I don't want to talk with you mom!
My mom said that this past weekend we were going to to NOTHING. She lied. Saturday morning she and my grandma went out... without me. My mom said that she NEEDED to buy something and that I was not allowed into stores sooooo.....

This is what she needed (?)

And these too....
She was very happy because the cost of the 5 pairs was only $ 500 pesos
($50 usd)

These fabrics are the only thing I liked. They are for winter coats! For me!

At least I got a reward.... my kong filled with peanut butter!

At the end it was not a bad weekend!
Now, I am going to visit your blogs. Yesterday I did not have internet during almost all day and then Bloglines was not working either!
Have a good night
Oh well!
I guess she'll blame it on her finger!
Nice shoes but not MY size!
PeeEssWoo: I'll be waiting to see how nice YOUR dresses turn out!
Hi Lorenza
I'm glad your weekend was ok, even though your mom lied & didn't do nothing all weekend. I like the fabric for your winter coats. Your going to be a winter diva.
Love Ruby
Grrr stoopid hoomans.
My Mommy just ordered me some cute coats from etsy.com. Maybe your dressmaker should sell dresses on there...I bet lotsa peoples would buy 'em!
WOO WOO Lorenza
Shoes are so boring but new fabric for coats for you! AWESOME and we just love Kongs with Peanut Butter! They are our Favorites!
We are glad your internet is back too!
Thor and Marco Polo
awww, at least your Mom did not forget to buy something for you, Lorenza :)
The Secretary
Hi, Lorenza...
Your Mom's new shoes are really nice...
I'm sure you are gonna love your winter coats...I can't wait to see you model them...
Abby xxxooo
Dear Lorenza
*pat pat* At least your mum didn't forget your share when she went shopping :) For me I get nothing except extra work day :P
Bee Bee
Nice shoes, nice price!!! Too bad the weekend was a bummer, ours was too, Mom was sick and we didn't get walkies of blog time.
Woos, the OP Pack
Sorry you didn't get to hang out with your mom as much as you wanted to. But you will have some nice coats from all that fabric.
Your friend,
That is awful your mom lied to you. My mom says she wishes she could get 5 pairs of shoes for $50.
Hi Lorenza!
Your Mom really made some nice bargains with all the pretty shoes! What's even nicer are all the fabrics to be made into winter coats for you...*wink* I'm sure you'll feel all warm and cuddly when winter comes!
Peamut buttew makes up fow a lot of wongs..but at least you'll have mowe gowgeous coats
smoochie kisses
You are gonna be cute stuff in those new winter coats!!!
Hmm...its not that bad after all. At leadt you got new clothes soon and PEANUT BUTTER !!!!!!!!! slurp~~~
slurpy licks,
pee-s: We are still fighting with those evil ticks!! wish us luck.
Thanks for being so concerned for my Mommy. The Mommy wants you to know that she hasn't forgotten your prose but with what all has been happening, she hasn't been able to get to the post office.
She is taking Monday off becuase we are going to the country again to visit with Dashsie's Rule while her sister Pam and her husband Sonny go catfishing in the tank.
We are gonna spend the night Saturday but be back sometime Sonday, so she said she'd going to the post office next Monday.
Love ya.....Mona
Hi Lorenza,
That was a good bargain on shoes your mom found!! It did sound like a good weekend for everybody!
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
A peanut butter filled kong. Who cares where they go and what they buy. Your mom does like shoes. Good thing you don't chew them up.
Você vai ficar linda com os teus casacos de inverno.
Boa noite
hello there lorenza!
I really think that was a great weekend for all of you.. And wow, more doggie clothes? that sounds really neat!
drooly kisses,
Nice shoes ! Did you tast them already ?...oups I hope you won't...
Kisses, Faya
Pobre princesa...¿Cómo es posible que no te dejen entrar en las tiendas? ¡Inconcebible!... Hemos de manifestarnos contra tan odiosa costumbre bípeda...
Menos mal que tenías tu Kong (???)
Aw Lorenza....
What a bargain fer 5 pair of shoes....sounds much better in US dollars....
More coats fer ya? Yer gonna need a new house just fer yer wardrobe....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Dropping by to say hello.
Simba x
But Lorenza .. you know what shoes are for don't you! ;-)
What a shopper your mom is! 5 pair of shoes at once?! We love your winter coat fabric, Lorenza! You'll be one stylin' girlie!
Bloglines wasn't working for us either!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thank goodness you got a peanut butter filled kong Lorenza otherwise it would have been a disasterous weekend.
