Wednesday, July 23, 2008

DWB Mission!

We were reading your blogs and then we saw the DWB news. There is an important mission for all of us! Click here, read it and participate if you can. Thanks!



Looking at...

Sniffing it.....

Tasting it....


"Mom, that was not funny. I will not talk to you until you give me

Have a good night


Lacy said...

w00f's Lorenza, heehee u mom fooled ya didnt she..nuttin better than wallymelon...

b safe,

Kathryn and Ari said...

Hello, lovely Lorenza-
We'll overlook the fact that you spit out perfectly good cantelope melon (one of our personal favorites), since we agree that watermelon is fantastic.

Off to learn more about the mission. Thanks for the heads up!

Andra said...

Maybe if you wear a dress with Wallymelons on it your mommy will get the hint on what you want!!
-Luke and Liesel

Kodak the Eskie said...

Oh Lorenza! I love, love watermelon too!! That's too bad that you were tricked! I think she had your best interst at heart though!

Hugs, Kodak

River said...

Wallymelon!!We all scream for wallymelon! My favorite, too.

love & wags,

Boo Casanova said...

wallymelon is the red one rite? yuck, what's this yellow one then? mom cheated u.

wet wet licks


Franny said...

Aww, too bad it wasn't wallymelon! I love your dress! It matches the antelope melon. I hope your mommy goes out and buys a nice, big wallymelon just for you!

Charlie Daniels said...

You never know until you try it Lorenza. Who knows? You may have liked it more than wallymelon!

Sorry you didn't though ;-)



Koobuss said...

Oh Lorenza,

What a dirty trick. That doesn't look like wally melon to me either. Hang in there until you get what you want. Don't let her do that to you again1

Koobuss Kisses,

CoCo said...


I had melon tonight after my dinner. It was good. I also had peaches too. I like wallymelon better too, but I usually take what I can get!


Ben & Darling said...

How come your wallymellon is yellow color?? I only see my hooman eating red melon...

slurpy licks,

Joe Stains said...

What is that FAKE melon, that is not wallymelon for sure!! Good Job spitting it out!!

i said... tell her, Lorenza! LS did the same to me too and I spat it out. But mine was honeydew melon.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Lorenza, what melon was that? Honeydew?? Rock Melon?? I love watermelons too..*slurp*

Simba and Jazzi said...

If you don't like that melon send it to me, I love it.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh... what kind of melon are those. I shall avoid them too since they yuck

~ Girl girl

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

Mama had a good laugh about what you did to that melon. She feels exactly the same way about string beans.

Thanks for giving us a heads up on the mission - we'll go check this out.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

That's right...If you want Wallymelon, don't settle for anything less...

Abby xxxooo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom does NOT like that stuff!

I khould see her khringe when she just SAW it!!


umekotyan said...

Good evening lorenza.
The smell of the melon seems to be delicious.
However, delicious of the melon of full ripeness is.
I love sweet melon. :)

from loved ume tyan

Yogui said...

Un melón....Mmmm parecía delicioso... ¿Se parece a los plátanos? A mi me encantan los plátanos...
Un lametoncito Princesa Lorenza

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...



Sami & Baylee said...

Lorenza I totally agree about that yucky melon, no good taste. My hooman sis and brother eat but I won't touch the stuff, yucky poo no way. Watermelons remind me of a funny story mommy tells, when sis Allie was little she see strawberries at the store and say I want some of those watermelons, hehehe mom says she did this for awhile, guess someone fooled her like you got fooled with the melons. I hope you get some watermelon soon!

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, we had to chuckle when we saw you say 'yuk'. that was cute. we heard that wallymellon was the best and then our mom bought us one. she said we're gonna get to eat it this weekend. we hope you get one too!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

the orange melon looks rare here...

we usually hv the red ones

Pedro said...


I think I'd like some of that melon. It looks sooo good, but you didn't like it??


Lizzy said...


That might not be watermelon, but I think it looks delicious! What is it exactly? Pineapple? I need to try some of that stuff...


