
I have not seen this doggie before... and he was not very happy to see me!

I have seen those two before... and they barked at me... as always!

I saw a birdie too!

Bye bye friends... I hope I can see you tomorrow!

Lets go home... it is very hot outside!
I am not a big fan of cold weather but with the temps we are having, it would be nice to have a few less degrees!
And to make things worse... my pool had an accident! Hmmmm....
Have a good night
w00fs, ooo no sweetie, what happened to ur pool...me not nos y those puppies wood bark so much at u..
b safe,
I have furiends I see (and hear) on my walks too!
As I see it, woo khan always get warm but if woo are tooooooo HOT, woo khan't always khool down!
Sorry about your pool 'incident'!
I'm glad woo enjoyed my biskhuit videos!
Your pool had an accident? Explain! (And yet ANOTHER great dress!)
*kissey face*
So we say this everytime you have a dress on...YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!!! Your walk looks fun... the dogs look fun but they barked at you... I would probably bark at you too if I was in my house or on a leash... but if I had no leash on Lorenza I would love you!!
xo sugar
O que aconteceu com a tua piscina??
Procure se refrescar, de alguma maneira.
Eu adoraria ser teu vizinho e poder vê-la todos os dias.
Tenha uma boa noite.
Lorenza ! I wish you could send me the sun or even a small piece of it.....it is summer and only
15°C....do you think it is correct ?
Have a nice week-end,
Kisses, Faya
Lorenza, I am sorry about the hot weather. Here in Michigan it hasn't been too bad this past week. You look lovely in your dress, it is a very good color on you. I hope you can find a way to cool off soon.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
What happened to your pool?
Sometimes a short walk is all you need.
We are having nice weather, 70-80 F, but tonight we took an after supper walk and it was cooler. Do you ever take an after supper walk?
We almost always have a little wind blowing across the prairie and that feels good too. Do you get wind sometimes?
I liked your orange dress, Lorenza, you always look pretty.
Oh Lorenza...that dress looks amazing on you! Those are such wonderful colors!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
There are so many dogs in your neighborhood. How cool! Oh no! I hope that your pool gets fixed soon!
Teddy Bear
I so agree with you, Lorenza. This is outrageous. We had some rain the other day, but now, temperatures are back at 110 degrees. It's so hot, and it isn't going to get any better any time soon. Sigh...
I wish you could give us some of your sun, we would swap for some of our cool. That dog does not look very smiley it is envious of your beautiful dress.
Uh-oh, a pool accident? That doesn't sound good!
Sorry to hear about your pool. I hope it's going to get better. You really need it now. You look very cute in that sundress! Best dressed doggie blog!
Estimada princesa... ya se que esto te puede sonar un poco atrevido porque una princesa debe mantener siempre la compostura y elegancia con es educada pero ¿probaste alguna vez el "nudismo"?, creo que sería una buena forma de soportar mejor el calor.
Patitas y perdonad mi osado atrevimiento una vez mas, sinceramente vuestor seguro admirador...
dear lorenza,
the weather here in our country is pretty weird too. one minute its raining hard, and next thing i know my tail is burning.
you look pretty in your dress- as always.
your friend, moymoy
lorenza, very similar to your previous walkie. i think i did ask if u chase those birdies.
wet wet licks
That bully boy looks kinda mean!
Did your pool do bad boy peepees?
Nice dress, Lorenza. What happened to your pool?
Hi Lorenza
We thought you would have chased the birdie - you are such a nice dog out on you walks.
We hope things get a bit cooler for you over there - pity about the pool!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Oh no! We hope your pool gets fixed soon, Lorenza!
We're sending cooling temps your way right now! It's 52 degrees at our house right now! Is this really July 10th??!!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Lorenza...
I LOVE your dress today...It looks sooo pretty with your lovely fur...
I'm sorry about your pool...Are you gonna get another one?
Abby xxxooo
I hate the scotching weather too! I hope there's nothing serious with the pool and you get to go swimming soon! Love, Dino
Hi Lorenza
We wouldn't mind a little bit of that heat over here. Our summer seems to have disappeared again!
Love your dress - the colour is gorgerous!
Have a happy weekend
lots of woofs
A short walk is better than no walk, which is what poor Phantom is facing. But it is nice for you to see your furiends, old and new, nice and not so nice. So what happened to the pool?
Woos, the OP Pack
Hey there, Lorenza
I know its HOT there, but you look so cute (as usual) in your pretty dress. You must ask your granny to make you a 'bikini' for this hot weather...and a special pool to just sit in.
Maxdog in South Africa
Did you do something to your pool Lorenza?
That's my favorite dress of yours so far, Lorenza! I heart polka-dots!
Hope your pool gets fixed soon...did you bite it?! I've already trashed 2 blow-up pool toys, much to my human's dismay :-(
Your pal,
Your pool had an accident? I'm sure you weren't involved! I'm sure you will get it fixed soon.
