Today was a holiday here in Mexico. It was
Independence Day. It started last night. At 11:30 everyone screams.... VIVA MEXICO! and then.... fireworks. For more than an hour. I barked and barked until they finished.
This is what my mom ate today...
Pozole! Very mexican
My mom had the day off from work sooooooo.....

This is my closet a year ago....

This is my closet these days....

And more out of the closet....

My mom got this....

This is my new "no closet". It contains my 68 dresses and leashes.

Here I am looking at my mom working and telling my grandma that there is enough space there for more dresses and she told me she is going to make some more for me!
Have a good night
How do you ever decide which one to wear? Happy Independence Day.
Uhhhh. We had NO IDEA you had so very many dresses!!! Mom says she thinks you have more clothes than she does! wow.
We like the looks of that food. Yum. Happy Independence day!
So many dresses,
So MANY choices!
Hope you enjoyed the day with those two furry special ladies!
G'day Lorenza
If you can get grandma to make you 297 more dresses you will be able to wear a different one every day :-)
Hi, Lorenza -
Happy Independence Day! You have a lot of clothes - more than what Mama has.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
w00f's Lorenza, happy independence day to ur country, Lorenza....and a girl cant haff to many dresses....
b safe,
Happy Independence Day to you! You have a rainbow of dresses!
love & wags,
hi Lorenza, Viva Mexico! we're glad that you got to bark your celebration.
your dress collection is amazing. and you look beautiful in each one of them.
Lorenza, please ask your mom to adopt me or e-mail my mom telling her that you have 100 dresses and more to come! Love your grandma!
I totally agree...a gal can never have too many dresses! Happy independence day!
Hiee Lorenzo
Goodness! Your closet is bursting! Envious :)
Bee Bee
Hi Lorenza,
I cannot believe my eyes!!
** rubbing eyes with paws**
You have your very own closet that is filled with pretty clothes.. Hershey is full of envy and she wants to convince our mom that she needs her own closet fulled with beautiful clothes like yours too.. I don't think she will ever succeed!!
Happy Independence Day
You are definately a fashionista Lorenza.
Love Ruby
Wow! What a great collection of dresses and leash. Your grandma is so talented.
Happy Independence Day!!!!
I think you have more clothes than my mom!!!
Happy Independence Day!! Mom made Pozole not too long ago and loved it.
You should ask for a dress with Yankees pinstripes!
Your G-ma makes the best dresses. You look lovely in all of them. You are as pretty as that girl in the fancy blue dress.
Eso está muy bien, hay que tener las cosas bien organizadas... se ve que los bipes de vez en cuando piensan con la cabeza en vez de con sus patitas...
Pues eso, Patitas
You are the best dressed doggie I know.
Simba x
You have so many pretty dresses Lorenza. I think you need a walk in closet. ;)
~ Girl girl
Have you counted your dresses Lorenza? Do you have a favourite? Do you choose which one you're going to wear? So many questions!!!
Me se olvidó
¡Qué viva México!
Good evening lorenza.
Congratulations on Award.
The Mexican cuisine seems to be delicious.
Recently, it is ume tyan in Mexican music interesting.
Music that Ana Gabriel is wonderful.
And, the closet of lorenza is the worrying enjoyment. :D
from loved ume tyan
Wow! You have so many dresses, Lorenza!
Here in Japan it is popular that dogs wearing dresses and you can buy many kinds of dresses. I will show you some! wags wags
felicidades por tu dia nacional
pero dime una cosa
cuando vas a usar tu 68 vestidos???
me parece que llego la hora de hacer lo qeu nos con los juguetes y donarlos a otras perritas que no tengan
68 dresses & leashes??? That's CRAZEE Lorenza! You're a fashionista babe! We have that exact same rack too bough here in Malaysia. It's kinda flimsy right now.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Whoa! Lorenza, I think you have even more outfits than I have!
That's alot of clothes you have there! Z wants to say thank you for your encouragement and she will try her best!
That is a whole bunch of clothes - W0W!!!
Hope you enjoyed your time with your Mom!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow, that is an awesome closet! I can't believe you have 68 dresses--you are so lucky!
Happy Independence Day! What a lot of dresses you have! I don't even have one. Maybe I need to talk to my human about that. Except...maybe it would be hard to chase birds wearing one?
Happy Independence Day!
And 68 dresses?! Lorenza, you have more clothes than my mom!
Love Clover xo
The best dressed lady in Mexico, for sure!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
I gots a lot of catching up to do on the wardrobe stuffs!! Wowzers who knew you had so many pretty dresses!!
Hi!LOrenza.The image of Pozole provokes slaver!
You certainly do have a lot of dresses. You are so lucky to have such a nice grandma to make you so many wonderful dresses...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Whoa - woo have 68 dresses and leashes!!!!!!!!! That is awesome. We each have one leash and one collar and that's it - no other wardrobe. Can woo ask your Grandma to talk to our Mom about this situation?
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
Wow your closet is so much bigger than mine, hehe.
Happy Independence day!
Your mums food looks really yummy. Did u get any of it?
