This is my pool now. Let me tell you what happened. Behind my house, there is a house that its being fixed. There was a man working on the roof and somehow a big rock came into my patio.... into my pool to be precise. The rock tore it! Yes, my mom tried to fix it with duct tape. It had little leaks but it was fine. Then, the rings got deflated. This time, my mom could not find why, soooo.... time for a new pool. Hmmm....
Saturday walkie...

I had a good sniffing here....

I feel something.....

It is not very clear but I had a feather on my nose!

This is interesting. A two in one squared tree!

Then we saw this. A dove gathering! They were very noisy. This house looks abandoned. I guess only the doves live there.

Sniffing a pee mail of high importance!
Have a good night
Wow, what a cool tree ! Lucky the rock did not land on anyone else, what a cool pool !
Good thing that you weren't in the pool when he rock fell!
The people with the square tree have too much time on their hands according to our Momma.
Princess Eva
Are you excited for your new pool? Did you bark at the doves when you saw them? I always want to chase birds when I see them but my Mommy holds me back.:(
Teddy Bear
You always look so beautiful and lady like on your strolls. You are truly a credit to dogs and especially dachsies everywhere.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
And you loved your pool so much!
That tree you saw was wild!
Oh my lord that rock could have hit you Lorenza...Thank goodness you're ok.
Those trees are amazing.
Hi Lorenza
A house full of doves sounds lovely!
We hope you get a new pool soon cos we know it keeps you cool in the hot weather.
Maybe the man who dropped the rock might like to contribute - just as well the rock did not land on you!
We are not sure about the square tree at the moment!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Sorry about your pool BUT woo have been a furry good girrrrl so a new pool seems just what woo deserve!
Tank woo fur sharing your walk and the stuffs along the way!
Hi Lorenza!
It is dangerous the rock hit your pool. Be careful!
Your walkies look fun! I wish I could walk with you!
Your pool is deflated? Oh the horror! Poor Lorenza!
That tree is very interesting.
Hi, Lorenza...
Sorry about your pool...I hope you get a new one...I'm glad you didn't get hit by the rock...
We can't decide if we like the square tree...Very strange...
Abby xxxooo
What a shame your pool ended up with a leak. Thank goodness you weren't in the pool when the rock came down.
Molly and Taffy
What an interesting Saturday for you, Lorenza! First the damaged pool (that is not fair, btw), then the tree, and also the dove meeting. Nice adventure :)
Hi Lorenza,
That is one cool tree! The dove gathering makes me kinda nervous. You never know what those bird brains are plotting.
Sorry about your pool. Maybe you get one of the hard plastic pools next time. And the roof man should buy it too!
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Lorenza! You are right, the best way I can think to describe those trees is interesting, very strange but interesting. I'm so sorry about your pool. I hope you get a new one soon so you have a place to cool off. It is raining hard and thundering here today and you know how I feel about rain!
Love and hugs,
PS: Daddy took something for you to the post office earlier this week so make sure and watch for the mailman!
I am very sorry your old pool got ruint! But you are very lucky to get a brand new one!
That guy working on the roof should have to buy you a new pool! And some snacks, too!
Play bows,
hello lorenza its dennis the vizsla dog hay i smel a lawsoot heer!!!! oh wait thats just sum bologna that dada forgot to put bak in the fridj ok bye
So sorry to hear your pool has collapsed, those construction guys should buy you a new one!!
hi Lorenza, that's too bad about your swimming pool. we hope your mom can get a new one for you soon.
that square 2-in-1 tree is funny!
you have the most interesting walkies!
Lorenza - you do see some interesting things on your walks! So sorry about your pool:(
Lorenza. Keep your eyes open on your walkies. We found our pool in someone's trash pile! Carried it right home, we did.
Those doves brought back memories of the barn swallows at home. There were hundreds of them (ewwww) building mud nests on our neighbors houses. Ick! Ick! Ick! We heard Moma grumble some threats, warning them to stay away from our house. We hope we don't go home to any surprises!
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Fergi and Jake
Oh no your pool is broken. You can come over and we can go to Sis's pool. It is cement so it won't break..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
awww! sorry to read that a rock fell on your pool... but we sure are happy that no one was there when that thing fell
That tree is very cool! Hopefully you get a new pool soon.
Love that tree - very cool shape!
Hope the new pool comes soon!
take care
Sinto muito pela sua piscina, Lorenza. Espero que você ganhe uma nova logo!