Hi Lorenza,
Did your pool get a leak? I hope it can be fixed or you get a new one soon. Gotta keep cool right? BOL
Those doggies wish they could get out for a walkie too.
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Lorenza,
What kind of accident did your pool have? Perhaps it sprung a leak?
Eres la reina del barrio, tan guapa como siempre!
Good evening lorenza
It is hot every day.
Also in Japan, it is hot.
Cool time is impatient.
And, it is a weekend.
It searches for a cold place, and the recreation is necessary. :D
from loved ume tyan
I like your shadow in that first picture. I hope your pool feels better soon. If we keep having such hot weather, I might have to get one of those, too!
Oh no! What happened to your pool!??!
Play bows,
Lorenza, you are such a social butterfly!
Not the pool!!! The heat is no fun without a pool to cool off in. You looked so pretty in your summer dress! I'm sure that big dog was just jealous hat you looked so good! =)
Have a great weekend!!
Hi Lorenza!
It looks like you had a nice little walkie! I hope your pool is feeling better soon so you can beat the heat!
:) Tibby
Hiya Lorenza! Looks like you had a very nice, quick walkie! And, as for thoe dogs always barking at you??? They're just jealous because you are super fashionable and they aren't!
Oh no! I hope your pool didn't have a serious accident and if it did I hope it gets replaced soon!!!
We agree a little cooler weather would be nice. You sure have lots of nice friends on your walk..
Have a great weekend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
hi Lorenza, we hope the accident with your pool is not too serious and can be repaired. you need to go swimming when the weather is hot!
First you have an ear malfunction and now you have a pool malfunction? Have things gone crazy in your part of the world? I hope it cools off a little soon.
Love and hugs,
Hi. Lorenza -
We are sorry to read about your pool. Kaci and I have been so busy lately.
We are still having cool weather - it was about 50° this morning.
Do you have 100 dresses now? You are one fashionista!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
You are too cute Lorenza!
Ciao bella Lorenza!
Every time la mia ragazza sees the pictures of you on your bloggie, she says out loud, "Oh that Lorenza is adorable!!" And naturally, I, Lucia, agree with her completely!!
Tanti baci!
That dog does look a little grumpy!! I am sorry it is so hot where we live, maybe we should take a vacation!!
Now why wouldn't that doggie be happy to see you. You look so cheerful in that pretty dress.
Hey Lorenza!
You can send some of your excess temperatures up this way. It has been much cooler than normal here for a couple months now. We would love to have some more heat right now.
I hoe that your pool is fixed soon.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Lorenza!!! Thanks for stopping by my bloggy. I was worried that everydog had forgotten about me since Mom hasn't updated it in ages! You're looking very pretty in that dress!
What happen to your pool?
Querida Lorenza el calor hay que llevarlo como podamos , ¿eh? Nosotros como si viviéramos en un búnker hasta por la noche.
Your pool has had an accident? Did it get taken to the hospital?
Huffle Mawson
Such a pretty dress! I have a lot of friends that bark at me on my walks too.
Sorry to hear about your pool!
What happened to your pool, Lorenza Guapita?
Let me tell you, that dress of yours is my favourite!! It's gorgeous!
What another pretty dress!!! I also see other pups and feathered creatures on my walks and runs! And I do get barked at too! It's great to get out tho, right? sorry the weather's still so hot, and particularly sad that your pool had an accident! Oh nooooo!
Hope it gets a bandaid soon.
Hugs xo
Lorenza, I LOVE that dress on you! It's a great color. :) Sorry it was so hot - my momster says that you need a new pool (and my dad says "you can fix anything with duct tape!"...hmmm wonder if he'll try to duct tape my hip?!)
Oopsie - what happenened to the pool? better take a coool bath instead. And i kind of liked your unfixed ear look Lorenza!
Wiry loves and kissies Eric xx
Uh oh, what happened to the pool?
Take care of yourself and try to stay cool in the heat, Lorenza. Have a nice weekend!
You stay cool friend. It is hot here too. So sorry about your pool. That is not good news. We think your Mom needs to go buy you a new one :)
Hi Lorenza!
Just saw that you stopped by my blog & thought I'd come over and sniff around in yours. What an adorable doggie you are! We don't know any daschunds or anyone from Mexico, so we'll be following your adventures! You are welcome at our blog anytime :) Keep cool!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Even if it is hot, your pretty dresses make you look so fresh and cool. Like a flower in a breeze.
Have a happy weekend, Lorenza.
Miss Fergi and Jake
Hi Lorenza,
You look gorgeous as usual. Sorry you don't gots your pool to swin in. I bet you could use it with all this heat.
lorenza, that is the cutest dress....please have your grandma make some in big old human sizes...I am so jealous....(my dog Fo - mini poodle- only wears clothes in the winter and even then, he mostly wears practical clothing).
Ohhh, I really like your orange dress with the circles.
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