Friday, June 29, 2007

Maggie's Party

There we all go to the party. As you can see Girl Girl car was enough for us!


This is just a quick post because I am ready for Maggie's party and I am waiting for Girl Girl or Simba to come and pick me up!

Since I didn't have enough time to go shopping a costume and as you know my mom doesn't have a new credit card yet, I chose this dress. Its not spectacular but its new and I think is nice for the party.

I am so excited because this is the first party I will go with all my new friends. I hope we all have a great day together! Really... I cant wait!!!

I will see you there!




Asta said...

You look smashing!!!That is a bootiful dwess, you look like a sailor girl, lots more appwopwiate for a summer pawty than my big dwess..but we're going to have FUN!!!see you in the caw
smoochie kisses

Ruby Bleu said...

Great dress Lorenza...especially if Simba is going to pick you up in his Fat Fat Daddy's boat!!! Anchors away!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Khady Lynn said...

What a pretty dress!! I think you look very pretty! Have fun at the party!


Gwyn Valentine said...

I like this sailor dress!!!!!!!

and i only have top tank tops :( Unfair, Unfair, Unfair!

The Husky in the Window said...

Your dress is so cute. Have fun at your party and post some pictures. I bet you were the best dressed there.

Duke said...

BenBen is going as a pirate so your sailor dress fits right in!
See you soon - OMG real soon!

Love ya lots,

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Hola Lorenza,

That's the cutest little sailor suit,

Hasta Muchacha,
xxx Asta down under

Duke and Gidget said...

Hi Lorenza,
We think you look beautiful in your dress. We hope you have fun at the party. And tell Maggie happy birthday for us.

~Pug Hugs~

Jessica said...

Lorenza, have a wonderful time at the party. You look beautiful all dressed up!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

The Airechicks said...


That's the cutest pawty dress....

It fits your figure wonderfully...

Boo Casanova said...

lorenza, i just read your closet post. wow, you have lotsa dress! i have quite a few of shirts myself but i rather go naked! hehehe

you look pretty in your costume. i'm sure you are the attention of the boys... well i am watching you now.

wet wet licks


Sophie Brador said...

Lorenza, Your dress is so cute! And I'm still marvelling about your closet. Your mom is pretty cool. But most of all, I love that photo of everyone in the car. Fantastic!

Amber-Mae said...

You look good in your dress Lorenza except it looks a wee bit tight for ya... hehehe! Have fun!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

We won't be long. Boo's sunglasses are reflecting the sun and making driving a bit dangerous.

Simba xx

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Lorenza Sailor Girl,
What a great costume!! :) Let's PAWTY on!!

Suki & Joey said...

I love that dress, Lorenza. It fits you perfectly and is very flattering ;)

Did you have a good time at the pawty?

Puggy kisses

coco said...

ohmyDOG you look so fabulous in that adorable pink dress! but then, you are definitely the best dressed fashionista i know!!!

hope the party was a howlin' good time!

wiggly kisses, coco

Frasier said...

That is such a cute dress....
Its the summerry look

spooky-van-kenovich said...

Bon dia Lorenza, estas hecha una autentica top-model, a mi la jefa me compro un abrigo pero cuando me lo pone dice que tengo pinta de intelectual de izquierdas y que la miro por encima del hombro, en fin cosas de humanos, patetas bonica

Khady Lynn said...

Make sure you get some cake!


Asta said...


I feel bad 'cause some doggies say I was naughty at the pawty, but honest I only took off my dwess, cause it was so uncomfobly hot..and noo you didn't dwink too much, you were a bootiful lady
smoochie kisses

Liza said...

Lorenza - you look so cute - you could come out on the boat with us in that outfit!!

Love ya - Dory

Hammer said...

Hi Lorenza

Thanks for saving a dance for me. I'm sorry I stood on your paw.

You looked real pretty in your pawty dress.

Love from Hammer