good vibes to you too, sleep tight.Wags, Eric x
It's sad when all we hear is bad news 'n we don't hear any good news....but hopefully things will get better soon for everyone...in the meantime ya sure do have a peck o fun playin' bitey hands with yer Mom...I should try that sometime....I just kiss Gram all over to cheer her up.....
Dewey Dewster here....
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