Yesterday morning we had some rain. In the afternoon the sun came out and I had my walkie....


Very interesting....

I saw a kitty...

When the kitty saw me... he ran away!

Have a great weekend!
ya time flies, is weekend already and our holiday is over, back to the same old boring routine, you have a great weekend too Lorenza.
You look very happy to be back in one of your dresses Lorenza. I wonder if you can make friends with that kitty.
Huffle Mawson
your dress is lovely! i bet you can make that kitty your one can resist the Lorenza charm!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
The kitty was really cute!
Hi Lorenza
We had a similar sort of day over here in Scoltand. We too had to wait for the rain to go off before we could get out for our walk!
We didn't see any kitty cats though so you were lucky.
It is a shame the kitty ran away - it would have been nice to sniff.
Have a lovely weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
haha lorenza, maybe u gave the cat the "stare of death"!
wet wet licks
Lorenza you chose a lovely outfit to go for a walk in. I bet the other dogs are a little jealous and I bet that cat was too that is why she ran away. She is telling her Mom she needs a pretty dress.
licks and sniffs,; Sasha
That kitty should have complimented you on your pretty dress instead of running away!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Another gorgerous dress - that bow is beautiful!
Shame the kitty didn't want to say 'hello'! Cats can be a bit like that, even the one that lives here!!!
Have a lovely weekend
That kitty was just jealous of your pretty dress!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Sweet look very very beautiful with your dress...great choice for your walk!!!!
And sure the Kitty appreciated your look and running away from you only because was jealous of you!!!!
have a great weekend dear friends and mommy!!!!
Lots of love and kisses!!!!
What a pretty dress. I am glad you waited until after the rain to go out so your dress would not get wet.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Cutie Lorenza!
You look great in that pink dress! I love it! Was the cat friendly?
Have a nice weekend!
Hi, Lorenza...
Love the dress...It's one of my favorites...
I hope that kittie stays to play the next time you see him...
Abby xxxooo
Maybe you'll see the kitty on another walkie. Hope it's not too hot there.
love & wags,
Lorenza, is that a new dress? I like it a lot! We had rain yesterday morning and this morning too! We are celebrating the 4th of July today. Do you celebrate anything this weekend?
Love and hugs,
Oh you scared the kitty away..
No sis's pool is in the backyard. hehe We can play zoomies around it..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Woo look sooo khute as usual!
I wonder why khytty didn't want to be your furiend!?!
We have an important question (or two):
1. How do you decide which dress to wear each day?
2. How long does the decision take?
Inquiring terriers want to know!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Happy weekend to you, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa!
querida Lorenza, creo que por ahí también teneis un calor horrible, tenemos ganas de que haga más fresco...!!!! así tenemos que estar en casa casi todo el dia
I'm sorry the kitty ran away. If you lived near me, I would like to meet you.
hello lorenza its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think yoo ar lucky the kitty ran away!!! i bumped into trouble the kitty in the hallway yesterday and she didnt run away she hissed and smakd me up side the hed!!! ok bye
We are enjoying our weekend and hoping for some rain here!!
What a cute kitty! I wonder why she ran off! Maybe she's jealous of your cool dress.
Play bows,
Did the rain cool the weather a bit? I hope you see the cat again. I see lots of cats during our walks and I am very interested in them!
Teddy Bear
You look so cute. Here it's been raining a lot late in the afternoons. Nice mud in the park in the morning. Love the dress.
Good that you scared the cat. I keep seeing bunnies on my walks but my mom won't let me chase them.
Nice dress, if you had been here you would have needed a rain coat and boots we got drowned, well nearly.
Wow, what a scaredy cat! oh, heeheehee!
Why was that kitty afraid of you Lorenza? I'd never be afraid of you. You are too cute!!
Have a great weekend Lorenza.
Love Ruby & Penny
hi Lorenza,
that was kind of silly of that kitty to run away from you. he must be a scardey cat! hee hee.
you look quite lovely in your pale pink dress. it's very feminine.
Looks like you found some interesting news to sniff about.
That is one of the sweetest dresses we think we have seen on you - so feminine.
Woos, the OP Pack
You are so pretty in pink, Lorenzo!
Hugs, Kodak
You summer time dress is so cute! You sure found a lot of "interesting" on your walkie.
Husky Hugs,MayaMarie
It looks like you had a very nice walk. Too bad the kitty didn't stay to talk with you and let you make friends. The kitty will never know what a wonderful friend she missed out on.
Your dress is beautiful. You always look so nice when you go for your walkies.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Por que aquele gatinho não quis falar com você?? Eu não entendo. Você estava tão bonita!!
What a pretty lacy dress. Just right for summer. I'm sure that kitty would stay once she gets to know you.
Hi Lorenza,
We love your dress... our mom says if it comes in her size, she'd definitely buy it! LOL!!
What a pretty dress. Love the bow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend or what's left of it!
Ciertamente los gatos son a veces muy miedosos... Bonito paseo princesa.
Que tengas un buen fin de finde.
oh my, a kitty! Yum! Oooops sorry, I just love to chase 'em though!
Another pretty dress Lorenza!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxx
Hey Lorenza! walkies are always interesting. I love your dress btw :D!
big licks!
Amber d Chi
Hi, Lorenza -
As usual, you look good in your dress for your walkie. We hope you and your family had a nice long weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
The last time I saw a kitty, it raised and hunched its back at me. I wanted to say hi and he hissed! I like your dress!
We had a great weekend! Thanks. Hope you did too beautiful!
Looks like you had some good peemails there.
I would not run away from you, Lorenza.
'cusez moi, look like in the #3 picture, the dress is a little snug for you.
Or are you gainning some w...?
Oooops, should not mention the W word to a fine lady like you, muahhhh!
The pink dress which you wear lets me feel the cool.
This dress and these pictures are so lovely!
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