Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I went to the vet

Someone was having fun!

I had to go to the vet. Yesterday, while we were walking, my mom noticed that I was walking with a little limp. I did not do it all the time but my mom panicked. She took me in her arms and we went back to our house. She called my vet. Next thing, we were in the car going to see him. He checked me and he did not feel anything wrong. He took and X-ray just to be sure and everything was ok. He told my mom to keep me resting for 3 days and to observe me while I walk to see how it goes.
So, I am bored. I can't go out. I can't play fetch. Being bored made me look for something to entertain myself and I found the bag of my treats. And I destroyed it! It was fun! Then I went to my toy box and found the piece of treat that I left the other day and ate it. I have to say that the bag was more interesting!
Have a good night


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Pawed like a true Siberian!

When we are bored, we tend to be khreative with our 'toys'

I hope woo feel better soon!


Kelli said...

Hi Lorenza!
I'm sorry you had to go to the vet! But I'm happy to hear that everything was ok! You certainly had fun with that bag! Too bad your treat isn't as good!
:) Tibby

bunch o'mutts said...

Hi girlie,

we are glad you are having fun even when confined to house all day. We understand the panick your mum felt when she saw you limping. Our folks are the same way. We are sure you'll be struting your stuff in one of those fancy dresses very soon.

Sharon said...

I'm so sorry you don't feel so good and are bored. But your mom is doing that because she loves you! I hope you can walk without limping soon!

I love the pink sweater your mom knitted for you! I bet you look great in it. hopefully there will be no more Rotoplas remarks! I liked that sweater too.

How cool that you got prezzies and didn't even win the contest, what cool friends!

Barklove & get well soon!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Look like you had more fun with the bag than that of with the Vet.
You got away with shots and pokes this time, glad that you were OK.
Hope you get rid of that little limp soon.

AppleDebbie said...

Hello Lorenza! Be a good girl and get your rest. I hope you feel better soon!

Your Pal,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hope your leg is feeling better soon. Those treats look yummy - good to see woo didn't eat the paper.

Woos, the OP Pack

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Lorenza
I hope you rest lots so your limp is gone. I'm glad the vet found nothing broken.
I love to destroy stuff. Especially packages and paper. You did a good job with the treat package.
Rest easy.
Love Ruby

Thor and Jack said...

Eu espero que vocĂȘ melhore logo! Se cuida, ok? Descanse bastante.


Randi said...

Awww Lorenza! I sure hope you are OK! Limping is not fun at all!!!!

Those treats looked yummers!

Love & Licks,

Dewey Dewster said...


Hope yer foot is OK and I also hope ya didn't eat any of that that can stuff up the plumbing fer sure.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Stella said...

Sometimes I limp as we walk but it is because I get a little piece of ice or a little stone in between my toesies, and my Mom stops me and gets it out. So far, that is all it has been. I am sending you good wishes that yours is nothing too.


Bae Bae said...

Oh the vet doesn't sound fun but glad to hear that you're ok.
That bag sound fun. ;)

~ Bae

Snowball said...

Poor Lorenza. I hope that you get out of confinement soon. I used to love to destroy plastic bags too. Its fun and my greatest fun is to see my hooman coming after me trying to stop me from doing it in case I swallow any of those plastic and I start zooming around with the bag in my mouth and make them chase me. hee...


Life With Dogs said...

Whew. At first I thought that was a cast!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Poor Lorenza,

We hate going to the vet. We are glad nothing noticable was wrong with you and your mom is going to keep an eye on you. You needed those extra treats to help you get through the day.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Willie and Waylon said...

We hope your leg heals up very quickly. We miss you!

Your pals,
Waylon & Willie

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Ops...I hope your legs is ok. Mayb you can dig out more treats all over the house.

slurpy licks,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Ohhh sorry to hear that you are limping! We hope it is nothing serious... Do let us know how it goes, ok?
Meanwhile, put your paws up and relax!

i said...

Hope you feel better soon, Lorenza! Otherwise your mom would have to go out and get you more chewies to pass the time.

Yogui said...

Princesa... veo que tu perriatra es mucho mas "suave" que el mio. En fin, ajo ya agua que se dice por estos lares... pero la alternativa con tu bolsa no estuvo del todo mal, veo que tienes ingenio para salir del tedio.
Muchas Patitas

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh dear Lorenza. Your ok right???

