I am going to tell you a story.....
( I had to use old pictures to ilustrate it)

I was here on the bed playing with my ball....

My mom was sitting there working on the computer....

Then, she heard a "crash" and went to to balcony to see what had happened....

Of course I had to come too... Then she shouted to me....

I jumped to the balcony. There was a gust of wind and she saw the door closing.....

She tried to stop the door....

But her finger was there!

I know this is hard to believe but the bad luck is having a feast with my mom's body!
Have a good night
Oh Lorenza!
I think woo need to bubblewrap her!!
Time for more khysses?
w00f's Lorenza, hmmm me thinks u need to lock ur mama up in a padded cell...she hurted her toe, then had to drive 1000miles outta her way, now her finger...well least u didnt lock urselfs out on the balcony...
b safe,
Oh noes oh noes!! Your poor Mommy!! I have my paws crossed for a speed recover and and and no more bad lucks!
So sorry that your mommy hurt her finger. I hope she feels better soon and we wish her lots of luck and lots of kissies!
Oh no your poor mum... That must be real ouchie. I hope she feels better now
~ Girl girl
oh no, poor Lorenza's mom. first her toe, now her finger. we are sending her some super B-luck. that's the best good luck that a human can have. we hope it helps her.
We think we figured it out. She wants to be like you, so she is slowly trying to shorten her limbs!
whippet kisses times nine on the boo-boo! And some for you, too!
Your poor mom. First her toe, then her tooth and now her finger! Hope you can nurse her back to health.
Your friend,
i know she won't blame you for that, right? is juz an accident
OUCH!!! That really had to hurt. And that's a typing finger, too! Gheesh.... What rotten luck.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Lorenza, you will have to give your mom extra kisses now that she is injured and in pain. I know that you will do a good job.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Oh no! First the toe, then the tooth and now the finger!!!! Poor mum of Lorenza *pat pat*
Hope this will be the last strike :)
PS: Lorenza, why are u laughing? Teeheehee!
Bee Bee
Oh noo... your poor mom!! I am with Lacy's suggestion. I think we need to keep her in a padded cell until this bad luck wears off. (Hmm.. hope it won't affect her typing..)
** big hugs for your mom**
Oh no! Not again! I like Khyra's suggestion actually. Maybe she does need to be wrapped with bubble wrap...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Bonita historia Lorenza,pero un poco trágica... Entre el dentista y los dedos de tu mami parece que estáis un pelín gafadas... ¡el maldito gafe ataca otra vez!. Paciencia estimada princesa, se irá pronto.
pd: cuida mucho de tu mami
Oh no! Your poor Mommy...we're sending positive vibes over to surround her now. We have an award for you!
Ais señor señor,si es que a las mamis no s elas puede dejar solas un minuto,a la que uno se despita zas!golpetazo que se dan :(....
Dale muchos lametones para que sane antes chiquita!
Un abrazote de mi parte y uno de mami para la tuya arf arf!
oh my gosh lorenza...what is going on with her...
ouch! that must be really really really hurt!
wet wet licks
lorenza, your story gave me goosebumps!
i dont believe in superstition, do you?
trudis, the animal doctor's pet
I am way behind on everyones blogs. Will catch up soon.
Simba x
Hi, Lorenza -
Your poor Mom. She has had her share of getting hurt lately. We guess it's time for lots of kisses from you.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Ow! I hope her finger will be okay. Time for some good luck to visit your house!
love & wags,
Oh no! First her toe, then her tooth and now her finger! I think your mom better start wearing protective gear for awhile. Maybe a hard hat like construction workers, shin guards like catchers, baseball mitts on both hands, and steel toed boots?
Oh no! Kisses to your Mom to make her feel better!
I think you need to do as Khara suggested and bubblewrap your Mama! Sending more rotti-healing slobbers and sugary kisses her way!
Ben xxxxx
Hi!Lorenza.I remembered that your mom injured toes.I take care of your mom.
Oh no!
your poor mom!
sending good vibes your way!
Hi Lorenza
Your poor mom. Bad luck comes in
3's so your mom should be finished with it now. Let hope.
Love Ruby
OUCHIE! That looks very, very hurty!
omigod your poor mom!
we hope this won't affect her holding, petting and kissing you!
