Tuesday, January 13, 2009

She can choose....

Here I am sleeping.... Do you see something wrong?? I don't but my mom does. I am exactly in the middle of the bed giving my mom the chance to choose which side of the bed she wants to sleep on!
Do you want what???

OK! I am moving one inch to the right side so you have a bigger space!

Have a good night


Ruby and Penny said...

I won't tell Lorenza. I promise.
Love Ruby

Bae Bae said...

I wont tell...

~ Bae

Lacy said...

w00f's Lorenza, hmm did her make u move 1 inch over or did u move... me wood think that wood b enuff room fur ur mom..heehee mama sleeps in a little spot cause me has to spread out...

b safe,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Well I think you are very generous! And lucky to sleep "on" the bed!!

lotsaluv Marvin xxxxx

chelsea + apple said...

aww, are you'z nice, helping your moms find spots to sleep

<3 Apple

Bee Bee said...
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Bee Bee said...

Dear Lorenza

Hahahaha! I do that too! You are so lovable :)

Sometimes when I feel like doing a little charity, I'll give her all the space ---- and help myself to her pillow hehehehe!

Bee Bee

Princess Eva and Brice said...

You made our Momma laugh. If your mom complains, just explain that at least she's not competing for space with another person, a 50 lb dog and a 60 lb dog.

Princess Eva

Yogui said...

Pero qué buena eres con tu mami, prestarle un poquito de tu cama para que pueda irse a la cama es muy generoso de tu parte.
Un buen lametón princesa

Bobby said...

You mam could always sleep n your bed, and let you spread right out.

Suzuki said...

Hi Lorenza!
I like the middle of the bed too, it's the "sweet spot". Sorry I haven't been in touch lately, Mum has not been very well :( But I am back online now.
Big licks to you

NESSA the hovawart said...

you are soooo cute and you are so thoughtfull to let your mummy choose her side hehe...I'm sneaking on my mums and dads bed too. Otherwise I have my own bed beside my moms and dads.
Lots of love,

Simba and Jazzi said...

How much room does one human need!

Simba x

Snowball said...

You are so generous to let your mom choose which side of bed she wanted to sleep on. I am sure mom appreciate that. hee...


Martha said...

We like to share out bed too Lorenza. We think you were more than generous with the space after all you need room to stretch and, like us you have a long body even though you have short legs.
from your hound friends
Martha & Bailey xx

Pipa said...

So cute... so cute!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Once again, what we khanines won't do fur our moms!

I hope the rest of your sleepytime was good!


Faya said...

Lorenza you are so sweet with your Mom. I hope she realises the chance she has !
Kisses, Faya

Stanley said...

Sweet Lorenza.

It was very compassionate of you to give your mama just a little bit more room, since it IS your bed and all. But, she may surprise you and choose to sleep on your other side so you have to spoon right up against her.

I liked your presents from Sami & Baylee, but I have to say that you're even cuter than that little weenie toy!

Tell your mama that she can feel you pain now that she's trying to lose weight. I hope she's successful.

Goober love,

Abby said...

Hi, Lorenza...

I think you are being very generous...You are letting your Mom choose where she would be more comfortable...

I like to sleep in the middle so my Mom can choose, too...

Abby xxxooo

L said...

We thought it looked like plenty of space for your mom, even before you moved!

Thor and Jack said...

Você conseguiu dormir na cama da mamãe?? Que sortuda!

Thor xxxx

The Oceanside Animals said...

I'm convinced that our little Miss Marple the dachshund used to grow to five times her normal size when she got in bed for the night.

Constança Lucas said...

eu também adoro dormir na cama dos meus donos, é muito mais gostoso

tu tens uns lindos vestidos:)


bunch o'mutts said...

Hi Lorenza,
that is so cute. You are such a considerate girl. LAst night I was waging a war with my mum over a piece of bed territory she tried to protect. It's hard when they get up in the middle of the night and I take over the sweet middle of the bed part and she comes back to bed and think she can move me.

Rambo said...

Hi Lorenza,
that looks oh so familiar, only there are two of us on the big bed with Mom. We squish her to the far side of the bed and she has no room at all.
Sometimes in the middle of the night we get up, make a circle, and lay right back where we were. Do you do that too?

Daisy said...

Lorenza, you are very generous to share your space on the bed!

Lady Kaos said...

I don't get why she didn't like where you were laying. I think it was very nice of you to let her choose which side she wanted to sleep on. You're very thoughtful!!

Kodak the Eskie said...

I do that too and my mommy usually makes me move. Sometimes though, she'll sleep sideways on her big bed and just let me be.

Hugs, Kodak

Duke said...

I wish I could sleep in bed with mom and dad! You're so lucky, Lorenza! Maggie hates being hot but I don't!

Yer friend,

The Army of Four said...

I noticed the remote controls on the bed with you - do you get to pick what you watch?

River said...

That's so nice of you. I like to sleep below the knees, sometimes under sometimes on top of the covers.

love & wags,

Amber-Mae said...

You are so much like Faith. She would take the whole bed to herself & would just not share! You are being very nice already to move a little bit. Faith doesn't budge at all!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Eduardo said...

Well now that she has a bigger space she will be able to snuggle up next to you & sleep well all night!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Princess Patches said...

