Today my mom bought tacos. These ones are called Vampiros (Bats) because the meat is so thin that you can see through it... like the wings of the bats.


Are you going to give me some more??


I did not do it!!!
Have a good night
Meeshka will be soooo furry proud of WOO!
Dear Lorenza
That looks so yummy! :)
So how? Did your mum believe you?
Bee Bee
Way to go, Lorenza - were they really tasty?
Woos, the OP Pack
Very pretty outfit!
You are just to cute Lorenza. Vampires must have shredded that paper not you. You look to innocent.
Hope you got a little taste.
Love Ruby
lorenza, did you get to eat some tacos? sorry but what is that you DID NOT destroy?
wet wet licks
Ooh...those tacos look really yummy! I'll bet they're too yummy that someone had to get into everything...even the paper wrappings! *wink* Did you find out in the end who it was?
I love tacos! My Mom and brothers always like to have lunch at local Mexican restaurants. They bring me home some too, I just love the nacho cheese..mmmmmm
xoxo Sami
mmmm... that looks really yummy lorenza... was it tasty?
my manang loves mexican food. those pictures are making my mouth water too.. *slobber*
be good so that you'll have more bats.. er.. vampiros..
drooly kisses,
Hi Lorenza,
HAHAHA.. so you are a tissue shredder like Hershey too!! Hope your mommy believed you cos my mommy does not believe Hershey one single bit!
pssst... Lovely dress you have!
Hi Lorenza!!! Finally we are visiting!!! (Hopefully mom has things fixed-hopefully!!)
We caught up on your posts, you are so funny. We hope your mom's new laptop does not give her grief. You are right-these puters are evil!!!
Those tacos look delish! And we totally understand the napkin thing-we kinda do that too if we get a chance. Hey, those humans wipe food on them!! We don't want to waste that, right?
Hugs pretty girl!
Wow, those bats look good! The kleenex exploded obviously.
love & wags,
I would like some pleez
smoochie kisses
Those bat look yummylicious and yes, I believe on you.
slurpy licks,
That's a pretty blue dress and I hope you had some of that yummy tacos.
Love, Dino
Aqueles tacos(vampiros) parecem deliciosos! Você experimentou algum??
Boa noite
Oh my DOG! Those Tacos look soooo GOOD! I think I can finish all of those myself within a minute? What's that green sauce? Looks like chilli. I'd like mine spicy! Hehehe... I like your expression in the last picture. You look innocent but not really.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
oh my I love your dress and you are such a cute dog!
Hmmm, we almost believe that you arent the tissue shredder but that face of yours gave it away.
Baby whispering : Lorenza, i love to shred tissues to. They are lots of fun.
Boy n Baby
Tenían una pinta estupenda... tengo que catarlos, arf, arf, arf...
lorenza my mom wants to know what the green stuff in the cups are....weirdo..i just wanna eat a bat...
THat sounds like vampire. hee
I'm sure you didn't do that Lorenza
~ Girl girl
Those tacos look so yummy! We're so glad this posting was about food and not about those nasty evil bat creatures that fly and scare us!
We would never think that you would destroy anything, Lorenza! You're such a good girl!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thats a nice dress you have Lorenza ! Oh those are bats !? Looks yummy ! Sissy came home later than usual today again ! BOOHOO !
Oh Lady is feeling better now , but that cone is still around her neck !!!!
Lots of Loves ,
3 Musketeers
I've never had a taco but they look scrumptious! Much better than dog food. And who would ever think that you could rip something to shreds Lorenza?
Your friend,
Oooh those tacos look yummy. We need to put those on our list of things to try.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx
me parecem deliciosos esses vampiritos
o papel já nasceu assim :) não foste tu não
auaua bejos
Hi, Lorenza -
We like your dress and the picture where you "did not do it."
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi, Lorenza...
Yum...Those look delish...
I'm sure you didn't do that...
Abby xxxooo
Mmmmmmmm, I'd eat bats...the taco kind or the flying kind! Both sound delicious.
that is the cutest little guilty look I have ever seen!
