My Auntie Claudia brought my mom presents. After coming to Mexico, she went to Malaysia! With all the bla, bla, bla with my Auntie Liliana and my mom, she did not explain us about the presents. I hope my friends from Malaysia can tell me something about them.

I want a bath!
I never come to the bathroom unless I want a bath. I spent almost and hour there. Changing positions every few minutes. No luck. My mom did not get the idea. I wish I could speak!
Have a good night
Hi, Lorenza...
It's sooo cool that you like your bath so much...
I wish I did, cuz my Mom is always giving me one...
I'm going to the "Spa" tomorrow...
Abby xxxooo
w00f's Lorenza...heehee did they ever give u a baff?? to bad u to short to jump in the shower u self..that one pressie looks like a key ring to me...not know what the monkey one iz...
b safe,
they must like monkeys in Malaysia!
So...you like to get a bath? I don't like it at all. I try to jump out of the bathtub.
Maybe next time your mom will get the hint!
I hate baths! I cry every time my mom puts me in the tub! Su un perrito muy bonito Lorenza!
Espero que vocĂȘ consiga o seu banho logo! Eu fujo do meu banho sempre!
Boa noite!
Maybe a bell to ring or a horn to honk? The tiles look cool to lie on.
love & wags,
yeah get a bell. We have a bell to ring when we want to go outside. So one to tell your mom you want a bath would be good
Hi Lorenza, We're from Malaysia so we thought we'll help you out. Your aunt must have gone to Sabah/Sarawak in East Malaysia (also known as Borneo). The proboscis monkey in an endangered species and is only found in Borneo. You can read more about it on this website http://www.proboscismonkey.org/
So did you get your bath? Not many of us are like you, volunteering for a bath!
Yes, looks like your Aunt Claudia has been visiting Sabah. Did she visit the orang utans as well?
Poor Lorenza!
Woo look SOOOO neglekhted!!
Malaysia? That's where Togo and Tagar live! In KL!!!
Enjoy your visitors - make sure they give you lots of LOVE!!!!
Can't imagine volunteering for a bath, Lorenza. You must get bubble baths or something nice like that.
I go to the bathroom when I wanted to bath too.
Sorry. Due to the problem we have with google, I can't see the pictures of the pressie your mum receive.
Those are cool gifts.. I think it's a key chain?
I hope you got a bath already
~ Girl girl
Were you hot Lorenza? We never want a bath so we usually avoid the bathroom. Hope you get a bath soon.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
G'day Lorenza
I can't believe you volunteer to have a bath! You're strange! ;-)
We like lying on the cool floor when it's hot! Are you hot, Lorenza?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Lorenza -
Did you finally get your bath? Mama and Papa said that I was really good when I got my bath from being sprayed by the skunk.
It must have been pretty warm yesterday for you to want a bath.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I bet the cool tile in the bathroom feels good on your tummy!
You *want* a bath??? Crazy girl! I hate baths...but I bet the bathroom tile is nice & cool.
You so cute, Lorenza! I always notice the bath time, then run away. wag wag!
I am so glad that I read Kess' comment - very helpful. You are so beautful looking - I cannot imagine that you need a bath! This must be how you maintain your good looks
Oooh, I didn't get to meet your Auntie Claudia! What a pity...I don't think you need a bath. You look pretty clean & I always believed that dogs should always smell like dogs...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I don't believe you WANT a bath! Maybe your baths are more fun than mine. I bet Malaysia was nice. They have really good food I think-- like Mexico!
Are you sure you want a BATH?!! Yikes. We prefer to be smelly. Maybe you are part human? They love the bath.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Why would any dog want a bath?! The presents look nice.
Simba x
What a brave girl to ask for a bath! I never want one (but I wish I could speak, too).
You..you...you..want..a BATHHHH???????????
Lorenza is sick. Probably high fever. Yikes, Somebodee help her!
ANyway, your Aunt Claudia must have gone to Sabah in East Malaysia! Seen some mokeys there I assume!
