I have my paws crossed for Snickers, Jackson, Dakota, Noah and Tess, Verdi, and all our friends who are having health problems.
Also my paws are crossed for Sherman, Penny and Lola. They are having a hard time too.
Today I wore this dress.... instead of....
RESULT: America 3 - Santos 2
Today was the begining of the soccer season. My mom forgot about it. I did not wear my lucky Santos dress. They lost. I hope this is not a bad signal.
I was tagged by Deefor to think of something my mom could do to make me a happy dog.
Like Deefor, I am a happy dog but.......
I'd be happier if my mom would stay at home with me 24/7.
Getting more than one treat a day would be nice too.
Having a big yard to run free
Having at least one pet shop here where I live
Having a dog park
(All of the above are just dreams... but maybe one day....)
Hershey and Kaci.... what could make you happier?
Have a good night
You sure have crazy weather. It's the same over here.
You looked really good in the dress though.
Yeah, having mom stay home 24/7 sure will make us happy!
Thank you for your crossed paws, Lorenza. And we all think you look pretty in any dress.
Woo, Dakota
we hope your crossed paws work. Sorry the santos lost.
I'm going to cross my paws too for all those things. Too bad you made the Santos lose because of the dress. I won't tell. One treat a day!!! I hope it's a giant treat.
We've had crazy weather like that too! You look so pretty in your dress, even if it was the wrong one for your team.
w00f's Lorenza, me went to visit all dose doggies, except Dakota, me just went and give her sum healin vibes...hope they all will git well soon...ur so cute in ur dresses, ooo u furgot to wear ur lucky dress...liked ur answers fur the tag...
b safe,
Lorenza, that's so nice of you to keep your paws crossed for all the doggies that aren't feeling well!!!
Me, too, Lorenza. My paws are crossed, too.
That is quite a list that you have there. I guess that no matter how good you have it, there is always room for improvement. Hehehe
Your soccer season started today? Seems like they were just playing. When does your season end? It must be a short off season.
Our Yankees lost tonight, Lorenza. BooHoo......
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hello Lorenza ! We have the same mad weather here....strange...
I also have my paws crossed...
Even with the wrong dress you are still very cute.
Kisses, Faya
I'm sowwy youw team lost, but I'm suwe it's ot youw fault..did you see the yankees game Petey and Abby went to??
I'm cwossing evewything I have fow all ouw fwiends
smoochie kisses
I am keeping my paws crossed for all our friends too. I hope everything turns out alright for everypup.
hi Lorenza, you have very pretty paws. we have our paws crossed for all of our friends with health problems and home problems too. we want everydog to be healthy and happy.
you are very pretty in your summery dress, but you have to do your part for the Santos and wear your dress for them when they play. it's obvious to us that you have the power to make them win when you are wearing your Santos dress. you should be the team mascot.
Hi Lorenza!! sexy paws awww!!!
Thanks for your well wishes for Suria brother. He is getting better and hope will continue do so :)
Lorenza, parece que vivamos al ladito... por aquí el tiempo igual, ayer un sol resplandeciente y hoy agua...ains... me he mojado al dar mi paseo matinal...
Lo siento por tu equipo... pero apóyales sin reservas, que eso les ayudará..
Un lametón
Wow, the sky sooo clear the next day! Bet it was very hot too coz there's no clouds. Well, hope your team, will do well.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What do they serve at Pollo Loco? Hopefully ice cream?
Our paws are crossed for all of our friends too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Lorenza -
Oh no, you didn't wear your lucky dress and your team lost? Silly Mom!
We are keeping our paws crossed for all the pups that are sick - hope they all get well soon.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi, Lorenza...
Paws crossed here, too, for all our friends...
Sorry about your Santos...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Lorenza!
Very nice to meet you! You look SUPER cute in those outfits! Mom especially likes the pink one...*sings* Pretty lady, walking down the street!
What was your mom thinking.
We are all hoping for the best for all of them.
Good you are keeping your paws crossed. It sounds pretty rough for Lola and Sherman right now.
How embarassing that your mom put the wrong dress on you. Hope it doesn't happen again.
I hope all those sick dawgs feel better soon. Libby, my cat-sister is sick too and my mom is very worried about her. She has to go to the V-E-T today.
I hope all those sick dawgs feel better soon. Libby, my cat-sister is sick too and my mom is very worried about her. She has to go to the V-E-T today.
Hi Lorenza!
It is so sweet that you have your paws crossed. I think your legs are long!!! Kisses
We like th paw crossed pic and you are so good to keep them all in mind.
OMD!!! You are so pretty in all your clothes!
Mom really needs to shop less for herself and more for myself. :]
Hola Lorenza,
Pase para decirte que en mi blog te deje un premio.
whatever dresses you put on me and my sister Dollar love them.
Yea! It's time for soccer season! I'll bet that Santos will win next time.
