What can I do if I am bored?.... Here I am thinking.... or meditating like Mango would say!

I have an idea....

My mom's purse

What does she have in there?

Boring things. A handbag, cell phone, kleenex, coiner, keys, money, bills, pills, 2 chewing gum and a dachshund year planner. I was hoping to find a treat there but.... no luck!

Now, show me.... what is in your mom's purse?
Have a good night
Well, too bad I khan't show woo what WAS in my doggy nanny's bag!
A few weeks ago whilst Mom went to the store - and my doggy nanny was upstairs - I took out EVFURRYTHING in it.
It shokhked my mom so much when she returned that went stoopid and neglekhted to snap pikhs!
My mom's purse has too much stuff to share BUT she does have TWO of the fantastikh bags made by The AO4's furry talented mom!
Nope nothing good in D's bag either. Just her portable DVD player for those long train trips from work.
Oh boy, we'll have to do that post this next week. Mommy's purse sometimes has some tastey treats! Or at least some chewable thingees!
Hugs, Kodak
Oooooooooh!! Good idea for postingness Miss L.
I'll hafta sneak into my Mom's ugly yellow purse this weekend and share all her junk with ya!
Ha Lorenza....
It would take a week ta show ya what's in my Gram's purse...stuff, stuff and more stuff...'n my dear departed doggie Pap used ta get inta the purse and steal kleenex...can ya imagine....ate 'em too...we don't do that...not yet anyway...have a good weekend....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Lorenza..My Mommi's puwse is not neawly as neat..I'll show you what's in it next week
smoochie kisses
my mom only has her wallet and her phone in her purse
Mum gets really upset if I nose into her bag. Besides, there is no food inside... so, it's not really interesting :-(
Lorenza, I'm not as grown up as you are yet; still just a silly puppy. I would get in big trouble if I got into mom's purse. In fact, she keeps it in a cabinet so I can't get to it. Maybe when I get bigger I can look.
I do know that she doesn't keep any treats for me in there tho. Believe me, I know where ALL the snacks are around here!
Behr Behr :)
M & I
Móvil, pasaporte, dos carteras (una por dinero libra esterlina, otra por dinero euro), panuelos, un boli, llaves, papeles (facturas), horarios por los autobuses, y gafas de sol. A veces hay más.
Que pases un buen fin de semana.
My mummy has 8 different handbags. Only the one she's using today though actually has anything in it.
No treats for me in hers though either. The nerve!
Hi Lorenza,
You are creative:)
Mercury's purse? She doesn't have one. I mean it. She has three different wallets though, and they all contain the same set of things - some money, a couple of plastic cards (I don't know if they are some kind of chewies - I will try them out some day!) her visiting cards, Pictures (Cameo, mine, and her parents)!
Licks n Wags,
Hi Lorenza,
Mum has a load of stuff in her bag but we are not allowed to get into it! She has a beagle year planner and many pictures of us in it!
I'm going to check my Mummys purse for treats.
Simba x
Do you know that purse are made from beef? And they make fantastic BEEF JERKY!!!
Try and have a bite one day :)
Hi Lorenzo, Thanks for coming by our new blog(we promise it will get better!). Mom isn't about to show the atrocity she calls a "purse" ;)
Sunny & Scooter
Hi, Lorenza...
OMdoG...I couldn't even lift my Mom's purse...It has sooo much stuff in it...She says she could live out of it for a year...
It doesn't look as neat as your Mom's purse...
I'll ask her if I can look, but I don't think there are any treats in there...Apparently I couldn't live out of it for a year...
Abby xxxooo
Your mom's purse looks so neat! My Mommie's purse is a big mess of junk. But not a single cat treat inside.
Hi Lorenza,
my moms purse is not so interesting and no treat. If I am bored, I am chewing someting or sleeping. Have a nice weekend!
Hi.Lorenza!I think that the thing which is in the bag of my mom is the same as a thing of your mom.
very cool!!! Hey, the thing close to the front on the right... is that the coiner? That looks very cool!
very cool!!! Hey, the thing close to the front on the right... is that the coiner? That looks very cool!
My mom's purse is like a big black suitcase! She has lots of paper in there and tools for fixing computers and lots of plastic cards and medicines. No money. Sometimes she carries books in it. I really like to chew up books when I find them!
love & wags,
Not only was there nothing but there was no purse either. Caz never uses a handbag only if she goes on hols etc.Sorry no secrets there.
Ludo the cool dude
