One day after the warranty expired... it stop working! Ha! These things only happen to my mom!
These are the last pictures taken with the now dead camera
Today was one of those days where nothing interesting happened.
We had 114 degrees. Short walkie. Some pictures. Back to home. Upload pictures on the computer. More pictures. No luck. The camera refuses to work. Another try. No luck. Checking the warranty. Ok. It expired yesterday. Ok.
Go Jackson!
Go Michael Phelps!
Have a good night
Today was one of those days where nothing interesting happened.
We had 114 degrees. Short walkie. Some pictures. Back to home. Upload pictures on the computer. More pictures. No luck. The camera refuses to work. Another try. No luck. Checking the warranty. Ok. It expired yesterday. Ok.
Go Jackson!
Go Michael Phelps!
Have a good night
Sorry to hear about your Mommy's camera.
Your dress is very cute you have on in your walkie picture!
My mom says that dress is sooo khute!
She also says she would khyss up to the makers of the khamera and try to shame them into honouring the warranty or at least part of it!!
Good lukhk!!!
w00f's Lorenza, ooopsie, u mama needs to git another camera...iz there no saving the other one...dats bought rite, warranty expires, stuff tares up...
b safe,
Qué mal lo de la cámara Lore, nosotros sufrimos cuando nos quedamos sin cam. Tu paseo fue fantástico, mami quisiera una correa para mi y así poder llevarme por los alrededores de Tequis jijiji.
='.'= Besos
My mom sometimes takes a hammer to those things. It never fixes them though. Time to go shopping. Very pretty dress, quite sunny.
love & wags,
Gee, sorry to hear about your mom's camera. Can it be fixed or it's best to get a new one?
Love that dress! It's so cheerful!
Ooh LS is rooting for Michael Phelps too!
We're keeping Jackson in our thoughts and prayers.
that is the way it always goes. It took some nice pictures before dying though.
My Mommy's laptop died a few days after her warranty expired and she brought it in and got it fixeded for free...maybe you Mommy will have the same luck?
that kind of stuff happens to our mom too!!! phoeey :(
i'm rooting for phelps too!!!
Lucy Lu
Aaw...Sorry to hear about the camera. What timing! Get it fixed soon so we can see more pics, OK?
Ouch!!! One day after the warranty expired... it stop working??? This is bad bad luck! But why not try to send it for fix..
I am sorry for the camera....but I can see that you have another one no ? (the one that took the dead camera...). You have to have another one because we want more pictures of you ! You are soooooo cute Lorenza !
Kisses, Faya
Hi, Lorenza -
Bad camera! Papa told Mama and I that one of the cards for our digital camera is going bad and we will have to get a new one.
That is another pretty dress you are wearing. We hope that bad smell wasn't a skunk. PEEEEEUUUU!
Michael Phelps won at least one gold medal tonight.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
HELLO sweet Lorenza!
go Jackson!
sorry about the camera...
Hey if it's only one day out of warranty - try your luck anyway. Now Lorenza - put on your prettiest dress and bat your eyelids! ;-)
114, OMD, Lorenza stay cool! Yowzas!
M & I
Sorry to hear about your Mommy's camera! I know it is annoying...We are convinced it is a conspiracy with those stupid warranties.
Go Michael Phelps!!!
I can't believe that camera died one day after the warranty expired... I hope you'll have a new camera to take your pretty photos soon
~ Girl girl
Poor Lorenza, I hope you get a new camera soon.
slurpy licks,
Bummer about your mom's camera, Lorenza!
We love your dress! What cute fabric!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Michael who??? haa haa just kidding!!!!!
You forgot to say Go Aussie's
Bummer about the camera Lorenza. Will your mum get a new one. We've gotta have our Lorenza fix!!
Noah xx
Oh no! Dead camera! That's even worse than a slow pooter. Glad you were able to get some walkie action shots before the camera died.
How can you stand the heat?
Even though the heat is relentless, you still look great Lorenza!
Hi Lorenza,
You are always sniffing,aren't you? Me too! I am always sniffing while I am walking. Love sniffing!
Something nice will happen to your mom soon!
PL2 said to tell your MOher that this stuff always happens to her too....114????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we would not be able to walk let alone breathe.......Love and kisses A+A
My goodness you get to take a walk when it is 114 degrees? Our feet would be cooking....but your dress is lovely...sorry about your Mom's camera...we have had pretty good luck with ours....knock on wood....
Asta Marie, WFT
That is hot! The camera died from the heat lol. That sort of thing happends to my Mummy all the time.
Simba x
Oh boy....don't you just hate days like this?
I hope things cool off and your mom gets the camera fixed soon.