Hey Loranza,
well at least you got a treat in that fun kong :) mommy wishes that we like peanut butter too so that we enojoy it being put in our kong
yaay so you will soon have new winter coats. Make sure you show it to us when they are ready ;)
Maltese Paws
P.S we don't go to the spa often, but it was needed this time to take care of our fur fur =) only if our coat was like yours, that wouldn't be needed at all ^_^ and that little guy who we met there at the spa was keeping his shih tzu brother company =) his mommy couldnt leave him along at home :)
Hi, Lorenza -
At least you got some nice fabric for winter coats. You will be going out in style.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Your coats look beautiful - you are all ready for a snug winter! My human goes ga ga over shoes, too - I don't understand it.
licks & slobbers
Oh Wow! Just look at that loot! Five pairs of shoes! And all that fabric! You are going to look really stylish this winter!
Love, Dino
What is it with Mum's and shoes?
They always claim they NEED them.. yeah right!! and what is wrong with the other 500 pairs in the bottom of your wardrobe huh?
They have one pair of feet, why can they possibly need multiple pairs?
I guess its a girl thing??
Ben xxxxx
It didn't turn out so bad! Mom got you all sorts of goodies - she rocks!
Can't wait to see your pretty winter coats!!
We had a problem with Bloglines, too! I think that fabric will make some wonderful winter coats for you.
Hmmph. Sometimes I think my mom would choose shoes over me anytime. Well, not really. But she does like her shoes.
Enjoy your day, Lorenza!
At least she got some stuff for you, but poor Lorenza being abandodeded! I must say, though, I think you inherited your sense of style from mom, I mean, she does need lots of shoes just like you need lots of dresses so that she can always have the right look.
The two of you could start your own fashion magazine.
Kong are indeed heavenly :D
Thanks for all your concern (:
Oh Lorenza!
Your back looks sad. I know your feeling. It sometimes happens to me too. Anyway I could get a nice reward and you will get winter coats. I am also looking forward to seeing them! wags wags
A Kong ALMOST makes up for being left behind...
Give her the back of disgust, good job Lorenza!
Wow, that is a lot of shoes for $50.....my mom would love to have all those shoes!
Oh, boy, why do mommy's have to go out shopping for shoes and not take us?! It's crazy. Our mommy did that too this weekend (your mommy's new shoes are very nice)
At least you got peanut butter AND it looks like you're going to get some lovely new outfits. We can't wait to see you in them!
Pearl & Daisy
Lorenza! at furst we thought oh that wasn't nice but then when we saw your surprises we changes our minds. can't wait to se your new coats ~ mommy keeps saying she's goning to make us some but all she could talk about was your mommys gold & silver shoes hump
golly you got almost 100 dresses you lucky model you ~ love licks
have a great week xoxo
Oh No Lorenza! No Dancing With The Stars last night??
Yeah...our humans do that, too! They leave us home and get something for themselves sometime BUT your mom was different! :) She got you nice fabric!! We know your grandma will make you nice dresses soon!
Momo & Pinot
Fab fabrics for Lorenza! You'll look lovely and I think you may ave more new coats that Mom has shoes. I xpect she means you to share the shoes anyway, for a good sniff and a little sneaky chew or two?
I'm barking for your Mom so her fingers gets better!
Wiry wags, Eric x
I have an award for you waiting at my blog.
I found out if it rains my mom stays home with me. Pray for rain next weekend :)
Your mommy got some great shoes! I would love to chew them if you don't want them!! You are going to have some beautiful outfits with all that material. Can't wait to see them.
Hugs, Kodak
We left something for you at our blog because we love your blog!
-Luke and Liesel
She needed that many shoes? Those fabric look like they're going to be some very warm coats.
Yepper you got a kong. That is worth the wait...
I don't think and octopus toy would last very long with us. Lets would be scattered all over. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Well, it looks like you were the one who got to do nothing all by yourself while mom went and bought cute shoes!
At least she thought of you while she was gone and got those pretty fabrics for your winter coats!
Harrrrrr Lorenza
that is a lot of shoes Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Look at all those shoes wow, do you wear shoes too Lorenza?