Mom has no treats in her purse either although Louie decided to get in it the other day. He chewed up mom's cell phone. It was her work phone so she has another one on order. Luckily she works for Nokia and could borrow another one until her new one arrives...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
i think it'll be a better idea to raid your outing bag cuz my mum always pack some treats when she brings me out on outings. my mum's purse has all sorts of rubbish like receipts, and she has so many purses, i don't think there's anything interesting in there for me!!
thank you for dropping by all the time lorenza, u're one loyal fren =)
Lotsa licks,
Hmmm, that's a good one, Lorenza! My Mommy's purse weighs almost as much as I do. She says its because we live in the city and don't drive a car so it's her glove compartment and trunk combined!
We'll show you soon!
Your pal,
Hahahaha Lorenza.....I will have to use the panoramic option if I want to take a picture of all things that are in Véronique's bag (5 kg the bag!!)....but I will try...
Kisses, Faya
hi Lorenza, your mom has a very neat purse. there is not too much stuff in there. our mom's purse is a mess and full of everything. hee hee
Very cool that your mom has a doxie year planner. My Momma can never find anything with a Terv on it.
Princess Eva
Hmmm my momma always keeps some yummy treats in her purse as well as super handy biodegradable poopy bags!
puppy breath,
Hi Lorenza!
This sounds like the beginning to a good meme! I will try to get permission to post what is in my Mom's purse...
Like you, I am always looking in Mom's purse for a treat!
Love Clover xo
Wow, your Mom's purse is neat and efficient and clean. My Mom's purse is a big mess! Plus there are crumbs in it from the dog treats she puts in there sometimes.
Hi, Lorenza -
Mama also has boring stuff - a cell phone, comb, wallet, keys and some money. She doesn't carry treats for us in there but she does have pictures of Kaci and I that she likes to show people.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Ooo LOL I could go look! I'll have to do that too, I think sometimes she has treats in there!
My mom's purse is slightly more boring than your mom's.
Lorenza, that's a great idea - we will have to show you what's in our Mom's purse - even we don't know.
We just love that cutesy expression on your face in that last pic.
Woo, the OP Pack
Minha mãe não deixa eu mexer na bolsa dela, mas eu sei que tem o celular, carteira, chaves, batom e um monte de coisinhas.
Boa noite
Oh Lorenza, what a fun idea! You are so smart!
wags from the whippets
Thats such a boring purse..mom has a boring bag too. I cant find any treats too.
slurpy licks
Wow, Lorenza. A dachshound year planner.. that's neat! I'll check out what's in mom's purse as long as I don't have to do them all.. That would take me all week, I think..
Kisses and hugs,
We are very impressed with how organized your mom is! Ari's mom doesn't carry a purse: mostly, I just stuff things in my pocket and then forget about them when I do my laundry. That means a lot of shredded tissues and one very clean (but slightly bent) driver's license!
This could be quite revealing.
Oh man, Mom has like a million different bags she uses for a million things. I am kind of scared of what all I might find...
My Mom keeps her purse hidden from us - What are we to do?? I think she must be hiding treats in it?
Sorry you didn't find any - Maybe she has another purse somewhere?
Thor and Marco Polo
She mainly has non-dog uninteresting things in there. I don't know why she even bothers.
Mama master aun sigue en Peru pero voy a ver que hay en sus cosas de mi master.
Oh boy!! PL2 is laughing because her purese is like a suitcase!! SHe gets a backache from carrying it around!! And she can not figure out what is so heavy!! LOve and kisses A+A
well if you do want them, I'll take her tissues! Yum
How about the gum? Did you taste it? Maybe it didn't smell good... My mom has sooo much junk she carries a backpack. I'll show you what's in it soon.
Hope you had a good weekend.
We love this idea and want to show the contents of our Mommy's purse but we're pretty sure there won't be anything good for pugs in there. But we can always hope!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
w00f's lorenza, me will show u mamas monday or tuesday...heehee whenever me can steal her camera fur a min....
b safe,
A treat in the bag would've been nice. Hmm...let me go sniff around in mine and see what I can find.
My G-Mom has TOOO much junk in her purse. Nothing for dear ole Rambo. Maybe I'll sneak a Kong in there! he he
This will be fun. We will try to get our paws to our mom's handbag..hehe
Boy n Baby
Lorenza! You must have been very bored indeed. And then your mom's purse turned out to be boring too! Hope you have more action today.
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