*BigHugs* & *lotsaLicks*
Uh, Lorenza. Do you think you are a teeny bit spoiled? 68 dresses? My mom gets off easy cuz I don't like to wear clothes!
Happy Holiday!!! Well you have more dresses than we have beds!!!! ANd they are ALL so lovely!!! Love and kisses A+A
WOO WOO Lorenza
I'm so glad you got a new closet because you have to keep all of your beautiful dresses in order! We love seeing what you are wearing everyday!
Thor and Marco Polo
You have the best Grandma in the whole universe! Viva Mexico!!
- Charlie
You have a LOT of beautiful dresses, Lorenza!
Happy belated Independence Day, Lorenza....
Ya have 68 dresses....why that's more dresses than most hoomans have....but ya always look so nice in 'em cause yer Gram is a super seamstress....yer she's a keeper fer sure....
Dewey Dewster here.....
You are one of the MOST LOVED pups in the whole entire world! All the dresses suit you very well! Your Grandma does a super good job in hand tailoring every outfit! Too bad it is not cold long enough for you to wear all those dresses all the time!
Happy Independence Day Lorenza!
You have more dresses than my G-Mom! You are very lucky to have your Grandma sew them for you, cause they are very expensive in the store.
By the way, that Pozole looks like it has lots of onions, and onions mean gas. ffffrrrrttttt. he he
happy independence day! We think you are one of the luckiest doggies on earth! Such love, and you deserve it all
wags from the whippets
Harrrrr Lorenza
Yer closet looks bigger then Lisa the Means closet Harrrrr. that dish also looked tasty Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Oh wow, look at all your dresses! And your grandma is going to make more for you? You are so lucky, Lorenza!
Hiya Lorenza! I don't own a single item of clothing. The Secretary felt so guilty after seeing your closet full of clothes. Maybe she will get me one later.
Trudis from the Animal Doctor blog
You have more clothes than our mom does, Lorenza!
That is one yummy looking Independence day meal! We hope your holiday was the best ever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Lorenza, u ar 1 lucky kids.......
Lorenza - I think you should actually have 365 dresses, right? Can't wear the same outfits over and over. You always looke so lovely.
Hector Wheelie
Happy Independence day! That Pazole looks very yummy! You have a lot of dresses! Good thing your Mom got you a new way of storing them and organizing them! If she hadn't your grandma might get bored! Now she has plenty of room to make you even more!
Lorenza, It must take you ages to decide what to wear before you go out. Do you have clothes for best and clothes for just every day going out trips?
The food your hooman ate looked very yummy.
Molly and Taffy
My mom said you and Leah (my human sister) would get along well. Leah LOVES clothes as much as you do! Thanks for thinking about us. My mom is home now and is happy to visit your blog again.
Your mom's food looks yummy. I hope she shared her delicious looking meal with you :)
Are you related to Imelda Marcos by any chance? You know, she had more than 5,000 pairs of shoes and also an immense collection of clothes. Hmmm. Let's see, maybe Lorenza Marcos? He he he. :) I think your grandma is awfully nice to make all of those for you. Has she ever thought of opening a store (real or online) to sell dresses like yours? Then other doggies, like me for example, could have beautiful clothes too. She could be rich!
Let me know if she needs my measurements. :)
Behr Behr
Happy Independence Day! Wow--68 dresses?! Your mom has some great organizational skills! How do you ever choose?! I only have, like, five shirts, so it's easy to decide which to wear. :)
Lorenza....we have somethin' fer ya on our blog....please come ta pick it up.....
Dewey Dewtser here.....
gracias por los deseos de cumpleanos! tienes suerte porque tienes muchos vestidos. no me gusta ropa. no me gusta collares cualquiera. mi hermana escribe en espanol. digo: THANK YOU!
Wowzers, you've got more dresses than my mon! Ha rooo!
Happy Independence Day. That Pozole looks like all the colors of Mexico! It's very different from the posole/pozole my mom makes. Hers is like soup... but it's yummy! Well, OK, it smells yummy... I'm not alowed to have any!
Play bows,
PS: Could you give your mom and grandmother a sweet, soft little smoochie on the nose for me?
Hola Lore, te dejé un par de premios y un meme en mi blog.
My Missus thinks your dresses are so beautiful!
That is a lot of clothes! I just have a couple of bandannas!!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Happy Independence Day, Lorenza!
That is so nice of your grandma to make you all those pretty sundresses. You are always in style.
Your friend,
You are so lucky to have so many beautiful dresses!! Your mom should of had California Closets come out and build you a new fancy closet for all your fancy dresses!!
-Luke and Liesel
68 dresses is simply amazing Lorenza,...i knew there were mom has been wondering for a very long time...but...i guess a super model needs a lot of are a very loved doggy
Your "no closet" is awesome! I like how it is sorted by color. I wish I had a closet for Dobby, but he just has a drawer (kind of like a dresser, I guess!)
<3 Sharon and Dobby
I am glad you posted a photo of your "before" and "after" dresses. Wow, you have sooo many!!!! Your grandma is very sweet to you. And, as I've said before, I LOVE YOUR DRESSES, LORENZA!!!!
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