Rusty created this award. He gave it to me and he said I could pass it on some buds! I want to pass it to The OP Pack, Deetz and Gizmo, Gizmo, Mango and Dexter , Mango and Snowy and Chrystal! No Rules. You can pass it along too!
And now, I am officially part of Rusty's Squirrel Patrol!
I saw a Quinceanera!
Wow. Your dress is soo beautiful. And, we enjoyed your photo essay, as well.
Congrats on your awards.
Hi Lorenza
Your blue dress is very cute.
We don't celebrate Quinceanera where I live. It is a very nice custom.
Congratulations on your awards.
Love Ruby
Oh our dogness, thank woo so much for that cool award. Do we get to be members of the squirrel patrol too - we see them on our walkies but they don't usually come too close t our yard.
Our mom told us that one of her daughters was part of the royal court for a Quinceanera gal. It was a beautiful celebration and she learned a lot about another culture.
With that pretty blue dress, you could have been their royal princess mascot.
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
Lorenza, you look just as lovely as the very beautiful quincera!
Congratulations on the awards. We're a member of the squirrel patrol, too. Hopefully, we'll all be able to meet a squirrel training seminar someday soon.
WOO WOO Lorenza
What an awesome Award!!! And official member of the Squirrel Patrol!! Yahoo!!! Now you can help Gandalf and Grayson! They have a little squirrel problem - we should go to their house together!
Thor and Marco Polo
Great award AND great blogs woo passed it along to!!
Your dress was furry lovely too!!!
Lorenza, you look more beautiful in your blue dress! Maybe one day your mom will throw you a Quinceanera for fun!
Congratulations on your award. It is vital to be ready for squirrels at all times since they are sneaky little creatures. Glad that you are keeping your neighborhood safe from them.
That young lady looked very lovely but she probably doesn't have as many pretty dresses as you do.
Your friend,
I think your dress is prettier!
Your pal,
P.S. It was hot here today too and Mommy let me have a whole vanilla ice cream cone!!!
Parabéns pelo award e por ser membro da Rusty´s Squirrel Patrol!
Você ficou muito bonita com aquele vestido azul!
Boa noite
What beautiful dresses! Yours and the birthday girl's!
We think you have a very cool butt, sweet Lorenza!
wags from the whippets
That is a beautiful award! Congratulations! Can you have a Quinceanera party too? You already have the blue dress.
love & wags,
Hi Lorenza! Hope you had a great weekend! You looked so pretty in blue! Congrats on the award! I like your new steps too! Hmm...maybe your mom can roll red carpet over it for you too hee...
You look much more beautiful than that Quinceanera! Blue is much more becoming on you!
Congrats on the awards!
You might want to pass the squirrell award on to Steve (of Steve and Kat) cuz he caught a squirrell and ate it's head.
G'day Lorenza
It's a fantastic looking award isn't it. Congrats :-)
Oh wow Thanks Lorenza. This is my very first award ever so it's even more special :-)
Lots of Love
p.s. I love your blue dress
Hiee Lorenza,
Thanks for visiting and I agree, your blue outfit is prettier :D
Bee Bee
Your blue dress is so cute Lorenza. :)
Congrates on your awards
~ Girl girl
Hi Lorenza!
I did not know about "Quinceanera". You look pretty in the blue dress too!!
Good luck for Squirrel Patrol!
Felicidades por tus premios... yo tampoco he visto ardillas pero si veo alguna te avisaré, arf, arf, arf...
Lo de las quinceañeras no se ve por aquí, parece una costumbre simpática... ¿cómo los bailes de presentación qué se hacían en épocas antiguas?
Patitas princesa
What a pretty dress she had one. Your dress was nicer though.
What an interesting custom and a delightful one....she had a pretty dress but you are the best dressed in Mexico fer sure.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Felicidades por tus premios!!!
Hey cuando tengas el vestido de XV me invitas de chambelán?
That's a really nice award! And thank you for visiting my bloggie. Its a great dress you have on and Z(my two-legged) wished that she could dress me up too. But i refuse.
Lorenza! Thank you for stopping by my blog. What a great doggie blog you've got. I love your puppy dress, I'll have to discuss getting one with my human!
Can you add me to your links? I'll add you to my blog as well!