Willow has been limping for a while...since we got our new fence. I guess she's running around too much. She doesn't limp all the time though, it comes and goes.

Hope all is well.


The Black and Tans. said...


We hope that after a few days of munching tasty treats and lots of rest you leg is better.

Molly and Taffy

Dino and Family said...

Oh dear Lorenza! How is your limp today? I hope it was just a simple muscle pull. Hope you get to run about soon! Take care sweetie! Love, Dino

Martha said...

Poor Lorenza - it is never nice to go to the vets.
It looks like you are fine so that will be a huge relief to you mom - they do worry so!
Just rest like a good dog and see if you can find more things to amuse you.................
take good care of yourself
lots of love
Martha & Bailey xx

Suzuki said...

Are you OK Lorenza?
I bet your Mum is worried. At least you are still having fun even though you are stuck at home.
Big licks to you

Bobby said...

It sounds like you will have to go back to the vet again if you eat treats all day. Tell your mam it might have been a touch of cramp. The Mop gets it and he has tiny legs like you. But thats mostly when he has been swimming.

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Hi there!

Glad to hear there was nothing wrong but its good you have such a caring Mom.

I'm thinking you should join my True Colours Thursdays photo meme next week - you have many pretty PINK outfits.

Love, pats & pets

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

I hope your trip to the Vet wasn't too bad...I hope your leg feels better...

Rest & eat lots of treats...That will help you get better soon...

Abby xxxooo

Daisy said...

I hope your little leggie feels all better soon!

Byron y Xinver said...

HOla Lorenza... No pasa nada seguro es un tirĂłn muscular o algo asĂ­... Unos dĂ­as de reposo... Nosotros siempre estamos atentos al Byron porque tiene displasia de cadera, es un rollo pero bueno, lo cuidamos lo mejor que tenemos.
Portate bien....

Fred said...

I understand being "creative" when bored! Take care of that limp, though!

Patience-please said...

WE hope your leg feels better! Did you get the treats, or just the bag?

wags from the whippets

Kodak the Eskie said...

You're right Lorenza, the packages are much more fun than the treats! Although, the treats are good too.

Hugs, Kodak

the many Bs said...

hi Lorenza, we sure bark you are going to be okay. limping is no good at all. a kid has to be careful and rest and make all limps go away, okay?


The Army of Four said...

Well... they ARE called "FUN Bites". Looks like you had lots of fun! :)
Sorry about the limp - I hope you're OK!!!

Aggie said...


I am glad to hear that nothing major is wrong. You rest, just like Dr. ordered and you will be back to your walkies in no time.

Sloppy Licks,


Faya said...

I hope you will feel better soon.
Destroying bags is a great game but my VĂ©ronique won't let me play to much.... No idea why.......
Kisses, Faya

Moco said...

Horror of horrors: going to the vet. Luckily you are all right and just need some rest. You have shown quite the artistic flair with that treat package.

Homer said...

Hi Lorenza,

How are you? Are you still limping? Feeling better?


Mack said...

Thank dogness you are okay! And that is the best mess I have seen in a while!!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope your leg gets better soon so you can have your walks again.

Simba x

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Poor little Lorenza bed rest really bites...

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Mason Dixie said...

Hope your limp goes away soon so you can put your energy into good things. BOL =)

Eric said...

Hi Lorenza, I hope your little leggededs are ok and nothing is wrong. Take it easy. Maybe help Mom with her knitting?

Wiry wags, Eric xx

CoCo said...

I'm glad that everything checked out okay! A little rest will insure that everything stays okay! Feel better soon!


Hana said...

I hope your leg and feet are okay. My dog friends sometimes limp on one leg and then forget which leg they limped on, so then they limp on the other by mistake!!!

Niamh said...


I'm glad it is nothing serious and that you just have to stay quiet for awhile. Hope you are able to get back to your regular activities soon,

Your friend,

The Musketeers said...

Hope you are feeling better by now Lorenza !

Katie and Gizmo said...

Hi Lorenza,
Glad you're ok, it would be boring not getting to walk or play for a few days.
Rest your foot though and then you can get back into it.


Rambo said...

Hi Lorenza,
I am home from the slammer. Sorry to hear you have a boo boo. Make sure you take it easy so it goes away, okay?
Feel better.

Dexter said...

Its good that you mom worries about you, but it can be frustrating when you are feeling better and still have to "take it easy." Sometimes when I am bored, momma hides treats in the house for me to find. You could play that game.