Mommy's camera almost froze to DEATH in the air-conditioned room at Ruby's Resort! RIP to your Mom's camera. This means getting a new one? Btw, good job with your Mom's nails. Bet it wasn't hard work.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Lorenza!
Sorry about your camera... it took some nice pictures before it died. I love that pretty dress!
Love Clover xo
Like Van Morrison's song -
"Mamma said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this mama said." My mama says she's having that kind of day too...
114 degrees?! That's brutal! I've never, ever experienced that kind of heat before. Man, sounds like frosty paws weather!
I can't believe the camera died only one day after the warranty expired... That could sure be frustrating to your human mom!
Sorry about the camera! So frustrating! It's too hot here to go for long walks, too. Frustrations all around. :(
Wow 114 it is hotter there than in Texas.. Stay cool.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I love your yellow dress Lorenza! 114 degrees is very hot. I think I would like to be indoors by the a/c on that kind of day. That's sad about your Mom's camera dying. Technology can be pretty frustrating sometimes...Hope you're keeping cool. XOXO Peanut
Harrrrrrr Lorenza
RIP Lorenza's Camra RIP Harrrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Grrrr bad camera. That sort of thing happens all the time in this house too. Did it have heat exhaustion? Phew 114degrees, that must be HOT.But you look cool in your froxie..
Wags, Eric x
Hi, Lorenza...
Your dress is sooo pretty...
Your Mom will need to get a new camera, we won't be able to get along without your pictures everyday...
I've been watching Michael Phelps, too...He's amazing...
Abby xxxooo
we hear about stuff like that happening but never knew someone it really happened to! That is crazy :(
Hi Lorenza,
Sorry camera broke. Your Mommy needs to get it fixed or get a new one....We MUST see pictures everyday.
Love ya....Mona
Hi Lorenza!
Sorry to hear about your Mom's camera! It's so scary to think that it broke down the day after the warranty expired...coincidence,or conspiracy? O.O Anyways, hope everything is well, and you'll be able to post more beautiful pictures of yourself!
Sorry to hear abt your mommy's camera.. my mom always thought that this kind of things only happen to her!!
Hope your mom gets the camera fixed.. otherwise we won't get to see you and your pretty dresses!
Hey lorenza!
My mum's camera stops working all the time!
ooo i love your pretty dress!
Good evening lorenza.
The machine breaks down just behind the warranty period.
The rice cooker broke down also in my house.
When it called the manufacturer, it mended free of charge.
This was lucky. :)
from loved ume tyan
I look forward to you who appear in a new camera.
Sorry to hear about your mom's camera. Know what that means? She's going to get a new one and take a zillion pictures of you to learn how to use it. That's what our girl did when she got a new camera.
We're sorry to hear about your camera.. But we can't help laughing a bit.. what luck.. BOL..
Bajas & Mom
Kick it! That's hoe Mom fixes things at work. She fixed a computer, a printer and a copier by kicking it. She's never tried it on a camera, but if it's dead, it can't hurt it any more.
WOO WOO Lorenza
I can't believe it - your Mom needs to get a new camera ASAP because we love looking at pics of you - You are so adorable in Yellow!!!
114 degrees - Be careful out there!
Thor and Marco Polo
Wow, that is some really bad news that the camera broke a day after the warranty expired. I guess it will go to the Camera Rainbow Bridge now. Now who will take pics of you in your pretty dresses?
That is sad about the camera. But it did take many beautiful pictures of you in its short life. I hope it had a happy life. Maybe you'll get a better one. We did when our broke.
No more camera? Less picture taking and more time to play with you!
We like your pretty walkie dress.
Rambo & MM
Sorry about your camra. Those electronics are so touchy. How can you stand that heat?
Oh your poor mom! She does attract those ironic circumstances, doesn't she?!
And 114 DEGREES?!?! How do you survive?! I hope your mom gave you a cool bath when you got back! :-)
Oh NO! The same thing happened to my mom a few months ago! Her camera and her IPOD died within the same week....right only DAYS after her warranty expired!! Then I had to wait for many weeks before Mom got a new camera and started posting again.
puppy hugs,
Behr Behr :)
Asi es la vida. Me encanta tu vestido esta muy linda.
Pues, por lo menos te llevaron a caminar.
'Mornin my fellow fashion pup,
I gots to wear the socks because Mom says my paws are cracked and sooo she has to put balm stuff on 'em and makes me wear socks so I don't lick it off. :[
I hate 'em!!! >:[
I LOVE your yellow dress. That looks so great on you. Ah no worries. Stuff like that happens to my mom too. I see you got a new camera, however.
I LOVE your yellow dress. That looks so great on you. Ah no worries. Stuff like that happens to my mom too. I see you got a new camera, however.
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