In my last posts I have been naked. Today I said "Enough"! I love my dresses and I want to wear this new one...

I was having a great time sniffing everything when....

This little dog came barking and barking at me.... then....

His siblings started barking too! Can you see them?? They are 3!

I have to say that they did not impress me....

I continued doing what I was doing... sniffing!
Have a good night
Another pretty dress, Lorenza! We think they were barking at you because they want to know who designs your outfits. We are sure they were jealous of your stylishness!
Do you find any interesting smells while you were sniffing?
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Furry pretty - as usual!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Great dress, Lorenza! If I ever get to meet you we could get our pictures taken together dressed alike! That would be fun, huh? Do you celebrate anything this weekend? Also, I've been wondering, what is your favorite color?
Love and hugs,
Hi Lorenza,
I agree those doggies were wishing they had such a nice dress.
Wags & wiggles,
Lorenza, eu acho que eles estavam latindo muito porque queriam chamar a sua atenção. Eles gostaram de você. O que não é uma surpresa, porque você estava linda com aquele vestido.
Tenha uma boa noite.
Are you sure they weren't admiring your new dress or your cute shape? Another striking dress!!!
Woos, TD and Phantom
Awwwwwwwwwww sweet princess Lorenza!!!!!!
Great great great dress!!!!!!
We know why these dogs are barking.......
Because they have seen a very very beautiful girl and would like to know you to ask you an appointment with them!!!!!!!!!!
Can exsist a boy that could resist to your fashion?????
We love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!
Kisses kisses kisses and drooly licks!!!!!!!!
Sorry there was so much barking, but they were probably small-doggie wolf whistles at you in your gorgeous new dress! (Mom says she wants a dress just like it hehe!)
Hugs xo
Hi Lorenza - you're just too cute in your dress!
Lovely new dress, Lorenza! I don't know why they were barking but I do know you did the right thing in just ignoring them!
I'm glad you know not to talk to strangers!!
Diego Dog
How many dresses do you have Lorenza? I wish we could find big ones for Sugar...
xo martine
A very pretty summer dress but thankfully my momma doesn't make me wear them. My big fur coat is enough.
Princess Eva
Don't ever let barking stop you from sniffing! That's our job. Keep up the good work.:)
Teddy Bear
You have got the best wardrobe of anyone (and I mean dog or human!) that I know! Talk about supermodel!
*kissey face*
It was "admirative barks" !!!! Who can resists you Lorenza ?....Pretty new dress ! I love the color.
Kisses, Faya
Good for you, Lorenza! Sometimes that's the best way to handle these things. Just ignore them and they will go away. You are much too cool to let those guys get to you. Way to go!!
And I like your new dress, too.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
you are becoming so popular with your bootiful dresses!
moy and the gang
You look so nice in your dress.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
w00f's, did ya bark at them when they wuz barkin at wood haff...ur dress iz bute ti ful..
b safe,
Beautiful dress! I love seeing your new dresses! :)
I think they just wanted to tell you that you look beautiful in your new sun dress! Love, Dino
hey lorenza, did u bark back at those 3 rascal? :D
wet wet licks
Hi Lorenza
We agree the little dog was barking cause you look so cute.
We love your dresses but it has been hot and sometimes it is nice to be naked!
Especially when you are in your little pool.
Martha & Bailey xxx
We love your pretty dresses, fashion dog! Weeeeeeeee....!
Maxdog in South AFrica
looking great as always, Lorenza!
We're sure the barking doggies were telling you how lovely you look in your new dress and they would be right!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That orange dress looks great on you. Pity those little dogs didn't appreciate it.
Wow - what a gorgerous dress! They were just jealous!
lots of woofs
Hi, Lorenza...
Love the dress...
I don't know why all those doggies were barking at you...Don't they know you are sweet & would be a great friend...
Abby xxxooo
No need to pay attention to the riff-raff when you're a star!!! All you needed was a red carpet!
wags from the whippets
they were just jealous of your dress-hehehe!