Fast recovery for your mommy!
Oh no! Your poor mom!!! I hope this run of bad luck ends very soon!!!
Lorenza, we hope your mom's finger is better soon! Have a great week!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Owie, owie, OWIE! Your poor mama! Please give her a little lick on the nose for me. I hope it doesn't hurt too bad!
Play bows,
Ouch! I bet your Mom's finger hurt after the door shut on it. I hope it is not broken! You will have to really watch out for her. You don't want her to hurt herself again... Best wishes for your Mom's speedy recovery! XOXO Peanut
Your poor mom! Take good care of her, Lorenza!
Oh my Lorenza,
did someone put a curse on your Mom? You better lock her in the bedroom and throw away the key.
Be safe Lorenza's Mom!!
OUCH! That hurts just looking at it. Hope it feels better soon.
Oh Noooo!
Not another injury!
First toe, second finger, that's it, no more hurt!
Please come by my blog to pick up the Award "You Lift My Spirit".
You lifted my spirit, you didn't know that, did you?
Woof Ouch!
It's not Meeh, Waaah! I'm just passing by. Just passing by to thank you for watching with me but everytime I do, something happens.
You think maybe it's my big black brother Bogart? He is black and he just recovered from his hotspots?
I'll ask Keeper to smoke BigB b4 any other bad luck happens to anyone.
Drooly be safe.
Oh no! Not another injury! We hope your mom gets well soon and please be careful from now on!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Lorenza, Your mums luck lately is shocking.
Oh well, on the plus side you didn't get locked out of your house.
Mummy says bad luck comes in 3's so that means she should be getting goodluck from now on right?
I certainly hope so!
Lotsa licks for your mums finger and hugs to you.
Oh that looks so painful! I hope your mum gets better soon.
Oh my dog!
Sigues enclaustrada, pero bue... ya falta poco para que tu mami esté completamente bien.
Hey tu impresora es igual a la mía muahahaha!!!
Yikes, between the toe and now the finger - poor Mommy!!! One of the little grandbaby bipeds did that to his finger last week. Ouchee!!!
Hope Mom's finger feels better quickly.
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
I am so sorry your mom is having so much bad luck! I hope her finger heals quickly! Maybe you should kiss it to make it feel better?
Poor Mom! Lorenza, please give her lots of love from us and, whatever you do, don't let her near any sharp objects until this condition subsides!
omdog, that stinks, that must hurt sooo bad!! How is she typing??
Yeeeeouch! Im sorry about your Mum's finger! I hope that wrapping stuff gets to come off soon, maybe you can chew it off for her.
Oh não Lorenza! Sua pobre mamãe! Eu espero que ela fique boa logo!
Cuida bem dela, ok?
Boa noite
Hi Lorenza!
Your poor Mommy! She's really having a time of it! But she better watch out when she holds her hand up - she may look like she's telling someone off!
Your pal,
Good evening lorenza.
It is a poor finger.
It takes care.
I am worried very much.
I pray for the thing that improves early.
from loved ume tyan
WOO WOO Lorenza
Ouch! I hope your Mommies finger gets better quickly - you need to take good care of her! She's not good a good job of taking care of herself so you will have to take over!
Thor and Marco Polo
But I'm sure your sugars will make it all better!
Uh oh, Lorenza. I am so sorry to hear your mom got hurt again! Sending some puggy hugs and kisses to make her feel better.
Love Clover xo
It is hard to believe....
You need to check out our blog we have and award for you..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What next?
I hope your mommy feels better SOON. You better climb in her lap and give her lots of kisses until she does.
Yer Mom is havin' a real spate of bad luck there.... maybe she needs ta get a rabbits foot ta wear or a 4 leaf clover....hope she feels better....
Dewey Dewster here...
Hi, Lorenza...
Oh No...Your Mom got hurt again...
First her toe, now her finger...
You better keep an eye on her & make sure she is being careful from now on...
Abby xxxooo
Lorenza, I'm so sorry for you mommy and her ouchie finger!!! I hope it gets better soon!
G'day Lorenza
I can't believe it! But that is number 3 isn't it? The bad luck should stop now!
Oh man your mom sounds like mine. Always getting hurt. We hope she feels better soon.
Ouch! That must be really painful. Big hugs for your mommy!
Love, Dino
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