Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ear malfunction...

Something is wrong with my ear....

Fixing it....


Have a good night


Boo Casanova said...

is your mom to be blamed for the ear malfunction? or did you listening to too much of MJ's song lately?

wet wet licks


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Did she do that mom trikhk and use some spit?


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Heehee! I hate ear malfunctions! Glad you could fix it so easily!

*kissey face*

Stella said...

I am surprised you appeared naked, with an ear malfunction. You are usually so particular about your appearance. You look wonderful to me no matter what you do.


Princess Eva and Brice said...

I had an ear malfunction once, but it's kinda hard with pointy ears.

Good thing you know how to fix it.

L said...

We were worried about your crooked ear. So glad you were able to fix it!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh dear, have you found out the cause of the 'malfunction'? Hey bt one thing is for sure.. you'll NEVER have a wardrobe malfunction. :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

I just know this is somehow Justin Timberlake's fault ...

Martha said...

We sometimes have those ear malfunctions too - such a pest!
Martha & Bailey xxx

Teddy Bear said...

Great job on fixing your ear malfunction.

Teddy Bear

The Animal Doctor said...

we are glad you were able to fix your ears all by yourself, lorenza. or else you would have to go to the vets ewww!

love, trudis

Maxmom said...

Love the pictures! Lorenza is sooo photogenic!
Tonsaluv Maxdog in South AFrica

Pipa said...

Lorenza-Guapita, you are one of a kind! :)




Bae Bae said...

I'm glad you fixed your ear in the end. ;)

~ Bae

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

Wow...I'm glad you got that ear straightened out...

Are you OK now??

Abby xxxooo

Simba and Jazzi said...

That ear has a life all of its own!

Simba and Jazzi xx

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

Ummmmmm..... what is happening with your ear???? I'm happy you fixed it. Although, it was quite silly that way!


Anonymous said...

Maybe your ear is possessed??? Them are sure some funny pictures!

Pedro said...


OMD! Your ear has a mind of its own!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza - bummer about the ear... glad you were able to take care of it yourself though.

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
Glad you were able to fix your ear malfunction. We thought you looked really cute with your ear all curled up.
Love Ruby & Penny

Zeus said...

Even with an ear malfunction, you're still adorable, Lorenza. You work that floppy ear like it's hot!

Sabrina de Cutie-Pie :) said...

BOL!I had it last time too...mom kept laughing at me..hmmpph...glad tat u've fixed it now..


ThePainterPack said...

Furry good trick to fix that ear!!! Wait...is woo nekkid??? OH MY!!

Mya Boo Boo

Wei Qian said...

o.O yes, it looks better after being fixed!

best regards

Fred said...

Oh dear! Glad you got that sorted out.

Mia said...

Even with an ear malfunction, you manage to look amazing!! Great fix, so graceful!!

SEDONA said...

Finally, someone who can relate to my wonky ear problem!
Wish I could fix mine with just a shake of the head :-(
Your pal,

Chinook said...

Hi Lorenza! you still look really cute..actually my ears look like that quite often! especially after i go jumping around...

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

ohhhh! my goodness i just want to squeeze you right through the screen! how sweet sweet sweet you are

Bijou said...

Hi Lorenza,

That's like having a bad hair day!

Wags & wiggles,

Taffy said...

Hi, Lorenza!
You had me giggling with that post. When I have ear issues Mom and Dad either tell me I must be going out cuz my "hair" is up or they tell me I look like a 'lady of the evening' with my "hair" pulled back. I'm not so sure what that lady of the evening means but I am pretty sure it is not a good kind of lady to be. Grrrr...
Love and hugs,

Byron y Xinver said...

qué susto nos habías dado cuando vimos las primeras fotos... al byron le pasa al revés, a veces, cuando lo bañamos, se le cae una oreja, peo luego se le pone tiesa de nuevo, jeje.

Martine said...

OH LORENZA!!! we love your funny ear!! Sugar can be found with one ear folded back and she looks so cute, just like you! And one time I folded both ears back and she looked like Princess Leia! Funny!!

xo sugar & martine

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

he he he! Your ear is so poseable!