G'day Lorenza
Hey My Bi-Peds had Tacos today too!
PeeEss: You didn't do what? I can't see any mess! ;-)
hi Lorenza, our mom loves tacos, but she doesn't put any meat in them. she's a vegetarian. she likes the name of those tacos though - vampiros! hee hee!
lately, we have been making those kinds of messes too, like you did. we don't know why. we're completely innocent, but there's no one else to blame.
You only look a LITTLE guilty in that pic Lorenza!!
Yummy bats! (And I love to shred tissues. Don't feel guilty!) :)
Lorenza, you sure have a beautiful smile. I wish I could eat some bats.
That looks yummy!
Those look yummy. How could you not resist. You are so darned cute, no one could think of you as the one who caused any problems.
Miam miam....oups of course you didn't....
Kisses, Faya
Harrrrrr Lorenza
That looks yummy Harrrrrr. and yer Cap'n knows that you didnt shred the paper Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
You would never do anything like that would you!!!
Molly and Taffy
Those look very yummy! I'm sure you didn't do it. IF you did, I'm sure it wasn't your fault!
Those look SO DELICIOUS! Mom and I are drooling!
Play bows,
Lorenza, I am sure that is done by some intruders.
Hi Sweet Lorenza,
OMD!! I am drooling all over the keyboard! they look D_E_L_I_C_I_O_U_S!!
and I don't believe you did anything wrong.. I mean look at that face, its a picture of INNOCENCE!!
I mean.. your Mom brought Bats in the house!! and they are known for shredding things.. and they were Vampire Bats!!
Clearly, the tacos are guilty!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxx
My Dad would go crazy for those tacos. HE LOVES tacos, especially those with thin shredded meat! YUM
Those tacos look SOOOOOO yummy!!!
M & I
That sure is a super happy face Lorenza, you musta liked them! I bet I would like them too! But I'd have to taste them first. :)
Gee Lorenza....
Ya have tacos that are called vampires after bats???? Somethin' like that would just make us want ta pass those buggers right up....they should get a new nicer name....but they do look yummy. fer sure...ya know ya can always share with us here if ya have extra....
Dewey dewster here.....
They sure did send me great gift !
Thanks a lot Lorenza !
Loves ,
Three Musketeers
They look yummy. How nice of humans to share with you.
Simba x
Mud pie ice cream is coffee flavored ice cream with chocolate cruchies, Lorenza! Dad said it was awesome! He did give us a little teeny tiny taste!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hellow lorenza!
hope you have a happy, fun-filled weekend!
drooly kisses,
Oh Lorenza you look so innocent in your last pic, hope you didn't get into trouble.
Have a pawsome weekend
Hugz & Lickz
Yum, those Vampiros look really tasty! And you look really cute in your little dress!
I know you didn't do it, you look too innocent!
How does your mom watch two tvs and type at the same time?
You lucky thing, Lorenza! They looked so good, but I bet they tasted better!
oh those tacos look delicious to us too. You do look a little bit guilty in that last shot Lorenza, but our advice is deny, deny, deny.
Abby, Rosie, Gidget and Lola
Those look so yummy.....we are wishing we had some yummy tacos!!! We will have to pester mom and dad until we get some!! have a great weekend!!
THe Puppies
Those look yummy yummy yummy. Of course you didn't do it.
They look delicious.. mmmm we can taste them from here...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Meat makes you crazy! If you eat that tasty taco meat, then you must shred all paper in sight! (At least that's my excuse.)
How could your mommy think you did that with a face like that??
-Luke and Liesel
Lorenza, your Mom's food looks sooo yummy. I know I would enjoy those. I have never had a taco! XOXO Peanut
buenisismo el vampiro
Of course you did not make that mess!! You look way too innocent. Those tacos look very good.
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
Hi Lorenza,
Vampires! Look yummy! :p
I know you did not. But I sometimes do it. wags wags
those tacos looks so yummy!
Tacos...yummy!!! Did you get a big one all to yourself or just a little taste?
WOO WOO Lorenza
Of course, You couldn't have done that!!!! We love your dress - You are just adorable!
Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo
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