Monday, January 12, 2009

Thanks Sami and Baylee!

I went out for a walkie...

This Cooker said Hello to me....

When we came back my grandma showed me this.... a package for me!

A nice card, a beautiful picture of Allie, Sami and Baylee and a pawesome Weenie dog toy!

Lookie! It says "crinkle and squaker inside".... Perfect!

Making him squeake!!

Today I got a pawesome present from Sami and Baylee! They sent me their Christmas Card with a great toy! I love it! It is a mini-me! It squeaks! Thanks a lot my friends I really appreciate it!

Guess what?? As you know, I am always on a diet due to my bad thyroid and now.... my mom is on a diet too! Haaaaaaa! She ate like a pig these past holidays. Every year she buys for herself 4 pair of jeans as a Christmas present and wear them all year long. She went to the store to buy the ones for this year and she is now a size bigger than the last year! She was about to buy them but she said "No Way". She is going to close her mouth and see how it goes! Wish her luck!

Have a good night


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe woo need to add some green beans to her human kibble?

That is a furry khool and khute toy!

A mini woo is nice! But woo are still khuter!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, Khyra, that is so funny. I wonder if shelikes green beans??? Nice pressies AGAIN, Lorenza - woo are such a lucky and sweet pup.

Tell Mom to get the new jeans and just cut the ticket with the size out.

Woos, the OP Pack

Stella said...

Oh Lorenza! What a cute little you, and with a squeaker in it too.

My Mom knows that excess weight stuff too, and she is trying to lose some of it. We all know that is hard though, but walkies every day will help. Today was toooo cold though!


Thor and Jack said...
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Thor and Jack said...

Minha mãe está de dieta também!
Boa sorte para as duas mamães!
Que ótimos presentes você recebeu! A mini-você é muito cute! E tem squeeze! Legal!


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...


A mini you! Or a mini us! He sure is cute.

Your poor mom. You know that diets are no fun. We hope she likes those green beans!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

What a great present...It looks just like you...Take good care of it...

Abby xxxooo

River said...

That is a mini you! Very cute. Good luck to your mom. My mom does the same thing every year bol

love & wags,

Kess And Her Mama said...

Wow. What a cool twin (even if it's just a squeaky!

Bae Bae said...

That's a pawsome toy. It really looks like you. ;)

~ Bae

the Corgi Girls said...

Awesome package, that toy looks like you! Too cute... we really like your outfit that day too...

M & I

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Hey Lorenza, those are very nice card & the squeky dog look cool. I always heard those woman talk about diet, I wonder why they cant just wallop everything in...thats sound cool to me. lol

Lorenza, Im still in prison but mom make it bigger....i guess I need some prison break plan.

slurpy licks,

Mike and Mati said...

Lorenza - so nice to see and hear from you again. And as always, presents for you! You are a very popular star - you should be Lorenza-Star! Stay well, Love Rockstar and Mahti!

Asta said...

You look pawsome as evew.
Youw pwesents awe bootiful, I specially like the doggie.
Mommi has the same pawty and eat and see fwiends and eat, and all of a sudden EEEEK!
No mowe foods
sgood luck to youw Mom

Teddy Bear said...

Wow,'s Christmas for you all over again. Are you having fun w/ your new squeaky toy?

Teddy Bear

Katie and Gizmo said...

Hi Lorenza,

What a cute weenie dog, he looks just like you. I wonder if I can find one that looks just like me, a chi.

Tell your mum I said goodluck with the diet but not to feel too bad. My mum has also gone up a size and will be starting her diet very soon as well.
I say, "You only live once so you might as well enjoy it"


Koobuss said...

Great presents, Lorenza! We love the mini you.

Good luck to your mom on her diet. We know what that's like. My mom and I have to lose our holiday poundage, too.

Do you think that maybe they just made the jeans smaller this year? Nah...

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

L said...

What a great present. You better not destuff your mini-me.

Diets are no fun. Our girl has put me (Comet) on one. I think she should at least wait until my vet visit - our vet would never call me fat.

Lacy said...

w00f's lorenza, heehee ur mini me iz sooo cute...and we wish ur mama well on her weight loss venture...

b safe,

NESSA the hovawart said...

mini you is so cute. My mummy can not find mini hovawart anywhere,couse we are so rear breed..
I sign you up as my pal.I hope it is OK with you.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Lorenza,
Heehee... tell you a secret, my mommy ate so much over Christmas that she put on a bit of weight too!! She's trying very hard to lose them.. **cross paws**

The WriggleButts said...

Now that's a cute toy. Probably because it looks a little like YOU! Best of luck to your mommie!

Amber said...

Hi Lorenza, lovely pressie from your friends!! We wish your mom good luck on her new diet!! I think I am only going to start my diet next month because there will be alot of food end of this month..

Amber licks!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great present. What thoughtful friends you have.

Simba x

Martha said...

More presents - we've said it before and we'll say it again - you are one lucky dog!
Tell your mom ours is also on a diet! Dad says that is why we now have 'healthy' dog food!
Enjoy the pressies - you looked pretty cute in that wee coat!
Basset kisses
Martha & Bailey xx

Aki and Poopie said...

oh lorenza those are lovely pressies! your toy collection sure is growing.. i wonder which is more- the clothes or your toys? hehe..

we wish your mum goodluck! holidays sure are the best- except that hoomans gorge themselves silly without thinking and cry about it afterwards.. sheesh.. your mum is not alone in dieting lorenza.. hehe..

we hope you and the squeaker become good friends. :D

drooly kisses,


Snowball said...

That is a very pawsome pressie. You are a very lucky girl.


Pipa said...

Uhhhhhh! Now your Mummy is going to see how much it costs to be on a diet, not eating goodies.... snif... I'm on a diet too, since my pancreatitis. No bones, no biscuits, no nothing!!!! But WHY?!?!? We don't even wear jeans!!!