Hope you get your bath today! Ziggy is really good about getting a bath. Mom tells him its bath time and he goes to the bathroom and climbs in the tub. Not me! I hate baths!
Awww Lorenza...you look so cute trying to tell your mama to give you a bath...you should come over to my house..my mom will give you a bath every hour...thats how often it seems I"ve been getting baths...YUCK!
Love & Licks,
Hi Lorenza!
Can you come to my house and take a bath in place of me? I hate them...
Love Clover xo
You LIKE to get a bath, Lorenza?! That is so funny! I don't like them much at all.
Good luck finding out about those monkey presents.
Hi,Lorenza!Do you have how a lot of dresses?Blue or a light blue dress are wonderful.
You like baths? I hate them. Louie likes to play in the water but isn't to keen on baths...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hope you get your bath Lorenza. A girls got to do all girlie things, like taking baths, a good soak, pedi and manicures...washing ... glad I'm not a girlie!! Eric x
I'll tell your mom to hang a bell or something on the door, you just simply shake it when you need a bath.
Me? My mom has to catch me to wet me, hehe!
What??? they came to Malaysia without you???? You should come Lorenza so that I can meet you. How could they do that to you??? Im not sure about those monkey but the place Sabah that she went got many monkey looking call "orang Utan" they can do stuff like hooman...
slurpy licks,
I cannot believe you WANT a bath?? that sounds so weird to me!! ;)
How is my favorite daschund friend Lorenza today?
Maybe if you keep hinting to Mommy she will get the message you want a bath. I love baths.
Those are pretty cool gifts your Auntie got your mommy.
Ummmm. Lorenza, although those pictures of you are darn cute... why on earth do you want a bath so badly? Don't you know they are evil? Even with rubber duckies, by the way.
Anyway, the fool proof way to get one is to go outside and roll around in the most foul smelling thing you can get your paws into.
Um, but don't tell your humans I told you that.
Hmm...we figured out right away you wanted a bath cuz you didn't have a dress on!!! I had to have Stan and Scruffy look the other way for a minute...they didn't see anything, don't worry!!!
I love my bathies too, Lorenza...it's just the best feelin' havin' water running down your back....so relaxing!
Barkies...love, Laciegirl
Hi Lorenza,
Wow, nice pressies! Though I can't tell you much about them although Singapore and Sabah is quite close by.. :(
ACK!!! You want a bath??? Does your human bathe you in mud? Because I think that would be the best bath ever!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
You be a funny girl wanting a bath Lorenza! Or did you really need to cool down?
Cassidy x
Good evening lorenza.
The present of the key chain is the one for happiness to tie.
And, the preparation for the bath is well-done.
Slowly, I want to enjoy the time of the bath. :)
from loved ume tyan
Oh Lorenza! I can't believe you go and ask for a bath! I don't like them and tuck my tail, what little of it there is, when it is "THAT TIME." You are such a pcute girl!
hi Lorenza, your mom needs to teach you how to turn the water on and then you could make your own bath. we never did know a dog who likes a bath before. even us, who love the water and swimming, only tolerate our baths. can you go swimming in your swimming pool instead of a bath?
Seriously? You WANT a bath? Now me, I sleep in the tub sometimes, but I'll freak once the water's turned on! No way, no how!
Play bows,
Silly girl, you wanted a bath?! To cool down?
We love the monkey gifts!
M & I
Did you ever get a bath? You are so classy and your mum needs to tend to your needs...I mean how can you wear those pretty dresses and not have a bath and all
Mom's can be a bit thick headed sometimes. You were communicating so clearly I knew what you wanted right through your blog.
Oh, Lorenza, how could anyone deny you anything, especially when you look so fetching? I hope you got your bath after all!
Hey Lorenza, I can't believe you actually WANT a bath! WHY???? J x
We think you are crazy for wanting a bath. We HATE baths! Next time our girl wants to give us one, we will tell her to fly to Mexico and give it to you!
Comet and BLU
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