Wake me up when you finish mom!
This is going to be very interesting. She has already said some bad words. Something about Vista being not too friendly. I don't know what that means. My mom is going to do just basic things by now and maybe this weekend she will investigate more.
Have a good night
Rut roh!
Poor Lorenza - better get her some bubble wrap - she might just end up hurting herself -
Nice laptop ! Hope your mummy explore more new stuff in it (:
We don't mind Vista now that we are used to it and turned off all the annoying things!!
Oh, she got a Dell, that's what Mom has and it is sick, the screen is dying. She really loved her Dell, but doesn't know what to get. We will have to keep watching to see what your Mom thinks.
Woos, the OP Pack
Cool new laptop, Lorenza. I hope your mom figures it all out and doesn't have to say too many bad words.
Your friend,
Yeap , sure hope she come home soon . Oh , we did not went to Sugar birthday party , as we could not make it & too bad , we can't have a taste of that yummy cake !
Have a pawsome week ahead of you !!
Wow, I can smell the new laptop all the way from here.
Congrats on the new property.
It's smart to buy than leave money in the bank, hehe!
You must be very excited to have a new laptop! I hope you and your human figure everything out quickly.
Dear Lorenza
That is real cool :) It'll take some time getting to use to it but I'm sure it won't take long :)
Bee Bee
Are you sure the laptop isn't for you? It looks just about your size.
Your new notebook looks pawsome! We've heard of baddddd vista. We hope your mom figure it out
~ Girl girl & Bae
Dear Lorenza,
Please pick any Awards from that post, it's my pleasure to pass it onto you!
Lorenza! oh how pawsome! new computees are always so great to get. We got a laptop Dell from 2000 but some of it's keys don't work and the computee we got from gramie is like windows 98 and daddy is lazy to fix our sickly big one so just seeing yours makes us drool ~ enjoy!
love licks
Yep Lorenza....
Better get used ta hearin' yer Mom say bad words cause she'll run outta them before she gets ta like Vista fer sure....hope she enjoys the new laptop....
Dewey Dewster here....
I'm glad you always check those packages so carefully. You never know what dangers could be inside!
I hope your mom figures out that Vista. It's a cute laptop anyway :)
CC-man runs through the bath about as many times as he does in the video. It all depends on his mood ;)
T-man Angel
Hi Lorenza,
How exciting you mom got a new laptop! Vista gives my mommy trouble too, esp. the internet connection. Have you got to try the new laptop out?
xoxox Sami
Hi Lorenza! Sure have missed you! It's so nice of your mom to get a new laptop! I know that scenario! Mine were mumbling a lot too when she first got hers a couple of months back. Sad to say, she has yet to figure out the whole works except the basics hehe
Have a good weekend now!
That is a vewy bootiful new pootew..I hope it coopewates and stops making youw Mom say HBO wowds
smoochie kisses
You're mom is so lucky to get a laptop!! Our mom is jealous!!
-Luke & Liesel
Princesa, papi también tiene un portatil nuevo...¡y con el puñetero vista!... Quiso desinstalar el explorer y le dijo nanai el explorer y otras cositas se quedan conmigo... Papi dice que el próximo que adquiera será sin sistema operativo o un mac...
patitas y deséale suerte a mami
Hi Lorenza,
Woohooo.. your mom's got a new toy!! Steer clear until she's got it up and running.. heehee
Have a great weekend!
vista is ok. mom is concern about the stupid office tho. it is soooo different from the 2003 version which pisses mom off at work. i have to hear a lot of HBO words when i was there.
btw lorenza, just to clarify, are you a boy or a girl?
wet wet licks
We got a PC with vista on it a couple of months ago. Mummy has just about got the hang of it now.
Simba x
Take it easy with Vista. It grows on you after a while. Feel free to yell if you need any help.
cool laptop your mommy got Lorenza :)
have a pawsome weekend
Maltese Paws
Hi, Lorenza -
We like your Mom's new laptop. Mama may also be buying a laptop for her homework. We hope you have a good weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi Lorenza
My mom got a new computer about 4 months ago. It's a dell. She is still trying to get the hang of "Vista". Some of the features are a pain in the butt. I had never heard mom use bad words until she got the new computer.
Love Ruby
My Mommy doesn't like laptops. They are too small and too slow for her. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Hi Lorenza! Congrats on your mom's new laptop. Good luck with Vista! Our mom thinks that whoever invented it should be tazered! We've had it for about a month and Mom is STILL using HBO words...especially when she is working with pictures.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi, Lorenza...
Nice Laptop...My Mom didn't like Vista at first, but now she doesn't mind it...