At least you got a reward though if it was me I woulda stolen the shoes to punish mum for not taking me clothes shopping with her.
you can't blame her for going out if she found great deals like that! AND you get some coats out of it, it sounds ok to me.
Lorenza, did the peanut butter help soothing out everything?
Your mom has good taste, my mom drooling over the shoes and sandals.
You've been nominated for a challenge - come to my blog to find out all about it!
It looks like you will have many beautiful warm and cozy coats for your winter walkies Lorenza! That is a really good thing. We bet that peanut butter was yummy!
Ozzie & Rocky
Puf Lorenza,en cuanto los papas dicen"no haremos nada este fin de semana" no te creas nadaaaaa!,los mios tambien mas de un finde me han dejado en casa y luego llegan cargados de bolsas (tanto de comida como de cosas que mami se compra)mientras yo me quedo todo enfadado en casa grr!
Te dejo muchos lametones arf arf!
Hi Lorenza,
You are sweet. They left you alone, went shopping, bought lovely shoes, and even bought some fabric for your coats...and they didn't take you along. Yet, you've forgiven them! I don't forgive so easily. What I am especially concerned about is that your opinion was not sought even for the fabrics...your fabrics!
But all in all, that kong filled with peanut butter did end the day on a good note!
I am still a bit far away from the day when these two would bring me some treats - boiled chicken and cottage cheese is what I get these days! Gone are the days of KFC...now these two don't even have time to go and buy KFC!
I managed to get something out of them though...you may want to check it out at my blog. (Hint: It's a voting machine)
I'll be coming over more often in October...promise:)
Licks n Wags,
Aww Lorenza sorry to hear that you couldn't go shopping with your mum but it looks like its a case of all's well that ends well! Peanut Butter!!!!
Good evening lorenza.
Shopping for shoes is interesting.
Especially, the amount of money is a mystery of the amount of money different in the world.
However, the court is warm, and is fit in the season of the future. :D
from loved ume tyan
Kongs with peanut butter always make up for being left along. In fact... I think that peanut butter makes up for just about anything. Mmmm...
Thanks for all your care & concern for Lady ! We really appreciate it ! We thank you on behalf on Lady !
& Congrats on the awesome blog award ! You deserve it ! :DD
hi Lorenza, you mom did a good job on her shopping. sometimes humans get these urges to shop and they leave us dogs out of the fun. it sucks! but you did get your kong and those fabrics look pawsome. we can't wait to see some pretty winter coats on you.
Missh you Lorenza!! The fabrics are so pretty!! That's a good bargain your mom bought.
Amber~ :)
More clothes?? Lorenza, you will need an entire closet for yourself. I bet you have more dresses than G-Mom.
Ohh pee ess..my G-Mom has a thing for shoes. I think she collects them like some humans collect dolls.
How can one human wear so many shoes?? She only has two feet!
I'm glad I'm a dog.
Oooh, you are getting new clothes? And you got a kong with peanut butter? I love my kong and the treats my human puts inside. But I hate when she goes out without me...
It was worth staying home so you can have some beautiful winter coats, Lorenza. You are going to look so gorgeous!! Too bad the shoes aren't your size, though...
Have a great week.
Hi Lorenza! You are going to have beautiful winter coats with that lovely fabric. I can't wait to see the finished products! Your Mom's shoe shopping was very productive wasn't it?! I don't like shoes myself, but winter coats are okay, especially the fleecy kind :) XOXO Peanut
I don't know, Lorenza. I don't see any walking shoes there. That's not good. You will have to pester her some more, or at least look real sad. Take my advice, Lorenza. It works, at least for me.
Good luck, pal.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Thanks for your concern for Lady & you deserve the award (:
We never get stuff in our Kongs - just empty Kongs. How unfair is THAT!?!
Woo... I like that fabric. Especially the yellow one.
Your mom resembles my mom.
Thanks a lot Lorenza !
Hope you have a great weekend too pal !!
Wow Lorenza,
That seems like a lot of fabric to make coats for someone as small as you - how cold does it get there?
I'll probably only get one winter coat, cause mom won't make them for me and the stores don't sell any in my size. I wish I could be as stylish as you.
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