Great aloha print dress, Lorenza!
Your pal,
What rude dogs barking at you like that Lorenza. You looked so pretty in your new dress.
Molly and Taffy
I prefer to be naked! Your dresses are so pretty though I can see why you like to wear them :P
Hi Lorenza
What a pretty new dress. We love the bright summer orange colour.
Love Ruby & Penny
Lorenza, I think you cute either way. And don't listen to those big mouths! Enjoy your walkie.
I'm not one for dresses, but you do look good!! Those other dogs were just jealous, that's all!! Just keep doing what you do and ignore the haters =)
What a good girl to ignore those barkers..
Glad to see you got dressed today.. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That's it, Lorenza -- just ignore the rabble!
Maybe that dog was jealous of your dress collection!
I think they were barking in appreciation--or maybe envy. They wanted a tropical sundress as lovely as yours.
Your dress is very pretty and tropical! Too bad those doggies did not have very good manners and barked and barked.
maybe they were jealous of your beautiful dress!
my mom wants to know if your mom sells these dresses to stores?
OH, woo is always sooooooooo beewootiful!!! Woo wear the best designer clothes!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Beautiful dress, Lorenza!
What were those pups barking about? They weren't saying rude things, were they? Most of the pups we pass are really nice and bark greetings, but there's one Cocker Spaniel who has a REAL potty mouth and swears at us. Mom knows, because we get very agitated by her!
I am being chosen to be one of the 5 finalists for Ike's Summer Photo Contest. Can you please go visit his blog at and vote for me?
Thank you in advance.
I love your new dress. Glad those barking dogs didn't interupt your nice walk.
I think those dogs were barking because they thought you looked pretty in your dress. However, they did not have very good manners!
Hugs, Kodak
I guess that group doesn't realize that you are a DIVA and not to be barked at.
Un vestidito muy veraniego y floral. Nos gustas que seas así de señorita y que no hagas caso de los pequeños maleducados que ladran tanto...
Un fuerte abrazo.
Yes indeed; they were barking out of sheer jealousy!
I just love the new dress...that color is totally you!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You be very good to ignore all them barking doggies Lorenza, I would do barkings right back!
Yes, you have so many pretty dresses to match all your adventures (but I like you nekked too).
I love all of your dresses! I just came back from a walkie where 2 little yappy dogs were barking at me - I was NOT impressed!
And you look beautiful!
Rufus and Indie
That's a lovely dress Lorenza. I bet the other dogs were jealous of your outfit.
Lorenza, you just be the little lady that you are when you go for your walk. You sniff good sniffs and be proper. Don't let those noisy dogs take your attention away from your daily walk☺
What a cheerful orange outfit! As always, you're the best looking dog on the street.
Sweet Lorenza Girl!
YOu look so tropical in your bootiful dress. I'm not very good at wearing clothes, but you look FABulous!
I think your howls for Dakota were very sweet (though your mama made me laugh since it seems she did more howling than you did).
So, what kinds of stuff did you sniff out on your walk?
Goobery love & kissies,
Stella Bean Latifah
Good evening lorenza
A new dress is very lovely.
About dogs who walk in the town, they are the center of attention. :)
In bright sunlight on a wonderful weekend.
from loved ume tyan
You need to tell them to mind their own business!! But maybe they were just telling you that they liked your cute dress?
Lorenza! That's a very pretty summer dress!!! Great pick!
Momo & Pinot
Tus vestidos son lindos y se ve que eres muy elegante. Que bueno que has vuelto a vestirte
Hi Lorenza!
That sure is a beautiful dress!! I love to see all your different dresses. But just seeing your cute face on your blog is great no matter what!
We think they were just telling you how fabulous you look!! Love and kissesA+A
they are jealous of your beautiful new dress! So am I.
your pal, Morgan
That is a really nice Dress! Unique!
Hi, Lorenza -
Those pups sure made a lot of noises at you. Some pups have no class. But we know you are a classy "doxie."
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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