I want to pass this Award to Sherman, Penny and Lola.
I won the bronze medal on Roaching Event!

Going for sunday lunch
Going for sunday lunch
Like the bread mobile, here we have trucks full of fruit that come to our neighborhood to sell them. This time it was wallymelon!
This is my 300th Post! Can you believe it?
Thanks to all my friends who come to visit my blog. Thanks for your comments. Thanks for your friendship. I love you all!
Have a good night
WOO Woo Lorenza
Wallymelon - We have never had that - Is it good? Do you eat it????
Congrats on your 300th post! That's big!
Thor and Marco Polo
Congratulations on your medal. You are the cutest roacher I ever saw.
Chef (remember me?)
hi Lorenza, congrats on your medal. you really deserved it. you can do a fine roach!
and double congrats on #300 post. that's quite a milestone and we're proud of you. we're also happy to know you and we're looking forward to another 300!
WOW 300!!!
That's fantastic!!!!!
Congwatulations on youw medal fow woaching too..you do it wif such gwace!
I'm glad youw Santos dwess wowked it's wondews and you got some yummie wallymelon to celebwate!
I love being youw fwiend
smoochie kisses
300???? Did woo say 300????? We can't even think of how long it will be before we hit 300!!! Congratulations to woo!!!
Wallymelon - yummeeeeee!!!
Wags, the OP Pack
Lots ta celebrate this time...a bronze medal fer roachin'....ya know how ta do it right...yer
300th post...congrats and an award....see what happens when ya have the right outfit on....a win fer yer team. too....and a watermelon...we love 'em too...good job....
Dewey Dewster here...
happy 300th post... wat an accomplishment...
Hooray, Lorenza and hooray Santos! Congrats on the award and the 300th post. Both are fantastic!
There are trucks here that sit on the side of the road and are full of wallymelon you can buy. You can get tamales and shrimp that way too. Mom said it would be nicer if they would deliver like your trucks.
Congrats on the medal and on your 300th post
OMG 300th post..Lorenza you are a champion girl!!!! We love stopping by your blog. Here's to another 300 posts!! Keep em coming!
You're very lucky to have wallymellon coming by in a truck. We have to go to the supermarket for ours.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Parabéns pelo 300 post, pelo award, pela medalha e pela vitória do Santos! Comemorar com melancia(wallymelon) é uma ótima idéia! :)
Tenha uma boa noite!
w00f;s lorenza, wow congrats on ur award and ur medal....and yummmmies u saw wallymelon....did ur mama buy u one??way to go on ur 300th post tooo...
b safe,
YAYY Lorenza! You won a medal! Congrats on your win! Loved that photo of you Roaching! (BTW, what's Roaching? Sounds like Cockroaches...eep!)
Wallymelons! I still have yet to taste it too...Mom hasn't got the chance to buy some. They look yummy though!
Congrats on your 300th post! *grins*
Congrats on your 300th post.
I really like your luccky dress too. That's prob why they won.
what a great post, your team won, you got wallymelon and you got to your 300th post! Congrats on all THREE!!
Happy 300th post! Hmmm, too bad the camera was discontinued. Hopefully she got a good deal.
Nice roaching. I can tell you've been training hard for that medal. 300 posts is a lot! I love reading your blog. You're always a cutie. Keep up the grrrreat work.
300 posts, wow Lorenza, you're a DWB role model!
That wally melon looks good, I hope it's ripe and juicy!
I think that might be our most favorite dress of yours!
M & I
Congrats on winning a medal, Lorenza! Way to go!
Congrats on your lovely award too! Well deserved!
Congrats on your bronze medal & team! I bet your Mom's cutting up that juicy wallymelon eight now for you to eat...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You look so cute:) And I love your new green frock!
Licks n Wags,
Good one on the bronze medal, nice movement there.
Never thought to look and see how many posts I have, but I've just discovered I've not even made 200. :(
So 300 is some achievement. Way to go Lorenza.
Congratulations on your 300th post! I love wallymelons too! So sweet and juicy.
Congratulations on your bronze medal, Lorenza! That was one great picture! And congrats on your
300th post!
We hope you get some wallymelon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You did a great job in the pawlympics.
A wall melon truck? Fantastic!
Hi, Lorenza -
Congratulations on your bronze medal - you deserve it. Yeah for Santos winning. 300 posts?!? You deserve a medal for that! We know we are nowhere near 300 posts.
Did your Mom buy you some wallymelon?
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. We love reading your blog - you are one of Mama's favorites.
Well done on your 300 posts, wow! We have been so bad at bloggin recently, I doubt we'll ever get that many posts!
Cassidy x
Congratulations all around, Lorenza! Can't wait for the next 300 posts!
Your friend, Lenny
Congratulations on your 300th post. My mom & I are looking forward to reading the next 300!!
Khongrats on 300 posts!
AND fur the win!!