Aquela árvore é interessante!
That tree is very interesting. And the dove gathering - did you have to watch out for falling poop?
Too bad about the pool, hope Mom can get you a new one soon.
Woo, the OP Pack
What a cool and strange tree!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!
And we're soooooooo sad for your pool!!!!
Hope your mommy can get new one soon!!!
So you could swim again!!!
can we swim with you????
And we love your dress....you look so elegant....like a princess!!!!
hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!!
We love youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
Hi Lorenza!
Like everyone else I am very glad you weren't in your pool when it got rocked!
You have so many interesting places to walk! We like that tree--it's sort of the way our bushes are trimmed. Sorry about your pool! That was careless and rude of that roof man. I hope you get a new one this week!
love & wags,
Hey Lorenzo!
Nice walkie! Thanks for wagging over to my blog! You have very fancy walk attire! But I agree.. that tree was something else!
Sorry about your pool. That tree was cool.
Hi Lorenza!
Your pool looks like it will be fun to play in. I need my Mommy to set one up for me it was 103 today, too hot for me.
The man that dropped the rock on your pool should have paid for a new one or at least paid a little for it.
We want pictures of the new pool and you having fun in it!
Have a happy day! Tessa
Oh no! I'm sorry about your pool, Lorenza! But I'm super glad you were not in the pool when the rock fell into it. But now you get to go shopping for a new pool, so that's fun, right?
I hope you get your new pool soon! That is one very unique tree and you always get to see so many interesting things on your walkies! Love, Dino
Aw sorry that your Pool had to go to Pool Heaven so soon. Hope you get a new one, Lorenza!
lovelots, Trudis
Hey Lorenza
Now that you have a new pool, have you convinced your granny yet to sew you a bikini ;) ?
Tonsaluv Maxdog in SA
What a shame about your pool, Lorenza! We hope you get a new one soon! Maybe your mom can find one in pink!
What a strange looking tree! It's blockhead looks too heavy for it's legs!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hmm... lorenza, when u get a new pool, can u show us your "swimming bikini"??
wet wet licks
Hi Lorenza,
That Box Tree is very strange!!
I hope you get a new pool soon!
Honey the Great Dane
hi lorenza..i miss u and ur pretty dresses so much
will catch up with u soon..
btw..the square tree looks odd
And what did the peemail say? Time to get a lawyer and sue for a new pool? ;)
That is a very pretty dress you have! Pink is definitely your color! Congrats on your new pool.
stay cool miss L.
I have never seen two connected square trees before; they grow strange in your part of the country!
So when is the new pool coming, girl?
Oh that stinks! I hope you get a new pool soon. I really like that square tree. I'd really like to pee on it!
Wow Lorenza!
Firstly, that is the coolest tree EVER!
Secondly...you're a skinny dipper! Sorry about your poolie. Hope you get a really cool one soon!
Good luck pool shopping!
So sorry to hear about your pool. I hope you get a new one soon!! You looked very beautiful on your walk inyour pretty pink dress!!
That is strange tree. Enjoy your pool.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi Lorenza
That is too sad about your pool. We hope the roof men get you a new one.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi Lorenza,
We're sorry about your pool.
What great pictures! That is one weird tree!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Hi Lorenza
Sorry to hear about your pool. You can have ours - we never want to use it! Sometimes mum gets in it herself but not us - no way!
Mum really liked that square tree you found on your walk.
She looks so cute in her dresses!! :)
I'm so sorry about your pool! It will be nice to get a new one. We have a pool at our house, but I DO NOT like it! When someone puts me in, I swim as fast as I can and get out! Mom says I look like an otter! :)
I'm so sorry about your pool! It will be nice to get a new one. We have a pool at our house, but I DO NOT like it! When someone puts me in, I swim as fast as I can and get out! Mom says I look like an otter! :)
Good walkies tonight Lorenza! That tree was crazy looking!!
Jaime, Benson and Gibson
Lorenza, the picture of the doves is making me nuts. I think if I'd seen them I'd have broken from my leash in a second.
I'm really glad you weren't in your pool when the rock fell. Time for a new pool, and a new place to put it.
I hope you get a new pool soon! That's terrible about the old one. I love those trees. I bet the birds like to hide in there. (My mom has an air mattress like your pool. She thinks I had something to do with that. Or Arrow)
Such a bummer about your pool! Hope you get a new one soon since it's been so hot for you!
That square tree was interesting. Looks like you had a great walk! :)
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