Lady Kaos and River tagged me for the 7 x 7 game.
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
1. Going to a dog park
2. Going to a place where I can run free
3. Eat all the food I want
4. Going to a pet store
5. Taking my mom on a long trip
6. Poo outside my house (ha!)
7. To go to a beach
7 Things I Do Now
1. Pee and poo inside my house
2. I take lots of naps during the day
3. Squeak my toy ball in the middle of the night
4. Lay on the newspaper when my mom is reading it
5. Sleep under covers even if it is too hot
6. Cry for help if I can’t reach my ball under the couch
7. Choose the dress I want to wear every day
7 Things I Can't Do
1. Going to work with my mom
2. Eat all the food I want
3. Tricks
4. Going out off leash
5. Countersurfing (for obvious reasons)
6. Have as many baths as I want
7. Get all the treats I want
7 Things That Atract Me to The Opposite Sex
1. Eyes
2. Long legs
3. Butt
4. Sense of humor
5. Happy tail
6. White teeth
7. Furry fur
7 Things I say Most Often
1. I am hungry
2. I want that thing you are eating
3. I want a bath
4. Time to go out
5. Can we play??
6. I am going to take a nap
7. Give me a minute… (and run to go potty)
7 Celebrities That I Admire
1. All the ones
2. who have
3. dogs, cats, hammies or birds
4. and give them
5. all the love
6. and attention
7. they deserve
7 Who Get to do this now
1. Anyone
2. who
3. didn't
4. yet
5. and
6. would
7. like to
I'd let woo stand on me to khountersurf!
Great 7 x 7 !!
Funny pikhs too!!!
Hope woo and your mom have a nice weekend together!!!!
I will come down and get the stuff off the counter for you. Those were some funny pictures
Nice to learn so many new things about woo. Those pictures were pretty hilarious.
Does it get cold enough there for woo to put a coat on over your pretty dresses?
Woos, the OP Pack
Funny pics and enjoyed your 7x7! Have a great weekend.
Hi Lorenza
You have a good sense of humour. I liked your 7 x 7. Very interesting. I hope you get to do everthing on your list.
Love Ruby
You have a great list!!
That is very cool that you can pick out your outfit to wear! You have wonderful taste!
Olá Lorenza!
Aquelas fotos são muito engraçadas!
Você fez um ótimo trabalho com o 7x7.
Espero que você tenha um fim de semana maravilhoso!
Ya like ta get lots of baths?????? Geez, we sure don't like baths at all......but we do like ta get in the water when we want in the water....the difference ???? in our world....no soap and we only get the part of our face wet that we want wet......
That was a whole lots of facts ya revealed....good job....
Dewey Dewster here.....
oh lorenza, can't u go to the local pet store? i get to join my human whenever they go. i'll choose my own toys.
you lie on the newspaper when your mom is reading... once, i peed on the newspaper pfdaddy put on the floor! lol
wet wet licks
You have never been to the beach or a dog park??? Oh my. I hope you get to someday, because both places are very very fun...especially the beach!
buenisismo, muy gracioso
Good 7x7s! We know you want to run free, eat till you explode, countersurf and have bubblebaths. Very interesting!
love & wags,
Lorenza, I hope you can countersurf someday. If you ever visit my house, you can run on top of the counters all you like...I won't mind ;)
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
Those signs are pretty funny Lorenza.
Noah x
Ya I really love nylabones !
COOL pictures you have ! & that's a great list of 7 x 7 !
Hope you have a fun filled weekend !
Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers
yeah lorenza, it's unbelieveable there's no pet store there. is there any stores that sell dog toys??
wet wet licks
That hand would be really good for belly rubs!
*hehe* thanks for the pic
Malts Paws
Tee hee heee! funny pictures!
That hand is a bit creepy. Love you 7 lists.
Simba x
Hi Lorenza,
I love the photo of Post Box the most. That is cute! wags wags
Good answers Lorenza and funny pics
Hi!Lorenza.I do not understand the meaning of the photo of the middle.
That dog is puppy of the Afghan hound.
Hi. Lorenza -
Those pictures are pretty funny - especially the hand one. I (Hershey) like to cry or whine when Mama or Papa are outside and I am inside watching them. It drives Mama crazy.
You've never been to a pet store or a dog park? We hope you get to do those things they are lots of fun - especially the pet store.