Rambo said...

Canteloupe YUCK!! I don't blame you at all. Next time try wearing a watermelon colored dress, he he.

Gaia the Airedale said...

mmmm Lorenza that looks way nummy! But for you eh? Wallymellon is also pawesome, I love your dress too!

puppy breath,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We're with woo, Lorenza - yucko to melon. The baby bipeds here just wuv canteloupe - double yuck!!!

Sadly we don't like wallymelon either - we will send woo ours.

Playbows, the OP Pack

Peanut said...

that melon matches your dress though.

Petra said...

Hahaha! You are funny, Lorenza! I guess you let your mom know how you feel about melon.

It must be WALLYMELON!

Duke said...

How is it that your dresses always match what you're doing?! We like cantaloupe too but wallymelon is better!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lady Kaos said...

Mom says that yellow stuff look slike cantelope and we don't buy that stuff because Mom says it's way yucky!! Your Mom should buy you your own wallymelon to make if for it! Be sure she knows to look for the one that's red inside!

Mack said...

I don't eat melon either. Truth be known I am not really too fond of wallymelon!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes wallymelon is very tasty. Every dog should get some of that..
It looks like Callie will be coming home tomorrow. We can hardly wait..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Is it the cantaloupe?
Hand it over, Lorenza. I love fruit and vegetable.

The Army of Four said...

A mission? I'm on it.
Oooh.... is that cantaloupe? Can I have it?

Thor and Jack said...

A melancia é melhor mesmo! Mas o melão também parece muito bom! Pena que você não quis nem saber dele.
Espero que você consiga sua melancia.
Tenha uma boa noite!


Southbaygirl said...

Lorenza, what was that yellow melon???? It looked yummy-and it was a pretty color!


Melito said...

A que esta rico el melón,así fresquito? mami muchas veces me da unos trocitos y me gusta mucho (bueno,la verdad es que hay pocas cosas que no me gusten,claro esta que la comida de perro no eh? jejejeje),cuando estes acaloradqa pidele a tu mami pedacitos de melon ;)!
Un lameton bien grande y eres muy linda eh? arf arf!

Simcha said...

I love watermelon too. Must be a dog thing.

Thanks for stopping by and wishing me well,



You don't like rock melon? We love any kind of melon and gulp it down as fast as we can. Maybe you just got a bad bit.
By the way our mum loves your cute little dress and so do we.

Harry said...

I think I'd still eat not, not found much that I don't eat, har har.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Tatum Tot said...

Ewww, Melon is not food! Doesn't she know that? Yuck!

kishiko said...

That melon looked yummy, but isnt it food??? hmmm...
Have a nice weekend! hugs hugs

☮momoKo said...

Hi!You who sulk are pretty.

Aggie said...

What a mean thought you were getting yummy Wallymellon, but instead you get gross stuff....Sorry you mommy played a trick on you.

Sloppy Licks,


Deefor said...

Hi Lorenza
I love your car sign. I need Terrierist a Bodo for Arrow. I don't like that funny fruit stuff either. Only Wallymelon.

I'm leaving a tag for you when you have time.


Moco said...

That looks like mango (the fruit not the big guy). We love mango (the fruit and the big guy). It matches your dress.

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Lorenza, I'm not a big fan of melon either so don't feel bad! Wallymellon is sooooooooooo much better xoxoxox

Have a super weekend little friend xoxox

Dexter said...

I guess you told mom. No substitutes! Only official wally-mellon for you!


Isis said...

Hello friend!

i have brought you this award!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

She's home!!!
Thanks for your awesome vibes.

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Baby Callie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza! I do love watermelon but I have to say I've never tried other melon before, like honeydew melon or cantaloupe (is cantaloupe a melon...i think so). You sure have lovely dresses! XOXO Peanut

L said...

ewww.... I feel the same way about melon. I spit it on the floor too!
For some reason though, Comet loves it. That boy has no taste!

Myeo said...

Your mom tried to tricked but you are too clever for that :P

Boy n Baby