
Yesteday my grandma needed some fabric and she told me and my mom to join her and we went to the down town. While she went to the store I was walking around with my mom. I found lots of new things to sniff. It was funny to hear people saying "Awwwwww", "Cuuuute", "Beautiful". Here, it is not common to see a dog with a dress. So, I was happy with all the attention I was getting. We had to finish our walkie because there was a big dog barking at me and my mom and we were scared. My mom took me in her arms and we went to the car to wait for my grandma. OMD! that is not a way to end the fun we were having!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
I'm glad your mom was there to protect you from that big dog, Lorenza. How come those big ones can be so mean sometimes?
I can imagine you cause quite a stir looking so pretty all the time Lorenza!
Cassidy x
It's not common for dogs to wear dresses here either Lorenza, but they suit you. Looks like those were GREAT sniffing places! Thanks for sharing them!
Not just a khute dog in a dress -
A furry khute dog in a furry khute dress!
Sorry about the barker - but it was nice of your mom to sweep woo up!
Sounds like a very nice day til the last part! Glad your mum was there to swoop you up!
That is a pretty pink dress, Lorenza!
Lorenza, I am so sorry that bad dog scared you and your momma! It would have scared me, too. The dogs at the end of the cul-de-sac where we live, bark at me when I go on my walk and it scares the bejezzuz out of me.
Big Wags,
You've been busy Lorenza! congratulations on the gold medal for wrestling in the Pawlimpics! That was a great picture. You were such a help to your mom while making the bed! I know you like to be helpful. You always look cute in your dresses, you deserved the ooooo's and aaaaah's you got.
YIKES! That is an awful thing that happened to your mom's toe! My mom said "OUCH" when she read about it and saw the picture. I hope it heals up fast!
felicitacones por los premios...que bueno que pasaste un buen paseo, ecepto por el pequeño incidendte pero ya veras que la proxima vez sera mejor.
I am glad that big dog did not get you. Your dresses are lovely and we love to see your pictures in them.
Sorry to hear that big mean barkie dog ruined your fun. I hope you get your pressie soon, that mailman is sure mean takin his slow time to get it to you. I will have to bark a few words at him next time I see him. That doggie was probably a girl and she was jealous of your lovely fashionable dress!
Of course people should comment on your beauty, Lorenza. You are lovely and always so stylishly dressed.
Your friend,
Hi Lorenza
You look beautiful in your dress. I can see why you get so much attention. I hope your grandma was buying fabric for you.
Love Ruby
hi Lorenza, those humans probably think you are a famous movie star, dressed all pretty like you are!
is grandma getting new material to make you a new dress?
Sorry the big dog scared you. You do look really cute in your little dress..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Harrrrrr Lorenza
I am glad you got to smell new smells and see a lot of new people Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
The dog was prob barking at you cuz you look so hot!
I love your dresses, I'd woof at you too. ;-)
i'm sure the big dog meant no harm... he's juz admiring a hot babe with a dress
Felicidades por tus premios Lore.
¡Qué gran idea la de tu abue!
Te luce estupendo el vestido como siempre... fiuuu fiuuu
Ooh...so will we be seeing more new clothes for you,Lorenza? I still love the dresses your Gramma makes for you...*grins*
Hope you had a great weekend too!
You have so many pretty dresses, I think you are #1 on the DWB's Best Dressed List!
Your pal,
I bet you get all the bipeds and quadrupeds eyes...and not for the dresses! *Wink Wink* -Rocky
I'm glad you are safe but it was too bad he ruined your city walk! Thank you for your kind words about our little Marshmallow. The other puppy is doing pretty well. We just need him to survive a few more days and he should be okay. Was your grandma getting material for new dresses??
love & wags,
Dear Lorenza
You certainly do look pretty in pink. You deserve all the admiring comments.
Love from Hammer
More fabric for more dresses?
You're the best dressed doggie we have. :)
Nice of you to help run errands
~ Girl girl
Congrats on your awards! Ofcourse your dress are always cute! Alot of doggies in my country dress up too especially small dogs...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
nos alegramos que ya podais pasear en condiciones... un abrazo
COngrat Lorenza & you sure attract so many people around there.
slurpy licks,
Of course they were looking at you, you are so high fashion!
That barking big dog was probably jealous because you have a pretty dress and she doesn't!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Lorenza -
Good thing your Mom was there to keep you away from that mean dog. Did your Grandma get material to make a new dress for you? Hope you had a good weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Aquele cão precisa aprender boas maneiras, Lorenza!
Não vemos muitos cadelas usando vestidos por aqui mas outro dia vi uma dachshund com vestido que me lembrou você. Mas não tinha o teu charme!
Parabéns pelos prêmios!
Hi Lorenza,
I always love your dresses too! I also have some dresses. You know? in Japan it is popular. I will show you next time! wags wags
Hi, Lorenza...
You are sooo adorable...No wonder everyone loved you...
I'm glad you & your Mom got away from that mean dog...
Abby xxxooo
Why would the big do be barking at you? You are very cute in your dress!
Lorenza, do we see a new dress in your future? Was Grandma shopping for woo?
Bad, mean, big doggie - what's the matter with him? Doesn't he know how sweet woo are?
Woo, the OP Pack
Hi! I've missed barking with you. My mom says thank you for thinking of us. Things are bad but she says you make her feel better. Hope your mom's toe is ok. My mom dropped a can of soda on hers in June and it's still black under the nail. It stinks that that dog scared you. Dogs like that should stay home! Again, thank you for your crossed paws.
Pedro & my mom
How rude of the big dog. I guess it did not know who you were. Some pups have have no manners.
I hope Grandma got new material for some new dresses.
What did your grandma need fabric for? Perhaps to make you another dress? :^)
I'm sowwy you had to end youw bootiful walk wif someone being mean to you..just wemembew all the compliments you wceived instead
smoochie kisses
OMD how rude! That dog should not bark and bark at you!
And you look so good in your dress!
Hi!You who put a face in a box are cute.The dress of the floral design is pretty, too.
I have a big brother and a big sister and they may look scary but they are really very nice!!!
Lucy Lu
Hey Lorenza...
It's good ta be back to feelin' a bit better...ya look cute in yer little dress but then ya always look nice in yer dresses....no wonder everyone is sayin' how cute ya are.....yer the best dressed doggie around....
Dewey Dewster here....
Is your grandma making you a new dress, so she needs new fabric? My Mom sometimes gets scared of dogs on the street, so she swoops me up in her arms and we go in the opposite direction.
WOO WOO Lorenza
If we lived near you - we would protect you from the mean barking dog! We never stay littlier dogs when we are out walking. All dogs are our friends!
Thor and Marco Polo
You are always so pretty and yoru dress are all so nice too.
Boy n Baby
Congratulations on the nice awards, Lorenza! Woo... I'd love to go fabric shopping with you!
Dave, Guide Dog for the Color Blind
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