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Lorenza!

You sure are one smart girl to find your treats! *grins* Hope your legs feel better real soon!


L said...

We hope your limp isn't anything too serious. What a score that you got treats though. Do you think we will get treats if we start limping?

Koobuss said...

Hope that you are feeling better, Lorenza, and that you stop limping. Sometimes it is good to rest and be a little bored. Look at all the fun that you were able to have after you found your treats. Good for you!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Chef said...

Poor Lorenza! I hope your limpies are gone. I can understand how your mommy would rush you to the vet. My mommy did that too this week because of a pimple on my chest. Don't they just treat us like babies? But I'm glad you used your time wisely - great mess!


Lacy said...

w00f's Lorenza, me hope ur feetie iz better now... blogger woodnt lemme leave a comment last nite...good thing u had sum treats hid..

b safe,

Aki and Poopie said...

we hate staying indoors too, lorenza.

we are so glad that bag of treats saved the day. woofy!

we hope you'll feel better and not need a vet visit soon.

drooly kisses,


Suzuki said...

How are you feeling Lorenza?
I've been worried about you...
Big healing licks to you

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

We are sorry you had to go to the vet but glad things turned out OK. Hope you feel better real soon!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Lorenza - please get fit again soon, I don't like to think of you being so bored!

I hope you are not in any pain?

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I hope your leg is okay, Lorenza. I'm sure you had a good reason for limping, but hopefully it went away forever. Good work on that plasic bag!

Your pal,

Duke said...

We hope the limpies are gone soon, Lorenza!
We tend to be a bit creative when we need to be too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Oh no! I hope nothing is wrong!
Hope you're feeling better soon!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Awww Lorenza!!! I'm sorry to hear about your leggie!

I had to go to the vet too, Salem the guest cat clawed my eyelid and it got all nasty infected. But I was tough!!!

Maybe you can find a bag of marshmellows or hershey kisses to get into next!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Ashley said...

Hi Lorenza, it's been a while, hope all is well with you and you had a fab holiday!

Come check out our blog when you are free :)

Sweepy said...

I just got here only to find you limping! Oh, I hope you're OK now and not be so bored. I'll ask Keeper to send you healing vibes...

I love your sweaters! They all looked great unlike Keeper's sewing disasters.

I also love the award you gave me (us?)and I will bark it out to the black hounds! Bogart love awards! Gracias mucho. Or is that supposed to go the other way?

River said...

Are they giving you anything for the limp? My mom gives us natural stuff like glucosamine/chondroitin rather than aspirin. I hope it goes away and you can go on exciting walks again very soon!

love & wags,

Deetz said...

I sure hope your footzie is okay.....I love shredding paper when I am bored too

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Hi dear Lory!!!!
we're so sorry you had to go to the vet! But we're happy to hear that everything was ok!!!!!!!!!
now how do you feel???
hope better......
take good care of you sweety!!!!
we love your picture....and we love you a lot!!!!!!!!!
have a great weekend!!!!
kisses dear friend!!!!

Lady Kaos said...

That will teach your mom for overreacting and taking you to the vet! I hate when Mom takes me to the vet! I get worried when I sneeze if I have dust in my nose because Mom is going to do what Mom's do best and freak out.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We have a lovely day today. We are all waiting for dad to come home since Mom has her shoes on we must be going somewhere...

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Fenway said...

Hola Lorenza!

I'm so glad the vet gave you an A-Okay and didn't find anything. So be bored but be happy it's only for a few days.

May we make a suggestion? My owner's former dog, Logo, limped a bit since he had some mild hip dysplasia. His vet recommended he go on Glucosamine with Chondroiten every day. It's a joint supplement and there is no side effects, so it's safe. Maybe this could help you maintain good joint health and keep you from limping and soreness. It made a HUGE difference with Logo....after only a month he ran around like a pup again and did so for the next 10 years.

Your pal,

Joe Stains said...

Tan went to the VET too! Glad you both got good reports from them. Try not to get TOO bored, just demand more treats!! ;)

Teddy said...

Wow, what a bunch of Christmas cards!! You've got LOTS of friends :)

I hope your foot feels better. Maybe you stepped on something that made it sore, but it's all better now.


Asta said...

I hope youw leggie will west up and beOK
It's no fun being cooped up
smoochie heling kisses

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO Lorenza

We hope your leg is all better!

Thor and Marco Polo
At least you found some great treats!