Today we had a nice cold weather. Not too cold. Just perfect for a long walkie.

These bags smelled yummy!

My mom said they smelled disgusting.... what she knows!

Right now, is still cold but I like to be here, with the door opened. I need to know what is happening outside! I have a blankie and my mom has one on her legs too!
My mom is afraid the next couple of days are going to be stressing. The big bosses are coming for the annual visit to supervise the plant. I hope she does not come home tomorrow in a bad mood! Paws crossed!
Have a good night
w00f's Lorenza, its gettin cooler here too..did u enjoy ur walkie? ur mama will do just fine when the big bosses come..
b safe,
Woo need some long johns fur under your dresses!
Good lukhk to your mom with the big bosses!!
oh poor lorenza. dont worry about the hooman boss. we know everything at your mom's workplace will be okay.
we love walks too. hope it wont be too cold in the next few days.
drooly kisses,
can you please paw to manang your address? we are completing our list for the DWB christmas card exchange and we want to include youin it. Our peemail is at Lord_ikalite@yahoo.com (that is a capital 'L' okay?)
Hi Lorenza
It is already cold here. We had some light snow today.
I hope mom's workday is ok tomorrow.
Right now mom & I are on the couch snuggled under a blanket.
Love Ruby
It is getting colder here also. Hopefully the weather stays mild for awhile. Edgar is spending more time inside. That usually means winter is coming.
That rice pudding looked really good.
thanks for the advice! ill tell mommy to take happy pills. ill keep mypaws crossed for your mommy too!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses!
Coco - The Princess
Oh, i forgot to ask...may i please add youto my freinds list?
Harrrrr Lorenza
Stay warm Harrrrr. You look like you are having fun on yer walk Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
That sure looks good, Lorenza. This how we stay warm here up north. There is nothing better than a warm comfy blankie. I love my red one.
Koobuss Kisses,
I'm glad to hear it's cooler there. My mom understands about work stress! I hope things go well for her and the plant.
love & wags,
Lorenza, you've got a really smart wardrobe!!
Good luck to your mom and her bosses. Hopefully it will be a short easy visit :)
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
Hope everything goes well for the annual visit :)
Oooh I love cold weather, loves it except for the occasional rain though :)
Bee Bee
paw crossed for your mom too. lorenza, what is that in the bags?
wet wet licks
my paws are crossed for yo lorenza...i hope your mommy has a great day at work....my daddy doesnt have to go to work for one whole month so i get to have fun with him while poor mommy slaves away....
We hope everything goes well when the big bosses show up! stay warm!
Hi Lorenza,
I think when the big bosses are in town, you should let them know what you think.. You should let them know that your mommy should be spending more of her time with you than at work.. and probably they need to increase her pay 500million times? Heehee.. :P
Don't catch a cold & keep yourself warm alright ! haha ! Nice dress you have Lorenza !
Lots of Loves ,
I wish we have cooler weather over here. Good luck to your mom with the big bosses
~ Girl girl
It's nice to have cold weather! I wish Malaysia would become cold one day, one day... That would be my dream come true!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hmm, wonder whats in those bags..
I wish we had scratch and sniff blogs.
Simba x
Our paws are crossed for your mom! We love the cooler temps, Lorenza! They're so refresing!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Lorenza,
It's nice nad cool here too. The Mommy said she hopes it stay this way foe awhile. Yesterday's Halloweiner Party was GREAT and we did get to see Toby....he said to make sure you know he still loves you and when we go visit with him and his new family he will have the Mommy take some special pictures just for you.
Love ya Mona
It has been furry cold here too. Woo would think that we siberian huskies would love it. But no, my big brother and sister like to curl up in a ball and snooze inside. Not me, I love to be out in the cold - just so refreshing to me!!!
Hope work goes well for Mom.
Woos, the OP Pack
Burrr... it does look cold!
Even if your mom has a bad day, the second she sees you it will be perfect again!
Hi, Lorenza -
Yiu look so comfortable under the blanket. Please tell your Mom not to worry about the big bosses - we are sure she will do fine. In fact Mama knows your Mom will do fine. Today is my Mama's birthday so she is sending well wishes your way.
Love -
Hi, Lorenza -
We like your new coat (or dress). It is getting cooler here too but not too bad.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I hope they don't cause any trouble for your Mom! And it's cold here, too, but perhaps a little colder. It was frost out this morning!
It's so wondewful to be cozy and wawm and still get the fwesh aiw. I hope evewything at youw Mom's office goes well and stwess fwee
smoochie kisses
Lorenza I am so pleased you are following my tips and snuggling under your blanket. Taffy
Lorenza you always look so smart when you go out. How many outfits do you have?? Molly
Princesa, está bien eso de observar a los viandantes, a mi también me gusta hacerlo, y encima arropadita para no pillar un catarro, eso es previsión... De acuerdo contigo en que van a saber los bipes de olores, seguro que dentro de los sacos habÃa cosas muy apetecibles Mmmmm, estoy empezando a salivar de solo imaginarmelo.
It's cold here too!
Princess Eva
Uh oh, I hope your mom doesn't come home stressed, too. Maybe you should give her a big box of chocolates when she walks in, just to be safe.
You look so cute bundled up in your blanket, Lorenza! It's cold at my house today, too.