Abby xxxooo
Wat colour is your mum's laptop? We are considering to get 1 too cos jie jie's current laptop is dying...
Congrats on the new laptop! I hope your mom figure it all out without much trouble!
Hi Lorenza,
Hmmm...vista... I am not sure but my mom and dad hesitate to upgrade to vista. I hope everything is going to be ok for your mom. Have a nice weekend! wags wags
Computers are hard.
New machinery always comes with problems and it can be very frustrating. No wonder mom said some bad words. YOu both have my sympathy.
That looks very pretty. We use apples here--a mac. yummy. Hope you have a good time with your new laptop.
Yes, sometimes computers are very bad. It might help if you bark at it a whole bunch.
I hope your mom has lots of snacks for you to eat while she's distracted with her new laptop, Lorenza!
Oh My! That Vista is a jerk!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
A new blogging machine - W00t!
Wish your Mom good luck!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
tu puedes hacer, crear com lo nueva y flamente ordenador :)
Cool computer! My mom said a few not so nice about Vista when we got our new laptop, too.
Hi Lorenza..
Nice laptop, Mum said lots of bad words when Dad bought the new desktop with Vista.. she is now back on the laptop and using XP so I guess she thought Vista was bad too!
have a great weekend,
Ben xxx
What's Vista? Nice laptop there. Hope there was no more toe or finger crushing on that day. Heehee!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Grammie didn't like Vista either. She went back to XP. But she is old and it is harder for her to change and learn. Your mom will probably be fine in a day or two.
oh my.. my mother had the same problem when going from a PC to a MAC. My advise is to just hide!!
Hi!Lorenza.Tell your mom not to operating over computer and her eyes.
Ay pobrecita, not Vista! you might need to pee on it to makeit work!
Le Mops
Mom will enjoy her new laptop. Mom isn't to keen on Vista either but if that is all she has..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
My Mr. Jason recently got a new laptop, too, Lorenza. He doesn't mind if I watch videos on it, but for some reason, he doesn't like it when I try to step on it. Go figure.
Good luck with Vista (whatever that is)!
Oh, no! My human says bad words, too, sometimes about her laptop and Vista. Good that you checked it out for her first.
Hey Lorenza, I tagged you for a game. Come check it out.
Tell mom good luck--we know some humans who growl and bark A LOT with Vista.
Hey Lo!
I hope this laptop lasts longer than your Mommy's cameras!
WOO WOO Lorenza
Not Vista! My Mom says Macs are so so much more people friendly! We got her high speed internet today! Mom is very happy! We hope you get a great nap while your Mommy figures out the new computer!
Thor and Marco Polo
Lorenza!! Ohhhh... your mom got a new computer!! That is very very exciting!!!
We love your vogue photo! You look stunning!! Our dad was also having a fun to create new images. It's reall good for humans. :)
Momo & Pinot
Nice Laptop your mum got Lorenza. Is she gonna let you use the new one or do you get stuck with the old one?
Mummy says famous people are all rich so that means the money should start rolling in for us soon right?
We're so glad to see the new laptop is able to produce your blog, Lorenza! We wish your mom lots of lucky this weekend! Maybe you should wear ear protection?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Lorenza,
whats up! how is your weekend?
we hope that you are having agreat Saturday ;)
Maltese Paws
We do hope to have a fun time like that with you too . yeah , Zena can't wait to get out of there . Lady is coming home on Monday , and its real soon , if daddy don't be wishy washy again ! YIPEE ! Have a pawsome weekend yeah !
Give your mom time, she'll get used to her new computer then the HBO words will stop!
We heard Vista is tough.. we hope your mom will figure it out soon.
Boy n Baby
wow, this is very exciting. our mom heard some bad words about VISTA too, but she doesn't know for real. we hope your mom won't suffer any more injuries.
Yay the new puter is here!
My mom agrees with Joe - Vista's pretty nice
Our mama hates vista!!! Hope your mama likes it better than ours does...
I like it when mama is on the laptop...that means laptime for me!!!
Lucy Lu
BOL, who is this VISTA person and why isn't he being nice to your mum?!
Congratz on the new laptop, the places you'll go!
M & I
Oooh! That laptop is pretty! Did you help your mom open the package? I would rip the box to shreds!
NOOOO!!!! NOT VISTA!!! I hear my mom say nasty words about VISTA!!! Good Luck, just walk away you are better off that way.
Sloppy Licks,
Vista! Who's Vista? And did Mom ask you what you thought of another canine sibling? She could have least chosen a more friendly one. Woo!
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