Oh, and my human wants to know how you've gotten so many other dogs to read your blog!
Tail wags,
That Quin....okay, I don't know how to pronounce that but her dress is just simply gorgeous! Yours match hers too! How cool!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
P/S: Check out the new post in our blog. Chloe is our HERO!
I can only guess what a Quinceanera is but if you had one, you'd be so beautiful too. In fact, you already are beautiful in your pretty blue dress!
Congratulations on that cool award.
aquí no se celebra esa tradición de las quinceañeras, sabemos que se hace en algunos países de latinoamérica... a decir verdad, tu vestido es más bonito!!!!
Well done on the great award it s a even special one and means loads to you if it was ,made for you.Love your pink dress and the photos were lovely.
ludo the cool dude
Congratulations on the awards, Lorenza - you certainly deserve them!
I think you look even PRETTIER in your blue dress. :)
I like your blue dress a lot more! Congrats on your awards and congrats on guessing all the cats and who they belong to over at Mona's. That was hard! I only go t 2 right and one of those was my brother!
Congratulations on your awards!
You look lovely in your blue dress, Lorenza! You're always so fashionably dressed!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That is a pretty cool award..
We love your dress.. keep strutting your stuff...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
hi Lorenza, are you going to have a quinceanera too? you can wear your lovely blue dress and drive in your mom's limousine.
congratulations on that award and being part of the squirrel patrol. squirrels are animals that must be chased. they try to drive dogs crazy.
w00f's Lorenza, me thinks u iz prettier in u blue dress too...and congrats on ur awards...heehee come c me and me will show u a bunch of squeerls...
b safe,
joey said because it is MY birthday I can do the comments today!
I don't even know what a quincenara IS!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!
Hi, Lorenza -
Congratulations on your awards. We are pretty ignorant - we did not know anything about Quinceanera. Thanks for sharing that info. We like your dress too.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
We are honored to have you in the Squirrel patrol, Lorenza!
That girl in her pretty blue dress is almost as pretty as you in your blue dress! I think you're cute!
Hi Lorenza,
That is a cute award! Congrats on winning it. Quinceanera sounds very interesting!
We desperately NEED a squirrel patrol!!! The squirrel "mafia" lives in our front yard (at least that's what mom and dad say!!)
your dress is very pretty!!
The Puppies
Cool awards! And you look very special in your pretty blue dress, too! :)
I just gave you an award too :-D
I think you should have a quinceanewa celebwation too!
That giwl was vewy pwetty, but I think you'we pwettiew
smoochie kisses
Congratulations on your award, Lorenza. It is beautiful!
I don't know what a Quinceanera is, but I do know what a squirrel is, and let me tell you, Lorenza, you won't like it if you ever see one. They are furry and have big bushy tails that stick up in the back, and they have these ugly little teeth. They like to tease dogs and then laugh at us. They are not nice at all. Good luck in keeping them out of your area. Come to think of it, since your area really doesn't have any squirrels, you must already he doing a very fine job! Keep up the good work!
Koobuss Kisses,
Is the Quinceanera a Queen and a Senora rolled into one? Methinks if you are a Quin-something, then maybe you can help me find a my first doggy girlfriend. Por favor.
How's my spanish?
You look so pretty in your blue fact, you look prettier than the Quinceañera:)
Are you 15 yet?
Licks n wags,
Congratulations on your award. You look so cute in your dress.
Simba x
Your dress is even nicer Lorenza.
Congratulations on your awards.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Well, I think you look prettier than the lady in the blue dress!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Very beautiful dress. Maybe more beautiful than the quince girl!
Le Mops
Hi.Lorenza!Blue dresses become both you and her well.
How cool to see the Quinceanera! She is so pretty in her dress, but not nearly as pretty as you are in your dresses. When is your Quinceanera?
Hugs, Kodak
Hi Lorenza!
Congrats on your awards! And you look beautiful in your blue dress. Thanks for telling us about Quinceaneras - that is pretty neat!
Love Clover xo
That's a real nice and summery dress, Lorenza! Happy squirrelie hunting!
too bad doggies can't have a big party when we turn 16! It would be much more fun than the humans party. You look beautiful in your blue dress, as usual!
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