Simple ingredients to make Arroz con Leche (Rice Pudding)

Asking my mom if it is ready....

Tasting it....

Creamy Rice Pudding....


Some for the Princess...

Good job mom!
My grandma is a great cooker but desserts are not her speciality. Today my mom wanted some Rice Pudding so she decided to make it. Of course I had to be there to supervise. When it was done she gave me a little and it was yummy!
Have a good night
It sooo does look yummy!
I'm glad you were such a grrrrreat supervisor!
w00f's Lorenza, yummmies, mama can cook pretty good, but she not bakes much sweets...she pose to bake a cake fur daddy birfday tomorrow, (it wuz the 19th)...heehee we c iffin she does it...and me cant haff any, its chocolate...;(
b safe,
Aquela sobremesa parece deliciosa! Boa idéia supervisionar tua mãe na cozinha!
Tenha uma boa noite!
Great job supervising! Glad you got to taste some. It does look good.
love & wags,
Hmmm the rice pudding looks delicious Lorenza. Your mum did a good job.
Noah x
That rice pudding looks delicious! What are those brown stuff in the first picture?
Yeap its sure a fun day yesterday ! & boi , that rice pudding looks YUMMY !
The strawberry smoothie is yummy too :D
Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers
mmmmm, yummers!
I would love a taste. It looks so very good!
Your mama is very lucky to have you there to supervise :)
Ooh that looked very delicious.
Bet you woofed that down Lorenza. I inhale my mums food she gives me, hehe.
Hope you had a great weekend
That pudding looks delicious!! You're lucky to get to try some, Lorenza.
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
Hi Lorenza!
Rice Pudding! looks so yummy and healthy! wags wags
Rice pudding is one of our mom's very favorites! We're glad you got to taste test it, Lorenza!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That's looking yummy, Lorenza! And I'm sure it wouldn't have been as good without such a great snooperviser!
Hi Lorenza,
Our mum loves rice pudding but she has never made us any. I bet it tasted good with that condensed milk!!
Si que parecía delicioso... pero ten mucho cuidado con las cosas dulces, loe perritos no debemos de abusar de ellas, que nos pueden sentar muy mal.
That looks extra-delicious! I wish I could nom, nom, nom some of that.
WOO WOO Lorenza
Your rice pudding looks so wonderful. My Mommie's Grandma used to make the best rice pudding for her. She had raisins in it. Did your Mom put raisins in hers?
Thor and Marco Polo
Woah, that looks delicious! We're so impressed, and we totally love it how your mum knows to share with you too!
M & I
The rice pudding looks delicious! Such a lucky girl you are!
Hugs, Kodak
Hi, Lorenza...
That looks yummy...I never had rice pudding...My Mom makes me chicken & rice all the time, but I don't think it's the same thing...
I gave you an Award...
Please stop by & pick it up when you get a minute...
Abby xxxooo
That looks delicious! You're obviously a natural in the kitchen.
Looks so yummy.
Did you leave some for us?
Maltese Paws
that looked absolutely DELICIOUS!!!
Querida Lorenza,tu mama no podia tener mejor cheff en la cocina que tu jejeje,además seguro que le diste la nota más alta después de provarlo eh?seguro salio riquisimo uhmm!
Un lameton bien grande!
Yummy.Yummy Yummy. Hope you had a nice large portion Lorenza after all your supervising.
Molly and Taffy
Hi Lorenza
That pudding looks delicious. Will you share the recipe. Both mom & I have never had it.
Love Ruby
oz con leche ummm que rico hace años que no pruebo eso, creo que desde el 98 ummm que rico.
mmm qué ricooo arroz con leche!!!
quiero Lore!!!
hi Lorenza, that's so nice of your mom to make rice pudding for you. we bet it was very good. you sure were good at helping your mom cook.
Mmm that looks really yummy...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Lorenza! That must be really yummers. You look a little crazy when you are licking the spoon!
Way to go, Lorenza!! You sure know how to do it right. You must be in charge of the kitchen, I always say. Never leave it when someone is cooking something!
Good job!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Yer one lucky doggie fer sure....glad yer Mom made such a great lookin' dessert and shared it with ya too.....love yer elevated bowls...very stylish...
Dewey Dewster here....
WOW that looks good! We are all drooling over here!! Love A+A
How nice to be the taste-tester. And that rice pudding sure looked perfect - was it as yummy as it looked?
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, it's OK if Grandma isn't the great cooker - she does make woo beautiful dresses.
Hi!Lorenza.Your eyes shine when you watch foods.
Yummy is right. That looks like a delicious dessert and I'm glad you got some.
Your friend,
Hey Mum .. where's mine ! ;-)
Thanks for the well wishes! The rice pudding looks YUMMY. My Mom needs to make some for me!
~Susie Pearl
wow lorenza, the pudding looks really delish.
you should really be a chef, you know. all that talent needs a creative outlet. might we suggest our kitchen? *drool*
drooly kisses,
Lorenza......that frist photo...is that 'cinamon stick(spices)', my mommy use that for her braise duck too, smell good isn't it?
Dang! It does look yummy! Looks like banana smoothie...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
My mom says she loves arroz con leche! Yum, it does look delicious!
haha , I am still thinking , is 5 too little or too much for me ? :P
Lots of Loves ,
mmm - rice pudding. looks tasty - what was that brown stuff in the first pic? Was it cinnamon sticks? or something else?
You are one lucky pup! Looks good!
My mom made 3 different desserts this weekend and I DIDN'T ANY!
That rice pudding looks wonderful, Lorenza!
That looks yummy, Lorenza! I get to be the official taster in my house too.
eu também ajudo na cozinha, sento-me para ver se tudo corre pelo melhor e se sobras um pedaço gostoso para mim :)
a tua foto tasting / provando está linda
Yepper poor Louie always gets picked on. I guess that goes with being the middle one...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I think you did a good job supervising the kitchen!
Mmmmm.... lovely rice pudding for dinner,was it dogalicious? But where's the big dollop of strawberry jam on the top? You make the best cooks assistant but I think you need an apron and cooks hat too...
And congratulations on winning the competition, what pawsome prizes!
Wiry wags, Eric x x x
Lorenza hat sure looked delicious! I have never had rice pudding and will have to talk mommy into making me some.
oxoxoxox Sami
Oh, that rice pudding looks so good! I've never tried it, but I love rice and pudding just has to be good, right?
Brown dog kisses,
It is so good you got to supervise or it might of not turned out right!!
-Luke and Liesel
Hi, Lorenza -
We love the way you licked the spoon. That looks so pawtastic.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
oooohh. Our mom loves rice pudding!!!! Yummy!
Sunny & Scooter
Wow, the rice pudding looks delicious! Mom doesn't know how to make so many desserts...the only thing she knows is to bake cheesecakes. haha! =P
That rice pudding certainly looks yummy, I am glad you had some too!
mmmmmmm, that looks very good.
I could smell that yummy smell all the way over on my blog! Mmmm!
Mmm, I love rice pudding! And it sounds even better when you say it! "Arroz con Leche". Mmmm!
I like to supervise in the kitchen, too. You just never know when your mom might need a taste-tester!
Play bows,
Wow, that rice pudding looks yummy. My Mom hasn't had it in a long time. It's about time she make it again.
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