Hi Lorenza!
It is also cold here. It might be snowing tomorrow.
You look very cute in the red dress!
I will cross my paws for your mom!
Keep warm and take care of you and your mom! kisses
it is getting colder here also. We actually had to turn our heater on last night. You look so cute wrapped up in your blankie
Wow, what a great walk! It must be chilly if you gals got your blankets out! We hope your mom has an ok day at work too!
M & I
You look so cute in your blankie! I wonder what was in those big bags.
I hope the visit from the bosses went okay. I'm with you about wanting open doors. My human keeps closing ours and I keep barking 'cuz I need to be able to go in and out. There's all these birds to chase!
My paws are crossed that your mom doesn't come home in a bad mood. But if she does, I'm sure you will make her feel better!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hope you stay warm, Lorenza. We hear we're in for some cold weather too and we are mostly naked -- so we wonder what our Mom will do.
And then, when we go to St. Louis for Christmas, it will be really cold -- so we hear we may be getting some sweaters. That will be a first.
Lots of love!!
Jake and Just Harry
you are lucky to have the cool weather. G-Mom said it is still hot as h--l here in California. She had to turn on the A/C! But we chi-wa's like the heat so no worries.
Good luck to your Mom!
We hope your Mom's work will not stress her out!! We turned on the heat last night for the first time, but after today it is supposed to warm up again. Mom says Whew. She and Scooter don't like the cold weather. I do!
Sunny & Scooter
Mah Chewie likes to sit outside too. Me, I like to run!!!! DOn't get too cold, you might get ah choo!
Le Mops
We had to turn our heater on last night- It sure was good cuddling weather! Good luck to your momma!
brrr Lore qué frÃo hace, deberÃas salir más abrigadita, esa toalla se ve muy calentita, nosotros dormimos tooodo el dÃa.
¡que le vaya liviano a tu mami!
It is ok mom everything will be ok. It doesn't pay to stress, Mom says it just gives you wrinkles..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I love the cold Lorenza! Do you?!
Hi Lorenza,
I used to love cold weaher, too, but now I like to sleep in my warm bed - it is cold and rainy here today. I do like to sleep beside the open door, too. I'm sure your mum will be okay no matter what happens at the plant because she always can come home to you!
You are just so cute in your dress - and by the door with your blankie - very funny and adorable.
We hope your mommy wasn't too stressed and all went well with the big bosses.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Brr, you look cold Lorenza. We sure hope things go well for your mom at the plant tomorrow!
Ozzie & Rocky
Brr, you look cold Lorenza. We sure hope things go well for your mom at the plant tomorrow!
Ozzie & Rocky
I love long walks on cool days too. And humans have no idea what good smells they are missing. Hope all is well at your mom's job.
Your friend,
Hey Lorenza! Good to see you again. It turned cooler here in Florida today. The humans are complaining about it, but I love it. Cool weather makes me happy and gives me lots of energy.
You look so comfy under your blankie, Lorenza! Your walks always look fun...*grins*
Hope your Mom will do well with her bosses!
It's cold here too.....we're at our cottage and we got more than an inch of snow so far this evening....and it's not even Halloween yet.....bundle up and we sure hope yer Mom's job is safe....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Hi Lorenza,
Toby sends his love and today Uncle Ron sent some pictures he took of Toby & the Mommy so she i gonna do a post tomorrow about Toby.
Hi Lorenza, you're cold and I'm hot. We had a heat wave here yesterday, it's passed now though and is just nice.
I hope your mum doesn't get too stressed out. Bosses aren't worth it, or so I've been told.
Hugz & Lickz
i've moved to www.boocasanova.com. please update your blog link.
wet wet licks
Even if mom gets grouchy, I'll bet seeing you will make her smile. Stay warm.
I hope the meeting went well for your mom!
Stay warm! Maybe you need a new "cold weather" dress?
It's cold here too Lorenza - only 34 degrees this morning.
YAAAY for the longer walk stylish Lorenza ;)
good luck to your mommy
Maltese Paws
Keep warm Lorenza! It's turning cool here too in Taipei! Hope the visit at the plant went well.
Love, Dino
I bet those bags really did smell good. I hope your Mom doesn't come home in a bad mood. I hate when my Mom does that!
Hi Lorenza,
I am glad you have that blankie to keep you warm. I have to use my blankie now too. We had snow last night!
Love Clover xo
Hope your mom has NO stress! I've been sleeping totally under the covers with my mom cause it is downright COLD here!
it's cold here too- that blankie looks very soft and snuggly.
WOO WOO Lorenza
It's cold here too but we have big furry coats so it makes us happy! We hope your Mom comes home from happy for you!
Thor and Marco Polo
Hi Lorenza; Don't you just love long walkies?! I sure do. It was cooler here today too. I hope your Mom's day goes okay at work. Stay warm! XOXO Peanut
Oh dear, you have to wear clothes? I hate clothes! In the winter sometimes I have to wear a coat, but I don't like it!
Tell your Mommy good luck with the bosses!
Brown dog kisses,
Hi Lorenza,
Let me know if those big bosses give your mum a hard time - we'll kick their butt!
Hi Lo'!
You need a long sleeved dress to keep you toasty.
My Mom's Mom always bakes when she's in a bad mood...maybe if your mom is in a bad mood she'll cook ya something yummy!
Paws crossed!!
Sissy is finally back ! We missed you , although its only for a short while (:
Loves & kisses ,
Three Musketeers
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