That's very nice of you to move over a little to give your mom more room! I'm sure she will appreciate it!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Homer said...

Hi Lorenza,

Everyone (including my humans) has been putting on weight over the festive periods. I think we can start calling them 'Rotoplus'.


Mason Dixie said...

you were just keeping a little of both sides warm so she would be comfy getting in. I know. I seen the plan. hehe

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You need to move over just a bit.. All three of us try to get on the bed too. Each has their own spot. Callie usually ends up in her condo though. She likes to tear things up when we are sleeping..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza! You sure look comfortable, but I'm sure it's cozier with your mom to snuggle you...maybe you could give her two inches...

Your friend,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Why move? We would think Mom would like woo as close to her as possible - to keep her warm and cozy.

Woos, the OP Pack

Kelli said...

Hi Lorenza!
I like to sleep in the middle of the bed too! Whenever my owner girl gets up in the middle of the night, I like to take her spot! Sometimes she makes me go back to the bottom of the bed but other times she just has me move over a little and cuddles with me!

Dewey Dewster said...

YA know Lorenza....my Mom gets on the right side of the bed so Gram has a spot ta sleep in but as soon as she gets out in the morning...my Mom moves right inta the middle of the bed...... and goes back right ta sleep...it's nice that ya moved over a bit fer yer Mom.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

sharkgila said...

You needn't need to move - she can just curl around cute little you! My mommy lets me sleep on the bed, but my dad doesn't. So I wait till he's not around and jump on!


CoCo said...

My Daddy said that I hog the bed too. I like to sleep right in the middle to insure that I don't fall off. I get him a choice to choose between each side too!


Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Lorenza, you are so generous!!! Your mom is so lucky to have you....
My mom will fully occupied the bed & just left one small part for me.

slurpy licks,

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snowball said...

Hi Lorenza,

I have changed my blog address to http://princesssnowball.blogspot.com/. Please visit me there.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Lorenza,
You look absolutely adorable all wrapped up! I love to sleep on mom's pillow and she ends up looking like she has a turban wrapped around her head!

Joe Stains said...

omdog I didnt see anything wrong with the first pic at all!!!

Mary said...

You are very kind to share the bed! ;-)

NESSA the hovawart said...

Hi, Lorenza,
there is a suprise for you on my blog...

Aki and Poopie said...

aw lorenza... that is soo funny! haha.. your mum should be thankful you gave her one more inch. thats already too much in my book. hahaha...

so which side did she choose?

drooly kisses,


Bae Bae said...

That's so nice of you to move one side for your mom

~ Bae

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Lorenza -

We don't think you did anything wrong either. You look so comfortable.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

You look so comfy in the middle of your bed. It's ony right that you get to have the best spot. The Mommy sleeps on the edge of the bed but it's not as if I'm hogging the bed...heehee.

You look very cute in your coat and sweater.


umekotyan said...

Good evening lorenza.
A cold, sleepy time is limited calmly.
It enjoys the wonderful dream world there.

from loved ume tyan

Petra said...

How nice you are to warm up the bed before your mom comes to join you, Lorenza!

Mack said...

You look so comfy under that warm bwankie....mums the word.....

Deefor said...

You are very generous with your bed. You leave lots of room for your mom. You are so good to her.


Dexter said...

Nothing wrong with that strategy as far as I can tell. After all, the first one in the bed gets to choose their spot, right?


Hana said...

Lorenza, you are so cute! It's good you are giving your Mom the option to choose :-)

Byron y Xinver said...

Hola Lorenza
Muy sabia decisión la de ponerte en medio... Nos ha gustado mucho tu saco de dormir...

Eric said...

Thasts very kind of you. Hope she was very thankful. Gave you a few extra treats.

Wiry wags, Eric x

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Lorneza,

You have to be patient a little longer to see the rest of the furprise.

You look comfy in that bed!

xxx Asta (Oz)

Alli and Frankie said...

My favorite part was you with both remotes. Were you watching Animal Planet? :) Sleep tight!

well this sucks said...

You're looking cozy. I like your blanket haha.

I think half an inch is good enough. Dogs need all the space they can get.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorenza! You look so cozy in bed. I think your sleeping position on the bed makes sense. It's good to have choice. You are so considerate. XOXOPeanut

Le Mops said...

one inch?!!! thats too much. Stick to your guns!

*snorT* Le Mops

Peanut said...

Oh why did you have to move?

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO lorenza

You are such a wonderful puppy dog to your Mom. We are glad you have your own blankie! We need lots of them here. It was 20 below zero this morning. We can't go outside for more than a couple minutes!

Thor and Marco Polo

the Corgi Girls said...

BOL, you are too cute! Clearly, you left your mum options... plenty of room!

M & I

AppleDebbie said...

Hello Lorenza! My mom laughed and laughed when she looked at these pictures. You are so thoughtful to share the bed with your mommy (and you even gave her an extra inch of space!) Lol!

Your Pal,

Lindsay said...

Congratulations on all of your awards, Lorenza! Your bloggy is always so fun to read!

I like to lie in the middle of the bed, too. That's where my part of the bed is! Sometimes The Girl picks me up and moves me, but other times she just sighs and curls around me!