Hope you have lots of fun with your new toy!


Bobby said...

Nice little mini me, still getting presents. Love the checked outfit. Aw diets are not good, John and Brenda keep saying they are going on diets. Well as long as they don't put me on one.

Faya said...

Oh a nice mini-you....but not as cute as you !
In January I think Humans are all on diet (my Véronique is on diet...+ 2 kg during Christmas...) and I have also some weight to lose...
Kisses, Faya

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
I love your new mini-me toy.
My mom overate too, she needs to lose a few.
Love Ruby

Princess Patches said...

Lorenza, we love your little weiner dog stuffie! Tell your mom that we wish her good luck with the diet thing! Our mom has gone from a size 5 jeans all the way up to a size 16 and back down to a size 6. Right now, she is in a size 12 and not too happy about it!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Mason Dixie said...

A mini you is so cute. My mom and I are on a diet too. Well at least my food said weight management. I do not know what that is about. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza! What a cute little stuffie you got! If I squeeze Zeke really hard, he squeaks, too.

Your pal,

Yogui said...

Jejejejeje Princesa, papi también quiere ponerse a régimen por culpa de los dulces de navidad y eso que no es muy llambión (como decimos por aquí a los muy golosos).
Muchas patitas y espero que tu tiroides se ponga a funcionar correctamente en un plís plás.

Patience-please said...

OHHHHH! Our servants are on diets too! the problem is, the plates aren't quite so tasty for licking.

Great toy for you!

wags from the whippets

Sami & Baylee said...

Lorenza I am so glad your got your present. We saw the doggie and we just had to get it for you!

xoxoxox Sami

Amber-Mae said...

Oh great then! Now your Mama & my Mommy can stay on a diet together! She's been struggling these past one month. She's not getting any lower infact, she's going up again! Whoops! Those are loverly pressies.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

You are still getting holiday cards? How lucky is that?

My mom says, "try the raw diet" cause she actually lost weight over the holidays instead of gaining (yuh, but she eats and drinks some pretty gross stuff).

You, miss Lorenza, are perfect just the way you are.


Duke said...

OMG, a mini-Lorenza! You'll have to get your gram to sew her a dress so you can be lookalike twinsies!
Mom says she's understands about those extra five pounds! UGH! Good luck to your mom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

That is a mini-me toy!

2 cute lil weener dogs!!

My mom ate sooo much this holiday she's not going anywhere near a clothing store!!!

The Army of Four said...

Oh, I love how your nose is all scrunched up in that last picture! You're so adorable!
PS: Good luck to your mom!

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

You lucky thing another pressie how kind of your friends.
Bad luck with your mum and her jeans Im sure it wont belong til it just falls off you.

ludo the cool dude

Aggie said...


It looks like you have been having a ton of fun. I loved your mini me dog toy.

Sloppy Licks,


Lady Kaos said...

The weenie toy is adorable!!!
Good luck to your mom and her diet!!

Daisy said...

What a cute little toy! And I like how your outfit goes so well with your auburn furs.

Eduardo said...

Wishing her luck! Awesome toys!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, I love getting parcels in the post when my evil postman actually manages to deliver them!

I am sure your Mum is fine, New Year is always depressing for going up a size, she will soon do some walkies and fit one of the pair of jeans - luckily she has four sizes to choose from.

Tell her to make her feel better, cut the size labels out - and she wont know the difference!!

Yay! Simple when you know how!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxx

Pedro said...


OMD it is a mini-you!! What a perfect toy. My mom says she's never seen that kind before. Have fun playing with it, you, ah you know what I mean!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a nice surprise. Christmas just keeps on coming..
Good luck with your diet Mom.. Maybe more Lorenza walks will help..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Deetz said...

Wow what a pawsome gift. I bet you will enjoy that an alot. That was very sweet of them. Your such a sweetie Lorenza


April said...

Good luck to your mom! What a cool toy you got. And what a cute coat you were wearing outside.


Eric said...

How cool Lorenza they cloned you! She needs some dresses though.Good luck to your Mom.

Wags, Eric xx

Kelli said...

Hi Lorenza!
That is a wonderful gift you got! What great friends you have! Good luck to your mommy! Owner Girl told me today that I am getting a big belly! She said the vet will probably tell me to go on a diet next time I go in for a check up! How rude!

Rambo said...

He he Lorenza. Maybe you should call her a Rotoplas! lol!
At least you didn't eat yourself to the next size.
I better be quiet before I get you in trouble.

Dewey Dewster said...

Ah Lorenza...

Yer mailman must have gutters worn in the sidewalks on the way ta yer house....ya get so much mail and ya don't even like the poor man.....what nice gifts ya got.....hope a enjoy 'em....'n tell yer Mom that she's not alone tryin' ta get off those few extra's a constant battle.....hope she wins....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Kodak the Eskie said...

I love your prezzies! Especially the little "mini you" plushie. My mom thinks that maybe she should cut off the treats for me until I can exercise more. It's too cold out here (-16 this morning) to stay out for very long. I just do my jobs and head back in.
Hugs, Kodak

i said...

What a lovely gift! So sweet of Sami & Baylee!

Behr Behr said...

Wow, a "mini you" toy! What nice friends you have.
You keep your mailman busy :)

Behr Behr :)

Stella said...

Here is an extra mail from me to ask you to visit my blog and pick up a nice award!


Stella said...

Here is an extra mail from me to ask you to visit my blog and pick up a nice award!


Joe Stains said...

Its like he is a little mini you!! so cool!!

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO Lorenza

What a great present you got!!! Our Mom ate like your Mom - let's see what happens to them!

Thor and Marco Polo