Yesterday morning, the mean mailman came to my house. He gave my grandma a paper that said there was a package for me at the Postal Office. My grandma called my mom to her work and she said she had time to go and pick it up. My surprise was that she came home first and she took me and my grandma with her. There we went and of course I had to wait at the office door. My mom asked for the package and one lady gave it to her. The lady asked to her if she was Lorenza. My mom said "No, Lorenza is right there at the door". The lady saw me and started yelling. She called her co-workers to see me. They said that they knew me because nobody got more Christmas Cards the last year (and this one too!) than me. We said "bye-bye" and went home.
My mom checked the package before open it and she told me that it was from Moco and Grammie! I was so excited! The box was opened and I saw a big big bag of Chicken Jerky, Pup-Peroni, delicious cookies and a squeakie hamburger! My mom was good enough and gave me a cookie. Then she put everything back in the box and told me that I had to wait until night to get another treat. I was not so happy with that but I still had the taste of the cookie in my mouth so I told her it was ok.
I sent an email to Moco and Grammie to say thanks for all the great things they sent to me and told them that I had the squeakie burger on the bed to play with it at midnight... and I did it! Ha-ha!
Thanks again Moco and Grammie. I am very happy with your presents... and my mom too!
Have a good night
Wow, you are sure popular that all the postal workers know you! I love all those treats that you got from Moco and Grammie. You are one lucky doggie, Lorenza!
Hugs, Kodak
Hi, Lorenza -
You are one lucky (not to mention popular) dog. Kaci would probably eat all the treats and I (Hershey) would probably play with the squeaky burger to drive Mama crazy.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi Lorenza,
You got some yummy treats! You got to go to the post office, how was it? I have never been with mommy to the post office. Did you get more treats at night time? Yummy!
Wow...a celebrity doggie! Coolness! =D Those treats look extra yummy! Too bad that you need to wait...still, night time treats are cool too!
You are famous in your town! Great gifts - it's good that your mom let you have a treat!
Love Clover xo
That sure looks like a fun squeaky burger! Make sure to squeak it nice and loud!
I tell you Moco and Grammie are the best ever. Good job on being so famous and playing with the hamburger at night.
Hey Lorenza,
how come "No Dogs Allowed?" That's not fair! What kind of office is that?? How are you supposed to get your mail? Shame on them!
Você está muito famosa, Lorenza!
Que belos presentes! Os treats parecem deliciosos! Que bom que você pode ir junto ao Correio retirar os presentes.
Boa noite.
My mailman asks the same thing - why I get more stuff than my mom and/or my doggy nanny!
Gracias for the khomment on my blog!!
And once again, woo look sooooo khute!!!
Great gifts...Chicken Jerky sounds delicious! I hope it was as yummy as it looked!
What a yummy surprise!
I'm passing along a Brillante award, Lorenze -- mom & I love reading your blog!
- Charlie
We are so glad that the package arrived safely and you are enjoying the treats and squeaking the hamburger in the middle of the night.
What lovely pressies! It's so sweet of Moco and Grammie! You are one popular dog too!
What great gifts.
Simba x
Hola Lorenza........ Ya estamos aquí de nuevo. Jeje, eres la más famosa de tu zona por las felicitaciones de navidad... Un abrazo.
Que suerte tener tan buenos amigos... las galletitas tenían una pinta estupenda...
Supongo que es normal que una princesa reciba regalos así... entre la nobleza debe de ser habitual, si hasta te conocen en correos -eres famosa, princesa Lorenza-.
Un lametoncito de vuestro seguro servidor
Moco & Grammie totally rock, don't they??!
I bet it is HOT down your way. I can't stand this heat!
Wow! You're sure my favourite, Lorenza, but that you were famous at the post office for getting so much mail made us laugh out loud!
You better warn the post office before Valentine's Day rolls around so they can bring in extra workers!
I have a hamburger just like that. But don't try and eat it, like I did. Not as tasty as the real thing, but more fun to play with!
Your pal,
G'day Lorenza
Great Pressies :-)
Those ares some pawsome goodies from Moco & Grammie! Ooooh, sandwich cookies. Never had those before...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Lorenza!
The treats look super yummy, noisy squeakie burger also! Lucky you! You were so popular! I got 2 christmas cards last year.
hugs and licks
i bet u are famous in the post office... their should have invited u in to have a coffee
Hey, our mailman had to come meet us too, since we got more Christmas cards than anyone else, too! I love the card exchange!
AGAIN our mom is crazy about your sundress - she wants one for herself.