Mine gets like that after I been sleeping on it.

lotsaluv, Marv xxxxxxxxx

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Lorenza!

Awwww, you're cute as a button no matter what your ears do! Mwahhhh!

Tanti baci!

The Army of Four said...

That looked cute! I don't think I could do that with mine! :)
Play bows,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You are so lucky you have a nice mom that can fix your ear.. Callie has bad ear days when she lays on them wrong. Mom thinks it is hilarious..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrrrr Lorenza
glad ye got yer ear fixed Harrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Duke said...

Mom calls that mess ear when that happens to us! It always seems to bother her and she can't wait to put our ear back the way it belongs!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

I guess you did not like the new style. You were looking good both ways.

Moco said...

I guess you did not like the new style. You were looking good both ways.

River said...

I was afraid it was wrinkled and your mom would have to iron it! I'm glad it's fixed now.

love & wags,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It just adds to your cuteness, honey.

woos, the OP Pack

Unknown said...

Oh, Lorenza - that is not a malfunction - that is just CUTE!!!

Honey the Great Dane

Mack said...

We volunteer to give you some ear scritches!

Princess said...

Hehe!! Funny silly ear, malfunctioning like that!

Tag you're it!


Sami & Baylee said...

Hi Lorenza! I have missed you! My family has been so busy and no time for us to blog but I am always thinking about you and my other blog buddies! I am glad your ear is back to normal. Baylee told me that Mango was having a problem with yeast in his ear poor thing, baylee gets yeasty ears too and has to get medicine in them but mine are okay and I am glad your are too!

love sami

Mochi and Bali said...

You're a cutie! My ears don't do that too much...they always just pop back into place!


Hana said...

Wow, how does an ear malfunction happen? Glad you got it fixed!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Oh yeah, floppy years tend to get ear malfunction a lot! Swing by and collect your award!

Lacy said...

w00fs, heehee me ears do that too..mama likes to play wiff me ears..

b safe,

Maxie said...

cute pictures..Why did they stick out funny like that? Glad you were able to fix your ears.


Tee said...

Hehehehe - looks like your mom's being mischevious. Our Chief is always fiddling with our ears too ... she'll lift both of 'em up and squeaks 'I'm a WABBIT! I'm a Wabbit!' Harumph! To think we have to suffer such indignity to amuse our human ...

LIcks and wags

Tuffy and the DOg WOods Pack

Isis said...

your poor ear!

Petra said...

I LOVE your ear, Lorenza! Do you think I can learn that trick if I try real hard?

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

what's happened to your ear sweet Lorenza???
You look soooooooooooooooo funny!!!!
Have you had a bad day????
glad you have fixed it so easily!!
We love youuuuuuu!!!
Sweet kisses and licks

Bobby said...

Hello what's going on ear. Still cute though.

Astrid Keel said...

Oh no! I know what happened! My momster came to visit you and was practicing her ear taping on you! BAD MOMSTER! I'm so glad that you chased her away and now your ear's back to normal. :)

The Black and Tans. said...

Your ears are really cute Lorenza

Molly and Taffy

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Uh oh, I thought something was really wrong with your ear at first! Glad you fixed it.

Asta said...

You eaw was and is pawfect Lorenza..it was just twying out a new style
smoochie kisses

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Haha Lorenza - you are too cute! Glad you got your ear straightened out!

Poppy said...

I love your ear malfunction! It's so cute!!!


Joe Stains said...

woah, I guess that is better than a wardrobe malfunction!

Dino and Family said...

Wow! You do have some very flexible ears! Love, Dino

Melito said...

Jejejeje amiga ami también se me voltea a veces la orejilla y mami me la tiene que colocar bien :P.
Eso si,tte ves tan linda como siempre Lorenza ;).Un gran patiabrazo amiga arf arf!

kishiko said...

My ears are also flexible,but not like that. You are so cute!

Peanut said...

We think it looked cute the other way.