Have a good weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Estimada Lorenza, a eso le llamo yo valentÃa, desnudarte ante los demás con esa clase no está al alcance de cualquiera... m'a gustao, arf, arf, arf... feliz finde para ti también
Dear Lorenza!
Thank you for making us laugh today with your Humour post!
Also thank you and your Mum for your lovely comments.
They meant a great deal to us.
We will keep looking in on your blog - no worries!
You are both very kind!
Hugs and many Marvin Licks, to you both,
Marvin xxxxx
Thank you Lorenza and your lovely Mum for saying such wonderful things.
We miss you too!
love and much light from Jeannie xxxxxx
It is cool that you get to choose the dresses you wear. But all your dresses are beautiful so do you have a hard time choosing?
Boy n Baby
Those pictures are really funny. Thanks for sharing.
I didn't you are staying so far away from a beach that you have not got a chance to visit one. I should invite you to Singapore and visit my favouritest beaches at Sentosa.
We would love to be able to pee and poo inside our house too, Lorenza - especially when it's raining out or the snow is deep!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yeap , indeed another great day at the pool ! But it rain all of the sudden ! But lucky me , it rain after I swim finish (:
At least something in my blog can make you laugh :D
Haha ! Daddy claims that I am an underwater DOG ! BOL !
Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers
It is a dream of mine to go potty and poopie outside, too!
hi Lorenza, those are funny pictures!
you were very good on those 7 things. it's too bad you are so short and can't counter surf.
we would love to take you to our dog park. it's a lot of fun there and we know you would love it. you can even go swimming.
I love the one of the post box and the frogs!
Hi!Lorenza.While You live, You meet your blog friends, and play with us.
That's a great list Lorenza!
Awesome pictures..
Thanks for your well wishes for mom. She is doing better a bit dingy from her drugs..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
No entendà totalmente lo del 7x7, pero bue... jijiji
Te tengo un premio en mi blog, espero te guste.
Buen fin de semana Lore!!!
We love your 7x7 survey!
M & I
Funny pictures!
And we liked the meme. You sure do like baths - you must get something really nice when you get one because we don't like ours at all. They are like torture!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Those pics were FUNNY. We are still laughing at them.
It was neat to find out all that neat stuff about you Lorenza! You are one cool litte puppy!
Ozzie & Rocky
WOO WOO Lorenza
We loved your 7 x7 game! You have such great ideas of things you want to do!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo
LOL you are funny! I like the things you do but not baths they are evils!
hehehe, those photos are so funny!
Good evening lorenza.
As for the sense of humor, I think the surprise to be a hand of the hand while feeling
loveliness of the frog in the post.
When you feel the happiness at a wonderful evening of the weekend:D
from loved ume tyan
Que buenas fotografias nos has enseñado querida amiga jejejeje.El 7x7 te ha quedado muy bien,yo con tu permiso te lo he copiado y completado en mi caseta,espero no te molesta :S...
Un lameton linda guau guau!
How nice to get to know you better. Maybe someday they will have a dog park near you with a pond and you can run free, play with doggies, and swim all at once.
Until then, make sure you get lots of foodables and a wardrobe refresh every few months.
Do you really pee and poo inside your house??
We love you sweet Lorenza! And we missed you and you always make us smile and you did it again!
wags from the whippets
Harrrrrr Lorenza
those pics be so funny Har Har Harrrr. I like the 7 by 7 also Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
What funny pictures and what great lists.
I love those funny pictures. They made me laugh - thanks!
I can't go for a walk off-leash either - only in fenced-in parks, but boy, would I ever love to run down the street and chase some squirrels.
"I want a bath" ~~~ do you REALLY say that, Lorenza?! I mean, do you really ASK for one?
Yikes! The thought of one sends me running!
I love the 7x7 list! Hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for the funnies too. I can always go for a good laugh.
Hi Lorenza!
I liked reading your 7 things meme, and those pictures are very funny!
Love Clover xo
Hi, Lorenza! Thanks for visiting my bloggy!
The Girl says that the funny pictures were just what she needed today! And I like to lie on the newspaper when she's reading it, too!
Also, thanks for your crossed paws for The Roomie's brother and family. Isn't it amazing how comforting it can be just to know there's someone out there giving a good thought.
Brown dog kisses,
omdog we sure hope you get to go to a dog park someday too! They can be a lot of fun as long as there aren't jerk dogs there.
Good job on you 7x7!! Do you really get to choose which dress you want to wear? That is so cool!!
This was a fun list. I never ask for a bath, mom makes me take them!
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