Yer one special doggie ta get such a nice box of treats sent ta ya....hope ya enjoy 'em down ta the last drop...
Now that they know ya at the post office....yer probably gonna get lots of special delivery stuff sent yer way......'n pronto too....
Dewey Dewster here.....
That is so funny that the postal workers knew you because of all the Christmas cards you got, Lorenza! You are famous for sure!
What fun presents you got! I'm sure that Moco and Grammie were pleased that you squeaked your burger at midnight, too!
You are famous at the Post Office! And they don't even let you in! Enjoy all those treats and your squeaker.
Wow Lorenza, you sure do have nice friends!!! Those treats look great :)
WOO WOO Lorenza
We can't believe you didn't get to go inside of the post office - You dress is awesome! Does your Mom dress you or do you get to pick out your outfit each day?
Thor and Marco Polo
Yowee Lorenza. What a lucky girl to get those gifts from Moco and Grammie. They are totally awesome and you really deserve those treats.
OH how sweet. You will have to send Moco and grammie big kisses...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Moco and Grammie are the GREATEST!!! That was so nice of them!! That's hilarious that the post office people know you becuase of all the cards you got!
Hi Lorenza,
The Mommy got an email from you but we don't know what it said. Could you send an email ti the Mommy telling her what it said.
Love ya lots....Mona
What a great package! Do the people at the post office know you?
Harrrrrr Lorenza
great present Harrrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Lorenza, you really receive some really nice stuff. The chicken jerky looks delicious. Can I have some, please?
omdog! so many goodies. and all for you. the other day, dopey received his very first b'day gift from faya. I'M SHARING IT WITH HIM! hahahaha.
wet wet licks
I'm so glad you got the stuff even though they didn't want you to go into the postal office. They are dumb, you are so cute you should go anywhere!
And you were all dressed up, too! They should have let you in. But at least you got the great box of presents.
love & wags,
Hee Hee Lorenza,
You are famous now!
Those gifts looks pawsome!
Boy n Baby
Guauuuuuuuuu que de cositas ricas te han mandado amiga arf arf!
Si como dice el primo,debe ser algo normal entre la realeza recibir presentes tan apetitosos y seguro que riquisimos jejeje!
Te mandamos un lameton muy grande guau guau!
That is funny Lorenza all the ladies at the post ofice knowing you! Guess what? You will get at least 1 more Christmas card this year, 1 from me!
Your presents looked dogalicious, especially the squeeky burger - did you get fries as well?Hehe!!
Oh and thanks for the beauty advice. I will try that next time!
Wags, Eric x x x
Hi, Lorenza...
What yummy treats you got...
The postal people know you by name?? You are famous, Lorenza...
Abby xxxooo
That was super thoughtful of Moco and Grammie! Enjoy your treats, Lorenza! They sure look yummy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hi Lorenza, that's a great box of goodies that they sent you. yummmmy. you are a celebrity at your postal office! that's pawsome that they know you because of your christmas cards!
What a funny story -- we can just picture the postal workers looking for Lorenza!! And of course, there you werein your pretty dress!!!
Enjoy your treats!!
Jake and Just Harry
That is way awesome Lorenza! Out of all the people and dogs in your area, you got the most cards! Go figure! Moco was awefully nice to send you lots of new snackies and toys! Woohoo!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi Lorenza!
How nice of Moco and Grammie to send you all those neat things! Oooh! Pup-Peroni! We used to have those and they're grreat!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Wow you got some great treats there! I hope i get some like that real soon!
Maybe... maybe you would share yours with me?!
WOOOO! Those lick n crunch are awesome. Next time, request the Vanilla Woofers (made by the same people). They are really yummy. Or I can send woo some if you like. Just let me know.
What a nice parcel! You must be such a popular dog around town now that you will have to start wearing sunglasses and signing pawgraphs!
licks & slobbers
Grammie is just the greatest! And you have such a lovely summer dress. No wonder the people at the mail office were so happy to see you!
wally t.
Jackpot!! The post office must love getting things for you becuase then they get to see your adorable dresses!! Love A+A
You are a celebrity in your town now!! You got some really great treats!!
You are famous Lorenza! You are a celebrity at the Post OFfice.
That was an amazing goodie package. Hope you enjoy all your treats.
Your friend,
Lorenza, you are a popular girl! You should have your Mom print a photo of you and take it to the post office for them to hang up somewhere. And be sure to label the photo "Lorenza."
Or, better yet, a photo of you with all your holiday cards from last year!!!
Lorenza and Lorenza's mommy---
Send our mom an email because she's got very important information to share with you regarding the chicken jerky. Thanks!
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