Lorenza, you are such a thoughtful friend. Thank you for crossing your paws for us and everypup else. We'll be updating everyone soon...
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Lovely paw crossing photo Lorenza. hope it works. And yes we have crazy weather her too - phew its HOT- not raining!
Wags, Eric
I will cross my paws too, and purr.
Weather is crazy....it has been 105 here in TX!
We will cross out paws too. You know there are lots of paws here so we should be sending out great vibes..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We heard good news about Snickers, not so good news about the stupid Yankees :( You look great in both dresses but clearly that one brings your Santos luck!
LORENZA! Feels like forever since I caught up with your blog! I've missed you! :-) Ahhh... it's wonderful to see you in your adorable little dresses!
Your mom FORGOT to put you in your lucky dress?! No wonder they lost! Just make sure you wear it the rest of the season and they should be fine....
WOO WOO Lorenza
Thanks for stopping at our blog. Is it ok if we link to you? We love all of your dresses - You look awesome in them!
Thor and Marco Polo
Living far away in Iowa
You're the unofficial cheerleader and good luck charm for Santos! Don't forget to wear your dress next time... although, I LOVE your pink dress. I think your dresses are better than any of the other dresses you find at a dog store.
I hope your friends get better soon!
We're hoping for everyone to be well and okay, too! Your crossed paws are so cute. I hope Santos wins next time. It sure makes everyone so happy.
love & wags,
Oh dear, I think you and Joey are both in the same boat cos your fav teams lost... Your crossed paws are so cute! 'crossed paws' that Santos will win their next match!
Gee Lorenza...
Thanks fer stoppin' by....yer dresses are really nice....bet the guys all stop ta look when ya walk by.....sorry about the soccer game.... make sure ya wear that lucky dress next time...
We're keepin' our paws crossed too that everyone will be fine....
Dewey Dewster here.....
we have our paws crossed for your friends too.
You need to come to California! The weather is really nice for July. No rain!
sigh! so many of our own needs our prayers. ;(
wet wet licks
Harrrrrr Lorenza
you need to put a schedule on the frige so she wont forget any more games Harrrrrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Stop by our blog when you can. We have an award for you.
Princess Eva and Brice
I'm keeping my paws crossed too.
Simba x
I am confused. If a Mango is a handle, then what's a mango?
Good evening lorenza.
The change of Japan's climate, too is intense.
It rains much, and is flooded the river.
The intersection of the foot with all friends. :)
from loved ume tyan
Estou mantendo minhas patas cruzadas também...
O clima em São Paulo está louco! Muito sol no inverno.
Próximo a São Paulo, tem uma cidade litorânea chamada Santos e um time de futebol com este nome.
Boa semana!
WOO WOO Lorenza
We added you to our blog
Thor and Marco Polo
We have paws crossed too, we feel sad about all our friends who are having problems.
We too have crazy weather. We had big thunder storms last night and Big Harry hided under the bed, tee hee!
Cassidy x
Does your human make those dresses especially for you? They fit you way to perfectly to be from a shop! You have such wonderful taste!
Hi Lorenza,
Our paws are crossed too.
Wow, that is crazy weather. We hope it settles down.
Those things would also make us really happy (if our mommy stayed home with us 24/7, especially).
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Thanks for congrats!
I'll try my best to learn the tricks of blogger! There're too many!
I like your paws crossed. I join you!
You always look gorgeous in any of your dress, sweet girl!
Kisses and hugs
Glad you are crossing your paws for all those puppies! Hope it works! Both of your dresses are very cute, even if you didn't wear the right one! Maybe the next game your mom will remember?
The Puppies
We are waiting for Monsoons over here...we had a few, but now...nothing! It's just hot and way gross! And, I of course am not pleased with the arrangement of hotness! But soon Lorenza! Soon! We shall both have cool weather! Just a couple more months!
Have you ever thought about being a cheerleader when you grow up?
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
The weather here has been crazy too...no matter what dress you wear, you always look so fashionable.
Lorenza, our paws are crossed for our friends, too!!!
We love the 'princess on board' sign!! :)
Momo & Pinot
Awww Lorenza, you are so sweet crossing your paws for all your sick friends. It must have worked for us because Tess is much better and isn't having toothie problems anymore. My medication has kicked in and I'm feeling better too. Thanks so much.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
The Santos team should make you their official mascot and invite you to all the games to wear your special dress. I am sure that they would win every time if you were there to cheer them on.
Your friend,
Lorenza I love soccer too! A soccer ball is my next favorite to the tennis ball. Mommy plays soccer with me and she tosses the ball and I hit it back to here, we just got done playing. It is so much fun!
That weather sure looked crazy.
The last few nights, the sky has been red at our side. But in the day, it is so burning hot.
Boy n Baby
You will just have to wear your Santos dress next time! They need you.
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