Hope woo enjoyed some wallymelon - I tried it the other week but wasn't too impressed!!!
yum yum Watermealon is one fruit that we love :)
oh and Lorenza, we just that dress of yours ;)
Maltese Paws,
You are without a doubt a roaching expert. No wonder you won that medal!!
Congrats on your 300th post!
Congrats on the award AND your 300th post!
I'm glad your team won. I think you inspired them; you look very cute in your dress!
Congratulations! And what a great way to celebrate your 300th post--Santos wins and you get fresh wallymelon. Oh, happy day!! We love reading about your life.
love & wags,
Hi.Lorenza!Congratulations!I looked special parts of your body.
Well done on your 300th post that takes some doing.
i love your dress in the photo's very beautiful.
We also love water melons here too.
yum yum yum.
Ludo the cool dude
Wooooohooooo for the next 300 posts ! I love to read your blog Lorenza !
Kisses, Faya
Congratulations on your pawlimpics metal for roaching...AND 300th POST.....that is the most awesomest thing ever...I love reading your posts and seeing what dress you will have today.
Congrads on your award and your 300th post.. We love checking in on you everyday. Keep up the good work. Don't forget to share that Wallymellon with Mom..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congrats on the post and the medal. We adore that dress on you and no doubt Sanots wins because of it.
You are lucky to have wally-melon fall come by in a truck by your house.
Miss Lorenza!! You're nakieeee omd!!!
Hehe...congrats on the medal. :]
I tried some of that wallymelon stuffs on Sunday. It was not yummy. :[
Congrats on your 300th post! Do you think cats like wallymelon?
Hi, Lorenza...
Congrats on #300...That's alot of important stuff you have shared with us...
You know...On our last BBQ, my Mom let me try some wally melon...I really didn't like it...I must be strange cuz all the other doggies seem to love it...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Lorenza!
Congratulations on your 300th post! Also, on your roaching award!!
That Wallymelon looks super yummy!
Winnie :-)
Harrrrrrr Lorenza
Congrats on the 300 posts Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Congrats Lorenza...especially on your 300th post...that is pawsome!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Congratulations on your roaching medal!!
Glad to see you are wearing your cute Santos dress and that your team won.
Your friend,
Lorenza!!! Congrats on your 300th post! Wow!! We love your blog and we're looking forward to celebrating your 400th post in the future. :)
Thank you for your kind words about our new brudder on our blog. :)
Momo & Pinot
Felizidades con tu premio!
Are you a chivas or club america fan?
Congratulations on your bronze award and enjoy your watermelon!
Just dropping by to say hello and catch up on all the news.
Simba x
Woo Hoo! 300th post!
Way to go, Lorenza.
Boy n Baby
Woo Hoo! 300th post!
Way to go, Lorenza.
Boy n Baby
Whoa! 300 post is quite an amazing feat! Congrats! I am looking forward to many exciting stories of yours! Bravo!
Love, Dino
300th post!! Congrats... (I still have a loooooong way to go to reach that milestone!
I love reading about your adventures and love looking at your beautiful dresses..
Congratulations on your 300th post and in your bronze medal!!!
another lovely dress, you look great in green
Felicidades por tu post número 300, tremendo...
Y por esa medalla de bronce. Nosotros te daríamos la medalla de ORO al mejor vestuario.
Quizá se pueda organizar un desfile de moda!!
Wally melons, awards, Paw-Limpic medals and 300th post. My oh my what an action packed week you are having. Well done.
Molly and Taffy
Wally melons, awards, Paw-Limpic medals and 300th post. My oh my what an action packed week you are having. Well done.
Molly and Taffy
Wally melons, awards, Paw-Limpic medals and 300th post. My oh my what an action packed week you are having. Well done.
Molly and Taffy
Wow congrats on your 300 post! We love reading it - it is always fun to read.
We love your beautiful dress too!
WOW! I wish there were cars delivering wallymelon to me, too!
PS; Mom say you really should come check out my supersilly pictures today!
Wow! 300 posts! That's great. Congratulations!
Then to top it off, Santos wins and you get wallymelon too! Life is good, isn't it!
Hugs, Kodak
What is roaching?????
WOW 300 posts! You should be so proud!
I love the new dress! I need to get my mom to make me dresses like yours.
Sloppy Dog Licks
Hi Lorenza! We think you look just adorable in your outfits...
You are one of the cutest Dachshunds we've ever seen! We have a miniature Dachshund friend named Carter but we aren't allowed to play with him very much because he weighs 3 pounds and we weigh 140 pounds and 80 pounds. Our Mama is afraid we'll hurt him because we are so much bigger than he is! Congrats on your medal!
Gabe & Murphy
Congratulations on your award, your medal and your 300th post.I think you deserve a medal for that too! You look super cute roaching!
Wags, Ericx
WOOO! Congrats on your 300th post! And that dress looks SO FUN!
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